
When My Billionaire Husband Became Sick

Li Xingyi was a billionaire CEO with a special gene inside him, one that gave him a body that never fell ill, but would only last him fifty years. Upon his death, half of his inheritance would go to his wife. One day, the man who never had any health issues suddenly started coughing. The nanny rushed to Jiang Yule's side and said anxiously, "Madam, you need to go to the hospital quickly! There's something wrong with Sir!" Jiang Yule could not believe her ears. She looked up and said incredulously, "Are you saying that my husband, who's worth hundreds of millions of dollars, with countless assets under his name, and an iron-clad body that would put mountains to shame... The same man that will allow me to replace him as the number one richest on Forbes Rich list when he dies... is coughing?" Although it was only a slight cough, Li Xingyi watched as his wife, who loved him regardless of his wealth, rushed to the hospital in freezing winds and held onto him tightly as she cried her eyes out. "Why did you suddenly start coughing, my darling? How can I live without you?!" Jiang Yule cried bitterly. Li Xingyi watched this predictable scene with an indifferent look and felt nothing but annoyance. Just as he was about to drive her away like he usually did, he heard a voice inside his head. [Nicely done! Is he coughing? It's time for me to win the lottery, baby! Is this what they call karma? Thank heavens, and Amen to that! How can I live without you? Obviously, I'll inherit your wealth, and then I'll throw a party and dance on your grave!] The voice in his head sounded exactly like his wife's soft and desperate voice, who was still crying before him. He fell silent after hearing it. He was unsure. Should he try listening again?

Osmanthus · Thành thị
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40 Chs

Stop Telling Fairy Tales

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Yule pushed the door open and saw Li Sui'an's body wrapped tightly in his blanket. She walked over and freed him from it. "Sui'an, don't be afraid. Everything's okay now."

The child, who was sobbing in fear, was then held in Jiang Yule's arms. She gently patted his head and comforted him. Jiang Yule's tone was kind as she said, "Don't be afraid. It's all over now."

Li Sui'an had already received treatment from a psychiatrist after that incident, but his trauma still persisted. He would still have nightmares about that horrible situation. After a while, the little boy finally stopped crying in Jiang Yule's warm embrace.

Seeing that his condition had improved, she placed him back on the bed and covered him with his blanket. She then turned around to leave, however, a chubby little hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her sleeve. She could easily break out of his weak grasp, but Jiang Yule still let him stop her.

She took off her slippers and lay down beside the child. Jiang Yule held the stunned Li Sui'an in her arms and patted his back gently. "Let me tell you a fairy tale. What do you want to hear?"

The little boy's brows furrowed, and he looked very disgusted at the idea. "I'm too old for those childish stories." Though he said that, he still reached out and hugged his Ultraman toy. He even obediently returned to Jiang Yule's arms after getting it. He blinked his big black pearl-like eyes a few times as he waited for Jiang Yule to tell him a story.

'He's so young, but he's already acting this way. How is he going to be like once he grows up?' Jiang Yule could not help but laugh.

She recalled for a moment and started softly, "A long time ago, there was a poor little girl. She was an orphan with no parents. She lived in the village with her grandmother, whom she depended on for survival. After her grandmother passed away, she could only rely on selling bombs to make a living every day."

The little boy was puzzled. "Wait, something in the story doesn't seem right…"

"Let me finish first. One day, she didn't manage to sell a single bomb, and when night came, she was cold and hungry. While all alone in the cold and dark, she thought of her grandmother and how much she missed her. In the bone-chilling winter, the little girl curled up in the corner alone with no way to warm herself up."

Li Sui'an could not imagine how the little girl could survive all by herself in the cold. "How did she deal with the cold in the end?"

"She had no choice but to light a bomb for warmth. Later, she met her grandmother as she wished. Actually, everyone in the village also met her grandmother that night…"

Li Sui'an was speechless. He was almost scared to death by this fairy tale.

Just as Li Sui'an was about to voice his dissatisfaction with the story, Jiang Yule had already closed her eyes and fallen asleep after finishing her story.

Li Sui'an let out a long sigh as helplessly held Ultraman in his arms and closed his eyes as well. 'Jiang Yule is pure evil!'

At this moment, he still did not know what the villain Jiang Yule had planned for him tomorrow.


Li Sui'an stared blankly at the huge colorful building in front of him and as a childish nursery rhyme was playing loudly from a speaker inside. He was at a loss. He looked up at Jiang Yule and questioned her in a childish voice, "You told me that you would take me to a wonderful place. Did you actually mean this kindergarten?!"

Jiang Yule stroked his hair affectionately. "How is it? Are you surprised?"

At seven o'clock in the morning, she carried the sleeping child down from the bed and coaxed him to follow her. Although Li Sui'an was mature and well-spoken, he was still only five years old. Jiang Yule believed that kindergarten was the most suitable place for such a young child. Although he could gain a lot of knowledge from private tutoring, his ability to socialize and communicate with people his own age was also very important.

Initially, Jiang Yule felt that she should not interfere with Li Sui'an's growth. However, since Li Xingyi had handed the responsibility of him over to her, she would definitely send him to kindergarten.

"You… How could you do this to me?!" Li Sui'an's fragile heart was completely broken. He absolutely could not tolerate the group of drooling little preschoolers in front of him.

"Teacher, other than having a strange personality, my child is good in every other aspect. He's also smart and sensible. I'll be troubling you to take care of him in the future." Jiang Yule ignored him as she spoke to the lady in charge who looked to be in her forties or fifties.

Although Li Xingyi had left the child in her care, she still asked for his opinion on the significant matter of choosing a kindergarten. 

After the message was sent, Li Xingyi did not respond for a long time. Just as she thought that he was using silence to express his disapproval, he suddenly agreed.