

The guard was once again stunned to see Jacob singing the lyrics loudly. He was in a deep pensive mood, only concentrating on his lyrics and his thoughts. The guards sighed a bit in sadness. Jacob was not looking happy today, but rather disturbed. 

He immediately opened the main door and as the car entered, the lyrics of the songs filled the drive through, paving towards the porch. Once again the loud music caught the attention of the entire house staff and Samantha quickly opened the living room's door, before Jacob could even park the car at the porch.

He stepped out of the car, switching on the ignition instantly. 

Smanatha smiled, though she could make out the boy was in a sad mood at the moment. "Not in a mood to dance today?"

"Ahh! Not today Aunty. I am really tired!" Jacob smiled back, removing his coat. 

"Oh! And, how was the dinner?" Samantha asked with a worrisome face.