

"Because I am in love with you," she said in a soft voice. But that single sentence sent the other person astounded.

He just stood there not knowing what to say to her and she exhaled as if a huge burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

LIfe was like this. A single sentence can change your entire meaning. In a good way or a bad one, that it shows during its voyage.

"I've been in love with you since I've come to fully understand the word love. I sometimes get overwhelmed by this feeling. This feeling that seems to be so deeply enrooted in my bones. You come up every single time, every hour, every minute, every second. Even when you seemed to be someone with a well established life, who didn't need anyone at all, I wished I could stand beside you. I was happy when you were happy. I was sad when you were sad. And I cried when I knew you were on the verge of a breakdown that day when she said she didn't want you in her life anymore and I just stood there waiting for you to turn around so that you would know I was there for you in your darkest times.