
The search

Adira woke up the next morning and discovered that she couldn't move her legs freely. They were heavy and studded with hairs.

She sneezed loudly, the smell of fur was over the room. She opened her eyes slowly, allowing her lashes to flutter at the command of the wind. She felt pains in her body, especially her lower body.

"Oh my goodness!"

She exclaimed, as her eyes met the white hairs on her body. Her nails, as usual, had turned to claws again. They were long and dirty. 


She exclaimed again. 

"This is wrong timing for God's sake!"

She sounded. She dragged her now heavy body out of the bed. She checked the wall clock, it was past 5 am. She sat on the bed, tapping her legs on the floor. She was tense and confused. 

Quickly she remembered that the transformation disappears whenever she's calm, so she positioned herself, trying to calm herself down. 

"Alright, you got this...you do."