
Chapter 8 Tom Asks for Help? Be in a Dilemma

The drone quickly came out of the cabin of the fortress.

From the real-time picture, Jack saw about seven or eight white mutants gathered.

These guys seemed to be interested in the exposed part of Jack's fortress.

They used the sharp bone to hit Jack's fortress over and over again.

The sharp bone looked very thin, but the sound of it colliding with the fortress's defensive wall was incomparably loud.

"Let me teach you a lesson!"

Jack said with an evil smile.

A drone made of special metal fell from the sky.

There were two different buttons on the controller in Jack's hand.

One button controlled ordinary weapons, and another one controlled special weapons.

Jack pressed the button which controlled the ordinary weapons first.

He wanted to test the physical strength of these mutants with ordinary weapons first.

After the button was pressed, two special Gatlin machine guns suddenly appeared under the wings of the drone.

Without Jack's deliberate manipulation, the drone automatically attacked the target.


The two Gatlin machine guns shot countless bullets at a high speed after being pre-heated.

The bullets didn't have much strengthening, so they didn't have a good effect on mutants.

After a fierce round of shooting, the mutants' bodies were all covered with bullet holes.

After being seriously injured, they quickly curled up and became liquid.

After the drone was loaded, its shot began.

As a result, the mutants' bodies, which had turned into liquid, were completely shattered into pieces.

These fragments didn't move again, and soon they completely dried up.

"That's awesome! Did that just kill all of them?"

Jack scratched his head and wondered.

This drone was much more powerful than he had imagined.

He had wanted to test the power of the nuclear missiles, but when he got the controller, he found that the nuclear missiles were very expensive.

Every time he used the missiles, their endurance would be consumed!

When its endurance was completely consumed, the newly installed weapon would be completely useless.

Of course, its endurance could also be repaired.

However, the maintenance needed a lot of points.

In addition, this violent weapon could even explode itself to attack!

When the nuclear missiles were activated to explode, all the mutants within a radius of 3,000 square meters would suffer a huge impact!

Jack wouldn't use the nuclear missiles unless he had to.

Because it might play a crucial role in the face of a truly powerful enemy!

"Eight mutants were killed, you've got 80 points."

When the mutants completely die, the system gave him the hint that points had got.

For Jack, who spent a lot of points, it was just like he got nothing.

Most importantly, Jack felt a real sense of hunting pleasure from them.

No one knew how many humans had been killed by these mutants before!

After Jack finished his work, he suddenly thought of his friend, Tom.

This was the first time that he hadn't contacted his only good friend for such a long time.

He took out his phone and dialed Tom's number.

There was still no signal.

"What the hell is he doing? It's so dangerous now."

Jack was worried about his friend if he was in danger.

Ten minutes later, Jack fell asleep because he was too tired.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

A sharp knock at the door woke him up.

Jack, who had just slept for less than ten minutes, looked at his watch in a daze and cursed impatiently.

It happened to be at noon, the most active time for mutants and Bumblebees.

Who would knock at his door at this time?

Moreover, his castle was hidden underground, and it was difficult for ordinary people to find the right door.

Unless they were acquaintances!

Jack got up from the chair quickly.

He ran to the door without hesitation.

"Jack, Jack, help me. I'm here for you. I didn't expect to be targeted by those horrible things on the way. Now they are behind me."

The titanium alloy fire-resistant insulated door had a good sound insulation effect, and the people inside could hear the sound outside clearly.

Jack recognized the familiar low voice as soon as he heard it. It was his friend Tom.

Those mutants were very interested in his fortress.

There must be a lot of mutants spying on Jack's fortress!

Tom came to look for Jack suddenly. Just then, the mutants who were hiding beside the fortress saw him!

Through the hole in the door, Jack could see that Tom pressed his face against the door.

Behind him, some creatures looked like shadows following him.

These mutants were smart. They wanted to use Tom as bait to enter the fortress.

Jack instantly understood what the mutants were thinking.

Tom was his best friend, but he didn't want to let those mutants in.

He was in a dilemma!

"Jack, we've been friends for so many years. You are not so selfish, right?"

"Do you still remember when I helped you beat up those tall and bad students?"

"Open the door! Those things are going to eat me alive!"

Tom pleaded.

Jack's mind was a mess. He had no way to punish the mutants.

A fighter drone could only attack the creatures on the ground, but not the creatures underground.

Jack clenched the p95 pistol in his hand and trembled.

After thinking it over, he turned his head.

He couldn't do such a dangerous thing!

Even to save his best friend Tom.

His life was always more important than others!

Apocalypse's life was so cruel that there was no favor.

Jack walked away from the gate of the fortress with a cold face.

But he could still hear curses coming from the door.