
Chapter 11 Kill the Apocalypse Queen of the Bumblebee

"Why didn't I expect you to be so capable before?"

Jack introduced everything to Tom without reservation.

Tom and Jack were like family.

Under the guidance of Jack, Tom had seen a lot of new things these days.

The moment Jack saw the Queen Bumblebee was no longer in the crater, he controlled the drone to turn around.

Jack, who was concentrating on controlling the drone, gradually forgot Tom, who was sitting next to him.

For the first time, he pressed a button that he had never pressed before.

"The thermal imaging radar has been deployed. It has detected that a huge living creature appeared in the southwest!"

The high-tech radar system of the fighter drone could cover the whole city.

Among those tiny creatures, there was a large creature.

There was no doubt that it was the Queen Bumblebee.

And the Queen Bumblebee was now located in a place that had a lot of shelters.

There were many unarmed civilians.

Jack worried about them.

He controlled the drone to fly directly to the Queen Bumblebee.

Tom, who was watching the show, was so nervous that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Although those ordinary people had nothing to do with him, Tom didn't expect that he would witness the scene where his closest people were ruthlessly devoured by mutants!

Two minutes later, the fighter drone controlled by Jack arrived at the location of Queen Bumblebee.

The monster that made everyone desperate was larger than in the video.

It was wearing grey-black sharp armor and looked indestructible. The huge needle at the end of it looked like an upside-down Egyptian Pyramid, which was very terrifying.

When Jack noticed the Queen Bumblebee, it hovered above hundreds of shelters, completely blocking the sunlight.

Jack was not in a hurry to control the drone to get close. Once the drone was discovered by Queen Bumblebee, it would start the battle.

There were too many homeless people here. Jack didn't dare to act rashly.

Once the battle broke out, the refugees would suffer the aftermath of the war.

The Queen Bumblebee hovered in the air silently and seemed to be asleep.

Jack didn't want to disturb it.

The refugees in the shelter knew that they couldn't stay here, so they had packed their belongings and prepared to escape before Queen Bumblebee was alerted.

The army had sent many lorries to rescue them.

These shelters had spent a lot of resources to build and would be abandoned now.

But where could the refugees go?

When the refugees filed out of the shelter, Queen Bumblebee slowly approached the ground and launched an attack.

It used its large needle to attack shelters.

In more than ten seconds, all the shelters in this area were destroyed.

Countless food, technology, and medical resources turned into waste in an instant.

A few of the refugees who hadn't completely escaped were also affected.

After clearing up shelters, Queen Bumblebee didn't seem to want to give up on the refugees fleeing around.

Its needle attacked the military truck again.

A big truck was no like ant compared to the bumblebee needle.

Before long, they were crushed into pieces.

And the fuel tank of the big truck, which stores a lot of diesel, exploded violently after being run over.

The truck exploded one by one, killed many refugees.

This place turned into ruins before long.

Neither the newly arrived police nor the local refugees survived.

Only Queen Bumblebee survived.

Tom's face turned pale. He had never seen such a "spectacular scene" before.

"Forget it. This guy doesn't seem to be able to deal with."

Tom's heart sank when he saw the power of the Queen Bumblebee.

Jack, who had experienced major destruction, was expressionless and didn't panic at all.

He controlled the drone and slowly approached the Queen Bumblebee.

The reason why he had been watching the battle from the other side was that he was afraid of hurting the innocent refugees, but now he could do that.

After approaching the Queen Bumblebee, he controlled the drone and used its ordinary weapon to wildly shot the Queen Bumblebee's body.

The special machine gun bullets didn't hurt of the Queen Bumblebee.

This made the Queen Bumblebee notice the existence of the drone.

The Queen Bumblebee had planned to go to the next human shelter, but the drone controlled by Jack attracted its attention.

Jack had no choice but to shake his head.

"It's going to cost a lot. But kill a Queen Bumblebee would get a lot of rewards, right?"

Jack murmured to himself.

He switched the ordinary weapons to nuclear missiles.

Then the drone directly rushed to the huge Queen Bumblebee like an uncontrollable horse.

It was just like court defeat by fighting against overwhelming odds.

After a moment's pause, the Queen Bumblebee still used its body to resist the collision of the deserted fighter.

After knowing the success, Jack was so excited that his veins even burst out.


He stood up.

Then the whole screen turned black.

The drone was out of Jack's control.

At the scene.

The nuclear missile weapon on the drone started the self-destruction program.

Then, with the drone as the center, everything around it turned pure white.

The explosion was so violent that the whole area was completely invisible.

When the aftermath of the explosion subsided slowly, a huge crater appeared on the ground.

The size of this crater was comparable to that of the meteorite crater.

The Queen Bumblebee, which was powerful and terrifying, had disappeared.

At the same time, the drone also disappeared.

Jack replaced killed it with a drone!

It could only be said that this deal was a sure win!

Jack, who had lost his drone, couldn't know what was going on outside.

He sat alone in the fortress and lit a cigar.