
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

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183 Chs

A Single Slash Severs Mountains and Rivers, Invincible Blade Master

Particularly striking was the expression on these people's faces.

Wasn't it just like when they were drinking tea and eating a while ago?

You guys are devils!

You're killing my enthusiasm for performing!

Chen Ping'an could already imagine that if he played another tune, these guys would soon ask for more.

It would go on and on.

He was certain.

From now on, just the thought of it would make him averse to playing.

"Sorry, I've made it a habit to only play one tune a day!"

Chen Ping'an refused seriously.

Murong Gong and the others looked disappointed upon hearing this.

In the time of one tune, they had several epiphanies.

If they could listen to a few more tunes, they were certain they could break through several more levels of cultivation!

Indeed, in just the time of one tune, Murong Gong and the others had breakthroughs.

Murong Gong reached the third level of the Divided Spirit stage!

Although it was just one level, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

How long had it been?

He had only come here twice.

From the peak of the Out of Body stage to the third level of the Divided Spirit stage!

No one would believe it if he told them.

Zhang Shaofeng was just as astonished.

At this moment, his eyes were full of stars as he looked at Chen Ping'an.



It was all written on his face.

The second level of the Divided Spirit stage!

In just one tune, he had six epiphanies!

What did that even mean?

It had been statistically proven.

From the beginning of cultivation to the Mahayana stage, highly talented individuals usually have around eleven or twelve epiphanies.

But now, in the time of one tune, he had half as many epiphanies as others have in their lifetime!

If he could listen to tunes here every day, he was sure he could ascend to immortality within a year!

Murong Yunhai and the others were the same. After the excitement, all that was left on their faces was deep reverence.

What kind of mighty expert could achieve this?

They no longer believed that Chen Ping'an was just an immortal.

Jokingly, if an immortal could do this, any random immortal descending to the mortal world would mean no mortals were left.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an felt uneasy under the fervent gazes of Murong Xue and the others.

He had no spiritual root and had no idea what Murong Gong and the others had just experienced.

He didn't know they had had breakthroughs.

He was confused, not understanding why they wanted him to play another tune.

Being stared at with such heated eyes, Chen Ping'an could only smile bitterly and say, "Alright, go back to your own business, I want to rest..."

Upon hearing this, Murong Gong and the others understood his meaning and nodded.

Such a venerable senior couldn't be offended.

He must be treated like a deity!

Murong Yunhai and the others, knowing how good the tea was, quickly drank their tea.


They felt an indescribable comfort.

Their faces showed expressions of satisfaction.

Chen Ping'an was speechless at the expressions of these devils.

He couldn't understand. Murong Gong and the others clearly had no interest in tea, so why were these three so different?

Did they really like drinking tea?

Or perhaps, they liked the taste of goji berries?

Or were they too weak and needed supplements?

Chen Ping'an couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, Murong Gong also noticed the expressions of Murong Yunhai and the others.

Then, as if realizing something, he brightened his eyes and picked up his teacup to drink.

It was only after drinking that his eyes widened suddenly.

It was true!

His son and granddaughter's spiritual roots had improved, and it was related to this tea!

He looked at Chen Ping'an, then at the teapot, swallowing hard.

Chen Ping'an noticed Murong Gong becoming one of Murong Yunhai's group, looking fervently at his teapot, and his mouth twitched.

"Alright, it's getting dark, everyone go home."

Chen Ping'an stood up, hastily urging them to leave.

Zhang Shaofeng and Zhang Daling hadn't had their tea yet, but with Chen Ping'an pushing them out, they couldn't drink it anymore.

Murong Yunhai and Zhang Qingxian, seeing this, quickly grabbed their teacups and drank their tea.

Chen Ping'an caught sight of this and was utterly speechless.

Outside the gate.

Murong Gong and the others cupped their hands in farewell.

Chen Ping'an watched them leave, finally letting out a sigh of relief.

"So that's what cultivators are like, really changed my view on them."

Chen Ping'an shook his head.

Then he looked at the beam of light in the sky.

"So bright, I wonder what it will be like at night, probably keep a lot of people awake."

Fortunately, his room was deeper inside and could block out the light.

Chen Ping'an prepared to enter the courtyard.

But just then, a buzzing sound suddenly came from the direction of the light beam.

The buzzing was sharp and sudden.

It made Chen Ping'an's teeth ache.

Chen Ping'an turned to look, "What's going on?"

Staring at the distant light beam, he was full of doubt.

Luckily, the buzzing soon stopped.

Silence returned.

Chen Ping'an watched the light beam for a while, then, losing interest, went back to the kitchen to cook.

An hour passed.

It gradually got dark.

But the entire town remained brightly lit.

The light beam in the sky was like a giant light tube.

Chen Ping'an had a good routine, going to bed right after nightfall.

Usually, he would fall asleep within minutes.

But tonight, he couldn't sleep.

Even when he did, he would wake up every half hour.

Every half hour, a buzzing sound would come from the light beam.

And right on cue, another buzzing sound occurred now.

Adding this time, Chen Ping'an had woken up three times!

He lay in a spread-eagle position, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling, and couldn't help but curse, "What kind of ghostly secret realm is this, when will it stop!"

After cursing, Chen Ping'an turned over and stuffed some cotton in his ears.

What he didn't know was, the moment he finished speaking, the kitchen knife in the kitchen suddenly moved!

It flew out of the courtyard, turning into a meteor heading towards the light beam.

This time, even the rooster and other animals didn't stop it.

Because Chen Ping'an had given an order.

At this moment, under the light beam.

Murong Gong and a group of people from the Leaning Mountain Sect were staring at the light beam and the light gate below.

They couldn't figure out why there was this buzzing.

They had never heard of a secret realm behaving this way.

"What's going on? I have a bad feeling about this." Murong Yunhai, looking at the quiet light beam, turned to the others and voiced his concern.

Murong Gong frowned, equally perplexed.

"Have the disciples retreat, I have a sense of unease." Murong Gong started to feel something was wrong.

Murong Yunhai nodded, ordering all disciples to retreat.

Soon, a group of disciples moved far away.

As they retreated, suddenly, Murong Gong and Murong Yunhai noticed an extremely terrifying presence flying in from the horizon.

All cultivators above the Core Formation stage sensed this presence and quickly turned to look at Qingyuan Town.

At that moment, a streak of light rapidly approached.

To their astonishment, it was a kitchen knife!

Murong Gong and Murong Yunhai recognized this kitchen knife.

Wasn't it the senior's weapon?

Why was it here?!

Just as they were puzzled, they suddenly thought of something, their eyes brightening.

Could it be that the senior had sent this knife to destroy the light beam?

Sure enough, as they expected, the knife flew directly above the light beam the moment it arrived.

Then it hovered there.

It seemed to be staring at the light beam.

"Wow, who would have thought something this powerful would appear in the mortal world. Even in the immortal realm, this is rare."

"However, in front of the Blade Master, one slash is enough."

After chuckling, the knife began to emit an incredibly powerful aura.

Then, it slashed towards the light beam.

A blade light shot out.

It approached the light beam like lightning.

The blade light passed through the light beam instantly, but its speed did not decrease, continuing straight into the sky.

It only disappeared at the horizon's edge.

If one's eyesight was extraordinary, they could see that the blade light never stopped, cutting through to the end of the continent!

Some high mountains were sliced through entirely by this blade light!

Even a few unlucky bandits perished.

After the blade light passed, with a bang, the entire light beam collapsed.

The surroundings, once bright, suddenly dimmed.

Only the light gate on the ground remained, emitting a faint glow.

Seeing how fragile the light beam was, not even able to slow the blade light, the knife glanced at the distant severed mountains and chuckled bitterly, "Seems I overestimated it, didn't expect it to be this weak."

With that, with a swoosh, the knife disappeared, flying back to Qingyuan Town.

Its speed was terrifying.


Murong Gong and the others, witnessing this, couldn't help but open their mouths wide, as if they could fit a fist inside.