
When a Monster Becomes a Demon

Kirito and Asuna were not the only iconic duo locked within their virtual world of death, there was another. A pair far more deadly then even the worst Laughing Coffin had to offer. Come, and meet the Demon Siblings of Swords and Shields

Goreleech · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

When a Monster Becomes a Demon chapter 9


"nice shot Sakura!"

"Love you too!"

Tyler dropped from the attack of the dragon he and his little sister had been fighting for the last three hours as it shattered. They had reached floor 34. Progress in the floors had skyrocketed under the newly reforged Knights of the Bloodoath. Their leader was a man by the name of Heathcliff. And the second in command was Asuna again. Her and Kirito having decided to attack the game from two angles. The black swordsmen hunting the wilds as Asuna rallied the player base. Tyler had smiled at the news.

"See? Full circle."

The pair were deep in the wilds of floor 34 hunting high level dragons. Their gear being the same due to the upgrades they made to them. Though, Sakura's wolf fur scarf was still present. The pair drank potions as they looked at the loot from a successful miniboss kill. They being deep in a mountain range easily fifteen days from civilization. Sakura was sitting on his shoulder as for some odd reason that had become her favorite place to be. Tyler smiled as a new massage came in from Lorg. The blonde Samurai now giving frequent reports on the state of the fight to the hermit siblings.

"The assault force hit a wall. Looks like a nasty one too. Kirito and Asuna are on their way. Could really use you for this one guys. Killcount is at 45."

Tyler smiled.

"That's the Demon Signal. Let's roll."

Sakura squealed.

"Yay! Asuna!"

The two siblings teleported to the main hub and Lorg was waiting for them. Tyler walked over and got a warm hug from her and her friend Svenity.

"So. This new rabbit?"

They laughed as Lorg led the way.

"I guess the assault force went in for the usual probe attack and only three walked out. Out of 50. Asuna's PISSED."

Tyler shook his head.

"Who the hell led that raid?"

Svenity answered as she patted a giggling Sakura.

"Guy by the name of Dyybuk. He lived."

Tyler and Sakura groaned.

"Not THAT fuckwad! Oh this is gonna suck."

The party reached the dungeon in question just in time to see the orange haired boy get thrown into a tree trunk and Asuna stride out to plant a boot in his groin with ball bosting force. The red haired girl resplendent in a dress/gown thing of red and white as she reamed the idiot.

"You IDIOT! How can you look me in the eye and say you had the boss under control? 45 people DIED in that raid YOU led!"

Tyler whistled.

"Damn sis. Nice to see that fire blazing as always."

She looked up and smiled widely as she saw Tyler standing there with Sakura.

"Gore! Sakura! Ha!"

They got a warm hug from the fiery red head as Dyybuk started trembling in fear at the appearance of the Demon. Tyler stroked Asuna's hair and she smiled as she stepped back.

"Thank god you're here. That boss has us pinned on the floor. According to that idiot,"

She jabbed a thumb at Dyybuk,

"It's a large minotaur with a golden axe."

Tyler frowned and walked over to crouch before the cowering guy.

"Okay. The attacks. What was it's first counterattack?"

The boy gulped.

"I wasn't watching. It only had 4 health bars."

Tyler backhanded him hard across the face.

"Enjoy knowing you got your friends killed. Idiots like you have no place in command. Asuna!"

She came over.


He looked at her as he rose.

"Any other survivors?"

A girl with blue hair and freckles came out with a small group of six. The leader, a tall, lanky boy in purple armor spoke up.

"We're the Alley black cats. We were the only survivors after THAT guy."

Tyler nodded.

"Okay. Did YOU see the first counterattack?"

HE nodded grimly. Tyler noting the girl was shaking as she held a mace like a prayer to her slight chest.

"It used it's long tail like a whip to strike at our feet before slamming that axe one handed into a single player."


"Yup. The guy's bar just shattered outright."

Tyler sighed.

"DeathShot. The OTHER boss I designed."

He looked at Asuna.

"This is a veteran's only battle Asuna. That boss was made to royally FUCK with the player base. That thing has three patterns that are easy to dodge if you know what to look for, EXTREMELY high defense a step down from the admantoise, and a nasty instakill counterattack combo the only way to dodge is to roll when you hit the dirt. If you do NOT keep your wits about you and bring you're a-game it WILL kill you."

The others in the force were shaking as the blue haired girl gulped and screwed up her courage.

"Can YOU kill it Sir Demon?"

He looked at her anew. She was a mousey girl with short blue hair, kindly shing eyes alit with nervous fear, freckles on fair skin and a slight bust on her slender frame. Her gear was a mere chest plate and metal plate legs with a small mace she clutched like a safety blanket. Tyler smiled at the timid soul kindly as he patted her.

"Why I'm here. That thing was MY creation so of course I can kill it. I might even have fun!"

She blushed as the Demon patted her like a little sister as Sakura and Asuna looked at each other.

"She's like how I was, Assy."

The red head smiled.

"There he goes again."

They laughed as the girl became nervous.

"What do you mean AGAIN?"

Tyler smiled at her.

"They mean I found another lamb that got thrown to the wolves. Kinda my gimmick."

She looked at her guild mates and a more bold boy confronted him.

"And once you find these 'lambs' what do you do to them?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Teach them how to be strong like ME. Sakura was like her for a time. Now look at her. Asuna? She was just a mess."

"You know you talking an awful lotta shit for a guy with a angry red head holding a Rapier behind you."

HE looked at her curiously.

"Wow Asuna. Not sure whether you're threatening to KILL me, or…"

She blushed at the unsaid alternate and Sakura busted up laughing.

"She's SOOOOO cute when she's embarrassed!"

"She does do a helluva tomato impression. That's for sure."

Asuna had steam coming off her from her embarrassment and the blue haired girl was smiling shyly at the banter. Tyler looked at her curiously.

"What's your name? I'm Gore."

She smiled nervously.

"Sachi. Nice to meet you Goreleech."

The boy with the purple outfit felt the need to step in.

"Sachi? You okay?"

She smiled nervously.

"Yeah. Just a little nervous is all."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at her.

"I won't hurt you if you don't try to hit me. Fair?"

She nodded with a slight blush now as Tyler looked into her shyly smiling blue eyes.

"Wow, Sachi. Ya got pretty eyes there."

She went full tomato at that! She even hid her face in her mace!

"T-thank Y-YOU! I got them from my mother!"

He chuckled as he looked at her stunned friend.

"She always this shy and scared?"

The tall guy sighed.

"Yeah. We go to the same school back up there. She's always been a scaredy cat. Names Coal by the way."

Tyler patted him and looked at the now smiling through her embarrassment girl.

"Hey. Sachi. Question."

She looked at him.

"W-what is it?"

He tilted his head.

"You any good with that mace?"

She blinked, and shook her head.

"I'm not really good at fighting. I try but just end up getting in the way."

He nodded.

"I get it. You stay close to MY crew, Sachi. You go in there again you'll get killed. We'll look after you."

Coal had an issue with this as Sachi dropped her mace at the offer.

"We can protect her just fine, thank you."

Tyler looked at him.

"Oh? Can YOU teach her to be strong? That poor girl is one fight from an early grave. Only reason she's even STANDING there is she got lucky with actual friends. Now I am not outright kidnapping her."

He looked at her now.

"I'm offering you a chance to travel with us to get strong enough to HELP your friends and maybe gain a little self-confidence. That is all. Just an offer. Think it over. I got an idiot make fun of."

Tyler left the small group to talk with their scared friend as he'd spotted a familiar black coat walking up the trail.

"hey yo jackass!"

The boy lifted his head and laughed.

"Oh shit."

Tyler fist bumped Kirito as he reached them. Asuna came over and hugged her boyfriend hard as Tyler chuckled.

"Nice to see you two are still stuck with each other."

Kirito snorted.

"Shove it."

"Ya know? I can turn that into a hilarious dirty joke, but Asuna's still pure."

Sakura busted up laughing as Asuna blushed again and Kirito just looked away as he fought to NOT bust out laughing.


HE gulped and seemed to shrink in on himself as he looked at a now smiling Asuna,


Her smile went sweet.

"I am soooo happy you didn't laugh. Your balls are too."

Tyler snorted.

"I can see Asuna's the man of the family!"

Sakura was laughing so hard she was wheezing! Asuna had a single vein bulge on her forehead as Kirito just got the fuck back. Tyler smiled as she looked at him,

"So you're saying I'm a man now."

HE grinned.

"well SOMEONE has to wear the pants around here. God knows those legs are only for the worthy. Right, Sakura?"

The pink haired girl nodded sagely.

"Uh-huh! Like the Masseuses!"

Asuna was red faced again as Tyler looked at Sakura strangely.

"Huh. I was more meaning her boyfriend. But hey. Whatever floats your boat."

it was KIRITO'S turn to be scared as Asuna looked at him with a hidden threat in her red eyes as Sakura sighed.

"We all know Kirito's too scared to make a move on Asuna like that big brother. Why else would SHE have to set the pace?"

Asuna looked at Sakura with a warm smile as Kirito now fumed at the indignation.


Tyler winced.

"Dude. I know a place you can practice if ya like?"

"Oh really? Where-"


Tyler and Sakura busted up laughing at the new look of utter TERROR on Kirito's face as he saw he fucked up. BIG time. Asuna looked away with her nose in the air as Kirito looked at Tyler.

"The hell bro? that was a dick move!"

Tyler patted the boy's shoulder.

"Practice my friend. Be amazed what a few honeyed words can do. Asuna likes to be flattered by those that MEAN their praise. Oh. And try a little wordplay."

He got it then as Asuna was distracted from the boys chatting by a near throttling by Sakura. The boy in black smiled.

"Asuna's awesome right?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Girl knows her way around a Rapier."

Kirito chuckled himself.

"I can't see it when she's moving. Though. To be fair? I'm more looking at HER."

"That hair IS pretty eye catching."

"Yer telling me? She's really pretty."


He jumped, having not even noticed Asuna had walked right over next to him. Tyler smiling as he saw the shock in the boy's black eyes as he'd gotten wrapped up in gushing over his girlfriend. He looked at and expressionless Asuna, and gulped.


She smiled sweetly.


She walked away and Kirito just looked at Tyler with a newfound respect.

"Okay. Fair point."

Tyler chuckled.

"Okay. Let's kill that thing."

The four of them partied up and went inside to get a look at the boss. Tyler led the way with Kirito on his right, Asuna his left with Sakura at the rear. The room lit up and the large minotaur was seen. Tyler smiled as he saw the four health bars.

"Looks easy but try it and it WILL make you work for it."

Sakura smiled.

"Like you big brother."

He grinned as he pulled his staffsword.

"damn straight. Let's get wild."

Tyler led the rush as the thing swung a massive battle axe at them.

"Go for the tail! It's a high weak point!"

the three behind him surrounded the beast as it swung both tail and axe at them. Tyler smiled as he saw an opening.

"Spiral surge!"

Tyler tore through the legs of the beast dropping a large chunk from the first health bar as Kirito came in from the other side In a similar rush that dropped more health. Sakura sent a pair of arrows into the thing's face as Asuna poked it full of holes. Result? Three quarters of the first health bar was knocked off and Tyler saw the tail twitch.


The party dropped flat as the thing spun the whip counterattack before targeting Tyler with the axe. He grinned as he remembered.

"Oh yeah. It targets the strongest FIRST."

He rolled out of the way as the axe slammed into the ground before the party was up and attacking again. The first two bars were shattered as they dodged counterattacks and regular attacks. Asuna frowned at that point.

"I thought you said this thing's defense was a step down from the turtle?"

Tyler smiled as he launched another attack.

"And just HOW long ago was the turtle?"

She blinked as her turn arrived.


They chipped away at the health bar until it was one hit away. Tyler smiled.

"Sync up!"

They stacked for their devastating combo attack as the beast ended an attack cycle. Tyler and Kirito shared the final attack bonus with Asuna and Sakura before they all dropped from a well fought battle. Tyler grinned at Kirito as the Demon was the only one still standing.

"Hey. You REALLY need to work on that stamina problem."

The girls busted up laughing at THAT jab as Kirito just went flat on his back.

"I'm sorry I'm not a freaking mutant. Roided up bastard."

Tyler laughed as they headed for the portal. Tyler set a 100 droy toll and they went for the celebratory meal. There Tyler and Sakura relaxed with Kirito and Asuna. The couple smiled as they caught up.

"So Heathcliff has another rumor like Mirackle. Only his is legit skill."

Tyler frowned.

"What's the rumor?"

Kirito sighed.

"That his health bar has never been seen to go red."

Tyler rubbed his eyes.

"Okay. Whatever. An idiot like that is helpless against my attack style anyway."

Asuna laughed.

"Remember that time you flat out tried to KILL Mirackle?"

Kirito smirked.

"I heard he disappeared."

Tyler's smile died.

"Hol up. If Mirackle disappeared and now we have another idiot running around with his same rumor."

Asuna and Kirito gasped.

"You don't think it's the same player?"

"Only an admin can do that! With FULL rights!"

Tyler crossed his arms.

"It's just a bad hunch right now. Let's leave it until I see him myself at a raid or something. Asuna."

She looked at him.


"Next raid talk him into going. Say a good leader should at least TRY to remind people just WHY they're at the top."

Kirito smiled at that.

"I've met him. He's the kinda guy that likes to show off. He'll jump at it."

Sakura was enjoying her meal as the others talked. Tyler looked at the portal as a mass of +95s appeared.

"Looks like the party crashers showed up. Hey. There's Sachi."

Kirito smiled.

"You sure got curious quick. She your type?"

Tyler chuckled as he watched her party walking for the portal.

"Won't deny I've always liked the shy types. Feeds my dark protector persona."

They laughed as Sakura snuggled up against her brother just cause. He hugged her as Coal walked in with his party and noticed Tyler and his party relaxing from the boss fight. Tyler smiled at them.


Sachi smiled as well.

"Hi Gore. Was it tough?"

He tilted his hand.

"So-so. More a pain in the ass."

She blushed as he looked at her blue eyes, and gulped as she walked over nervously. Coal looked at her,


She was shaking at his mild tone, as she looked over her shoulder.

"I'm just sitting with them, Coal. Relax."

The party sat in clear view as the timid girl sat next to Sakura. Who promptly nearly throttled her with a hug as Tyler laughed.

"Ya survived Sakura's hug death. Ya tougher an ya think"

Sachi smiled timidly again as Tyler got her some food as Asuna got a message.

"Heathcliff wants a report on the boss. I gotta run guys."

Kirito sighed as he hugged her.

"I'm gonna get to roaming. Later Gore. Sakura."

Sakura giggled.

"Bye Assy! Bye Kiri!"

Tyler grinned as the boy in black groaned.

"Great. Thanks Sakura."

She smiled sweetly.

"Yer welcome!"

The couple left and jumped. Sachi took a seat directly across from the siblings now and Tyler noted the look of rather intense concern on the faces of her friends as she was now alone at a distance from them. Tyler smiled as he looked at Sachi.

"Hey Sachi."

"Eep! Yeah?"

Tyler chuckled kindly.

"Okay. First off? Cute. Second? What level are you?"

She blushed as she took a bite of her ice cream before answering.

"55 sir."


"55 Gore."

He tilted his head.

"Best skill?"

She looked down.

"Cooking. It's 335."


"She's better then Asuna!"

Sachi looked up to see Tyler and Sakura gaping at her in clear awe and went full tomato.

"I-i-it's n-n-not that g-g-great. Is it?"

Tyler shook his head in amazement.

"That's freakin AWESOME, Sachi! Highest I've seen period. Now I'm freakin curious. Asuna just hit 230 cooking what? A week ago? Sakura here is at 245. You just might be the best damn cook in SaS! And that's coming from ME!"

Sachi was awestruck by the genuine praise from the Demon HIMSELF! Sakura patted Tyler's belly fondly.

"Half the freakin reason he keeps me around is for my cooking skills. His? It JUST cleared 50 last Thursday. He can make bread WITHOUT killing us."

Sachi smiled reflexively at that.

"I like cooking really. I actually wanted to be a top tier chef when I grew up."

"Really. How old are you?"

She blushed at the question.


Tyler sat back.

"Reeally? Nifty. So we found our master chef."

She blushed the harder as Sakura rested against her big brother as the blue haired girl across from her recovered. She had a scared look in her blue eyes.

"Can I ask a question?"

He smiled.


She gulped.

"Why ARE you being so nice to me? We just met not even 5 hours ago and I'm getting some buttering up vibes here."

HE chuckled.

"I've always had a thing for the shy, pretty type. Plus you reminded me of Sakura here when we first met."

She gaped at him as Sakura yawned from her spot. Tyler had a fond look on his face as he stroked her arm. He looked at Sachi.

"Watch. She'll fall asleep right there."

The blue eyed girl smiled inspite of her shock as she watched Sakura as she indeed fell asleep right there under his shoulder. Then she blushed.

"You...like me?"

He shrugged.

"I think you're pretty and you seem nice."

She had arms in front of her as she shook smiling from the sudden flattery from the Demon. She also had a cutely embarrassed look on her freckled face as she looked at him.

"And you want me to go with you?"

"I'd like it if you did."

She gulped again.

"I'm not that strong you know."

He chuckled again as he patted his sleeping little sister.

"You're strong enough to get this far Sachi. All you need is just some help with WIELDING your strength."

Sachi looked at her friends then back at him.

"I'd like….to think about it. Can I add you as a friend on here?"

"Sure. Always nice being friends with the pretty ones."


"Cute ones too."


"wow. Cute on repeat."

Sachi put her head in her hands from embarrassment! Tyler sent the friend request over and she hit it blushing.

"Thanks. I'll let you know."

"And if you ever need Demon support or want another Sakura hug ya know our names."

She blushed at that.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again, Gore."

"Watch yourself out there Sachi."

She nodded and rejoined her friends as Tyler nudged Sakura.

"Let's move Snorlax."

Sakura jerked awake and smacked him.

"I am NOT fat! And I do NOT snore! Mean!"

He hugged her as he dragged her from the booth.

"nice to have ya back jigglypuff!"

Sakura was fuming when she had a thought.

"Oooh I am SOOOOO calling Asuna a Jigglypuff!"

They laughed as Sachi got an interrogation from her friends over what the Demon had to say to her.

"Well. Looks like he's got a crush."

Arthur shook his head as Tyler and Sakura left the tavern. Kakashi laughed.

"I guess he likes the shy types. She was pretty."

The red headed man looked at his daughter's screen as she reported to her commander for report.

"I was certain she'd fallen for Gore."

Kakashi smiled.

"She was more a sister to him now I think on it. Sachi on the other hand? Oh he LIKES her!"

Tyler and Sakura spent the next two months in the wilds doing their thing. Tyler making the best of his double bladed swords multiple attack cycles and finding ways to stream different combos together for some nasty attacks. The siblings were moving through a new dungeon more exploring then anything and killing monsters for kicks then really grinding. Sakura sitting on his shoulder again as they moved through the oddly crystalline corridor. Tyler smiled as he saw the walls.

"Kinda reminds me of an ice cave."

Sakura was firing arrows from her perch as she replied.

"Kinda reminds me of those high tech hallways used in bullshit Scifi movies."

Tyler chuckled as he spotted movement ahead.

"That more players?"

Sakura dropped down and they ran after the shadows ahead and as they got closer they heard voices.

"Ah come on Sachi relax. We got Kirito with us. So we're set."

Tyler smiled as they hurried to greet their friends. The siblings came around a corner to see them go into a room and he grabbed Sakura for a desperate head long dash as he KNEW what that room was. The sound of footsteps racing behind them caused them to turn around and they saw Tyler with Sakura racing at them with a look of utter determination as a boy opened a chest inside the room and a door start to close as an alarm sounded.


Tyler threw everything he had into a baseball slide that got him and Sakura into the room as the doors closed as Monsters spawned in.


Sakura and Tyler were already killing everything that moved as Kirito launched an all-out assault too. Sachi and her friends were herded to the corner as the room filled with monsters from the cave trap. Sakura took a spot in front of them as Tyler threw an attack booster at Kirito.

"DRINK UP! Sakura! Sachi! You and your friends stay behind Sakura! Try to hurt them!"

Tyler was dashing to and fro like a mad man as everything that was not a person was shattered entirely. Kirito needed two shots per as Sakura dropped line after line of the still spawning monsters as Sachi and her friends used their spot to try to wound the monsters as Tyler came by twirling his staffsword with an enraged look on his face as the encroaching monsters were shattered. Tyler planted his feet and seperated his blades.

"Dragon RAGE!"

The monsters died in droves as Tyler and Kirito sync'd up hard with Sakura as Sachi and her friends got a few kills between them before the last beast shattered with the fanfare of a challenge. Soon as it did, Tyler dropped to a knee as his health bar was in the red from his wild desperate assault. Sakura was in the yellow, and Kirito was also in the red. Two of Sachi's friends had fallen, and Sachi herself was in the red. Tyler was panting from his extreme efforts as he pulled a health potion out and downed it.

"Heal up."

The command galvanized everyone into action as the potions came out. Tyler walked over to Sachi as she and her remaining two friends were sobbing from the deaths of their friends. The blue eyed girl looked at Tyler with a look of half guilt half gratitude.

"Thank you."

He nodded.

"Why didn't you jump?"

A boy with a sickle sword replied.

"Torrent tried. But the crystal didn't work in here."

Tyler looked at a stunned Kirito.

"Hey, blackball. Flip out later."

The boy jumped and got up off the floor. He walked over and grabbed Tyler in a hug.

"That was WAY to close."

Tyler patted his back before pushing him off.

"Dude what the hell? I can't leave you alone for ten minutes and this happens?"

Kirito looked at Sachi.

"I'm sorry."

She smiled kindly as she hugged him.

"Thank you, Kirito. I'm so happy I met you."

Tyler and Sakura raised an eyebrow as they saw Kirito hugging Sachi. So, Tyler looked at the boy directly to his right.

"Soooo, yeah. Hi. I'm Goreleech. That's Sakura."

The boy shook his hand.

"Name's Klein."

"Klein. Sooo, tell me something."


Tyler jabbed a thumb at Kirito and Sachi's hug.

"How long that been a thing?"

Klein smiled.

"Kirito saved us from a monster ambush about a month back. Been running with us since. Sachi likes him a lot."

Sakura looked on as Sachi let him go.

"What about Asuna?"

The other boys looked at each other then to the cutie in pink.

"Asuna the Lightning flash?"

Tyler looked at them then to Kirito. Then back with visible confusion.


She had the same look of visible confusion.

"I'm thinking the same thing."

Tyler nodded and walked over to Kirito.

"Heeeeey, Kirito?"

He looked over curiously,

"Yea? Hey! Get-oof!"

Tyler grabbed him a reverse headlock and dragged him to the far corner.

"Weeee need to have a chat."

Sachi was confused until Sakura hugged her.

"Big bother's making sure Kirito's legit."

The survivors then took the time to grieve the loss of their friends as Sakura looted the chest two had died to get. Tyler pushed Kirito in the corner and the boy gulped.

"It's not what you think."

Tyler pulled his staffsword and leaned on it.


Kirito sighed.

"Asuna and I broke up about two weeks after we left the tavern."

Tyler looked at him,


He sighed as he adjusted his black coat.

"She wants to put her strength to use helping the other players. I just want to survive."

Tyler looked at him intensely.

"And Sachi?"

The black clad boy rubbed his hair again.

"Good friend. She's on the verge of the bridge."

Tyler sighed.

"Okay, Kirito. I can tell you're not lying. You had BETTER hope her heart is not shattered."

The boy shivered as Tyler walked back to the group as they were wiping their tears away.

"You okay?"

Klein sighed.

"we lost two friends here we've known since preschool."

Tyler slapped his back.

"That sucks. But the best thing we can do for them? Get out. That way they didn't die for nothing."

They nodded as Sakura hugged Sachi. Tyler sighed.

"Okay. We'll get you back to town."

The group relaxed immensely at that as Sachi hugged him next.

"Thank you."

He patted her blue hair affectionately.

"I'm just glad we got bored. Come on Sachi. Let's go see the sun."

The door opened and the group walked out as Kirito looked back at the now sealed room with a look of regret on his face. The party made quick progress to the hub where they found Coal waiting with a set of keys with a look of anxiety on his face. He saw the group minus two walking up escorted by Tyler and Sakura and was right to Tyler's face.

"Where's Torrent and Wildfire?"

Tyler sighed as he leaned on a wall.

"Me and Sakura found them as they set off a monster challenge trap in a secret on floor 35. We walked out by the skin of our teeth as there were just THAT many. Sadly two didn't walk out."

Coal rounded on Kirito.

"You. You did this."

"Oi! No. he DIDN'T."

Coal jumped at the steel in Tyler's voice as he confronted him. Thought the lanky boy stood his ground.

"He's a damn beater! He has no right being near us!"

Kirito slumped and walked away with a look Tyler knew all too well. The boy in red looked at Coal enraged.

"That guy nearly DIED to save your friends you fucknut. if he WASN'T there none of your friends would be here right now."

Sachi ran up and hugged Kirito from behind.

"Thank you, Kirito. I'm so grateful I met you."

Tyler watched as the boy in the black coat just patted her before jumping to somewhere else. The red clad guy just sighed.

"dammit Kirito."

Coal just snorted.

"Leave him. Damned beater."

Tyler turned and slugged him in the teeth. Knocking him to the ground.

"Idiots like you are why we haven't gotten further then floor 35. Kirito fights harder then ANY of you. Yet what do YOU do to help the man fighting your battles for you? Don't answer that. I already know. Sakura let's go se Asuna. We need to get word out about the rigged rooms."

"Yay! Assy!"

"You are not to call her anything else but Assy inside her base, okay?"

The siblings walked to a open space laughing as Coal was left on the ground gaping at Tyler's words. Sachi ran over and hugged him hard as well.

"Thanks Gore."

He smiled at her.

"You shouldn't go in battle Sachi. You're too kindhearted to swing a weapon. Here."

He gave her a massage with a place on floor 6.

"Go there to the largest restaurant and look for a big black guy named Gabol. Tell him I sent you and I've endorsed your cooking skills. Ask for a job and let the player base sample that skill of yours."

She smiled as he gave her a way to help out, AND practice her favorite skill.

"I will right now! Thank you!"

She jumped as he sent a message to Gabol about his next visitor. AND to give her a cooking job. Coal gaped as Sachi up and left like that and so were her friends. Tyler lifted his crystal with Sakura.

"Teleport: Clifton."

The pair landed outside the new Knights of the Bloodoath HQ and were assailed at the gates by armored knights.

"Why do the Demon siblings seek to enter the citadel?"

"Looking for Asuna. We got something she might wanna know about."

The knights gulped and stepped aside.

"The Second in Command is in the main hall with the commander."


Tyler and Sakura walked in hand in hand to the castle that served as the HQ for the strongest guild. Sakura got bored with walking and climbed up his staffsword to sit on his shoulder like a bird as they walked along corridors to the main hall. Tyler loving the looks of fear on the faces of everyone in the halls they passed through. They found the main hall easily enough and the knights guarding it just let them walk in. Inside was a gathering of knights in high level armor looking at a map of the current floor in a clear strategy meeting. Tyler spotted the fiery hair of Asuna at the head of the long table and smiled as she looked up at the door opening, only to see Tyler and Sakura walking over to her.

"What up Asuna? We found something your tin knights might like to know of."


The room laughed as Asuna blushed at Sakura's pet name for her. She got a hug each as a tall, older man in the same red white armor approached the trio. Tyler looked at him with mild curiosity as the seemingly important man addressed him.

"I don't believe we've met. I am Commander Heathcliff."

Tyler looked into his eyes, and saw the same flash or recognition and chuckled as he shook the man's hand.

"Nice to put a face to the rumor. Yeah. I know. Don't care."

The man gestured to the meeting.

"Now what could be so important you felt the need to barge into our raid planning?"

Tyler frowned now.

"Wait. They found the boss already? Asuna?"

She pointed to a spot on the map.

"It's here, Gore. They-"

"No it's not. That's a troll boss."

The room gasped as he looked at the spot closer.

"Fell Gorge? Yeah that's a false positive. It's a miniboss that the devs put in the fuck with the player base after floor 25. That and me and Sakura already cleaned that place out not even three days ago."

Sakura stretched her fingers at the memory.

"That thing was a pain in the ass! It healed! TWICE!"

Asuna slumped at the news.

"Great. Back to square one."

Heathcliff blinked as Asuna rolled the map back up.

"You can't possibly believe their words without proof?"

Asuna sighed.

"With them, Commander? We don't WANT the proof. As it'll just be utterly soul crushing. Gore said he and Sakura cleaned that cave. So the fact we're still here on this floor is all the proof I need. Bastard's OCD like that."

"Love you too."


The room laughed at the cute as Asuna winced. Heathcliff looked at Tyler now.

"It seems you did have a reason. My knights will get back to work looking for the boss."

"Not the reason I came here to begin with actually. And we'll most likely find it first. Just bragging."

Asuna laughed.

"Scary thing Sir? He's not wrong. That guy makes finding the toughest bastards in this game look like an artform."

Tyler shrugged smiling.

"What can Is ay except Sakura's cute?"


The room just smiled as Heathcliff rubbed his greying hair with a mailed hand.

"Okay, Goreleech. What was the REAL reason you came here?"

Tyler hugged Asuna.

"well besides seeing my sister here, to let her know that a trap room was found that negated a crystal teleport. We're dealing with sealed rooms now. Asuna, it was the same trap from the cave."

She shuddered.

"How bad?"

Sakura shivered.

"Gore was in the red. I was yellow, Kirito was red, and we lost two of the party we were fighting to save. Sachi's party."

Asuna gasped in utter shock as her color left her face.


Tyler sighed.

"It was that kind of hardcore Asuna. Not high level monsters, just THAT many. If ten more had showed up, WE wouldn't have walked out PERIOD."

Asuna shuddered at the news before opening the map back up.

"Where was it?"

He placed a finger on a place called The Hidden corridor.

"Here. Place didn't show up on the map period. Like Lark's miniboss."

All three shuddered at the memory of the creepy thing. Then she nodded.

"A room crystals didn't work in. a mass spawn that NEARLY killed the Demon siblings. In a secret room no less. And you lost two members of the party you went in to save. Sachi okay?"

"She's fine. Kirito has a new regret he and I need to have a chat about and Sachi's got a new job at Gabol's joint."

Asuna blinked.

"What like a waitress?"

Sakura giggled.

"Her cooking' is at 335 Assy!"

The fiery red head just looked at her blankly.


Tyler passed a screen shot he'd taken as proof.

"read it and weep."

Asuna did read it, and just slumped again.

"Dammit! And here I thought I was the best cook in SaS!"

Tyler patted her back reassuringly.

"Nah. Just the fastest. Right, lightning flash Asuna?"

She smiled at that one.

"Okay. I can live with that. You two headed back out?"

Sakura hugged her big sister as Tyler chuckled.

"Yup. Just came to give a heads up. Oh. And we need to have a little...chat, Asuna. I heard."

She sighed as she flicked her red hair.

"I didn't tell you as it was just an issue of playstyle. Kirito's decent, but too much the loner. I want to make a difference."

Sakura shrugged.

"Eh. You pretty, Assy. Difference enough."

The room laughed at THAT logic as Asuna hugged her little sister.

"Awww! Thanks Saky!"

"Tyler shrugged.

"I'm just here to scare people."

They laughed at that as Heathcliff cleared his throat to get attention.

"So you're headed back into the wilds? Is that correct?"

Tyler chuckled.

"People suck. Asuna's okay."

That got a collective snort as Heathcliff looked at the red clad boy.

"I wonder if you'd be willing to make…..a deal."

Tyler's eyes narrowed as his bullshit meter flared.

"If you're about to use Asuna as a mere bargaining chip Tinman, then by all means piss off your executioner."

Asuna and Sakura looked at Tyler impressed.

"Wow, Gore. That's a level of badass I aspire to be."

"Big brother has a few good one liners every now and then."

Heathcliff made his offer.

"The next time you find a boss send word to Asuna here so the Bloodoath may aid the battle. We players must work together if we're to beat the final boss and escape."


Tyler just busted up laughing and so did Sakura and Asuna at the armored man's words. Tyler recovered first and wiped a tear from his eyes smiling,

"Me plan for bosses is to let my friends know. As for the final boss? Pff. We ALL know it'll have to be US four, Me, Sakura, Kirito and Asuna that kill it as YOU all are just too weak to do the job. As for your deal? I'll tell Asuna. Whether or not she tells you is up to her."

Asuna smiled widely.

"Depends on I feel that morning. Heavenly Demons. Am I right?"

She got a fist bump from Tyler and a hug from Sakura as Heathcliff looked at Tyler with disappointment in hie grey eyes.

"So you'd turn down an offer of alliance. Very well. I pray you don't get in our way."

"Oh SHIT. Sir you should NOT have gone there."

Heathcliff blinked at Asuna's now nervous tone then he looked at Tyler's now dark grin.

"I'd suggest you rethink what you just said and WHO you said it to. As to me? It sounded like a threat."

Heathcliff shuddered at the look in Tyler's eyes. But he stood his ground.

"As long as you do not make an enemy-"

"Of ME. Remember who you are talking to Tinman and just WHO my SISTER is."

Asuna smiled now herself, seeing his play.

"Keep pushing it Sir, and I'll just walk out that front door. See how far you get without the Lightning flash."

Sakura was happily looking at the room as Heathcliff was utterly flabbergasted.

"You come here under the guise of friendship yet threaten to steal my top player from under me for mere words? I do not know what to say."

"Say sorry or the Demon will getchya!"

Tyler and Asuna looked at Sakura as she hummed happily.

"Wow. That was the cutest death threat I've heard in quite some time now. Well done Sakura."


Heathcliff looked at Asuna then to Tyler.

"Duly noted, Goreleech. I have a game to clear. Are we finished?"

Tyler looked at Asuna, and she laughed.

"They can't even scratch me."

"That's my sister!"

"Assy's awesome!"

Asuna winced again as Sakura kept up the destruction of her reputation with a pet name. She got a warm hug from the siblings before Tyler smiled.

"Later Asuna. We got an idiot to ream."

Tyler and Sakura left the room without even acknowledging Heathcliff further. Sakura was sitting on his shoulder again as they walked out the front door. She smiled.

"That guy's a prick, ain't he?"

Tyler smiled himself as they jumped back to the 35th floor.

"Something tells me that guy's got a few tricks up his sleeve. He's on my watchlist Sakura."

She nodded.

"Mine too. Something's off with that guy."

"He didn't even smirk at your cute."

The siblings headed for a fresh grinding spot as Gabol messaged them.

"Gore, where the hell did you find a five star chef? That girl cooks better then my wife! And she went to school for it!"

Tyler smiled as he replied.

"be amazed what the shy ones bring to the table. She doing okay?"

"She freakin LOVES her new job! Come down and see once you get a minute."

Tyler smiled.

"Ya know what, Sakura? Let's go see Sachi."

She smiled as they jumped to Birctally. Tyler's flashy red coat making people jump as the Demon siblings headed for Gabol's place. They walked in to see the place packed. Gabol had had to buy actual NPCs to accommodate the customers. The big man saw Tyler and Sakura walk in and smiled.

"Couldn't resist eh?"

Tyler smiled,

"Been meaning to check the place out Gabol. But YO ugly ass worked here."

Sakura laughed as Gabol just waved them to a table that had a look into the kitchen.

"Just sit down and shut up."

"Why oh WHY can I hear your wife say that?"

Gabol could hear his wife busting up laughing at that one. Tyler and Sakura sat down and smiled as they saw Sachi in an apron with a chef's hat on her head flipping something in a pan. Tyler noting how happy she seemed to be.

"That's much better. A frying pan is HER ideal weapon, Sakura."

The pink haired girl nodded in agreement.

"She looks like she's loving it in there."

Tyler got the dish called the Sachi Special and so did Sakura. The siblings seeing the look of shocked surprise as Sachi saw the names on the ticket. Then it was replaced with a look of concentration that got Tyler nodding approvingly.

"That's the way. Sachi is a chef. NOT a fighter."

Sakura giggled.

"We need to TASTE her cooking first big brother!"

Tyler smiled,

"Fair enough."

Sachi brought their order out herself with a look of nerves as her newfound heroes put her cooking to the test. The dish? Fried dragon steak in a butter and breading paired with a light grape-like drink Tyler had never bothered to learn the name of. The siblings dug in hungrily,

"HOLY SHIT. Damn, Sachi."

The meal vanished in mere seconds as Sachi stood their on pins and needles as Tyler smiled at her.

"Girl YOU have a damn talent! Seriously, like the hell? I was expecting good but that just wasn't fair!"

Sakura looked at her newfound idol.

"I loved it Sachi! Crispy, flaky, ooooh I want another!"

Tyler smiled,

"Fuck it we're getting another one."

Sachi was glowing with pride at the gushing praise of her heroes, and was all too happy to make another stake for the hungry siblings. Gabol smiled as he watched Sachi get showered in praise and admiration by Tyler and Sakura.

"Yup. Goreleech has a crush. Lucky girl."

Sachi was ecstatic over her cooking skills impressing the legendary Demon siblings.

"I'm SO happy you liked it!"

Tyler smiled at the proud girl.

"Seriously, Sachi, can you really cook like that IRL too?"

She sat next to Sakura with a proud blush.

"I can actually. Not as easily as in here but I can."

Tyler just shook his head impressed.

"Damn Sachi. You gonna make some lucky bastard VERY happy with THOSE skills."

She blushed at that one, and Sakura blinked at that coded message. Sachi, on the other hand, was outright STUNNED as she saw the same coded message within the statement.

"Holy sweet hell. Did Tyler REALLY crush that hard?"

Kakashi laughed at Arthur's stunned statement.

"Looks like it. Looks like Sachi caught his eye in a most potent manner! Let's see what she does next!"

Sachi screwed up her newfound confidence,

"Gore? Can I ask you something?"

Sakura became VERY attentive as Tyler looked at the now squirming girl nervously.

"Sure Sachi. What's up?"

She gulped, and lowered her gaze nervously.

"Do you...LIKE me?"

Her voice was low now as Tyler processed her words. Holy shit. When the hell that happen? Ah fuck it.

He smiled kindly.

"I think I do, Sachi. Quite a bit actually. LIKE that."

She had a look of mind blown on her face as the room just went silent at the confession. Even Sakura was stunned! Tyler looked around with a mildly surprised expression,

"What? I'm not dead you idiots."

Gabol busted up laughing at that one. Sachi had to take a little longer to recover from that bombshell as Sakura looked at her big brother with huge purple eyes.

"You know she can't go with us to the places we go."

Tyler patted his little sister.

"I know that. But, well. She's safe down here."

Sachi was able to restart her brain. She had a nervous pride on her freckled face now,

"You…really like me?"

Tyler smiled.

"Hey. Sachi."

She gulped again.


His eyes had NO doubt or hesitation whatsoever.

"Wanna go out some time? On a date I mean?"

Poor Sachi nearly fell out of her booth as her body went limp! Sakura DID fall over! Tyler just sat back and let the poor girl's mind restart. Gabol just looked at the player next to him.

"Did I die? Like for real? Did GORELEECH just ask a girl out on a date?"

The guy had the same look of shock.

"He did, Gab. Either SaS just shit itself and we all died, or it just happened."

Tyler just looked at them in exasperation.

"You idiots DO remember I'm not dead, right? Like I'm 16?"

Gabol just sighed.


Tyler just sighed.

"Idiots. Just a bunch of IDIOTS."

Sachi had to fight to restart her mind that time, but she won the hard fought battle. She was now nervous as ALL HELL as she replied.

"Umm. I'd like that, Gore. How long are you on the floor for?"

He shrugged.

"We don't really HAVE a place to be. Boss ain't going anywhere and we usually just do whatever anyway."

Sakura sighed as she rubbed her blue eyes.

"WHY did we spend that week by that ice cap?"

Tyler looked at her,

"we were hunting ice trolls for that project I had going."

Sakura put her head on the table.

"Right. I forgot."

Sachi smiled shyly.

"Do you have a house?"

"I got that hut over there."

He jabbed a thumb at the lonely looking place at the end of the pier. That little tidbit made her gasp.

"That's the most expensive place on the whole floor! Can I see it?"

He smiled.

"Sure, Sachi. Wanna make it a stay date?"

She blushed at that as Sakura looked at Gabol.

"I'll just ruin HIS day again."

Gabol gulped now!

"Umm. Oh shit. Remember what happened LAST time."

Tyler looked at him,

"and you DO remember it's ME right?"

That got a smirk.

"right. IO forgot."

"Ya doing an awful lotta forgettin big man. Must suck getting old."

The place busted up laughing at that as Sachi smiled nervously.

"I get off work in two hours."

He smiled at her.

"We'll go rest until then. Been awhile since we were in a haven."

The date agreed on the pair went their ways. Sachi flying high on her first date with the strongest player in the game and Tyler smiling as he had a date he was LOOKING forward to. Sakura just bouncing beside him happy to be there.

"So. Sachi, eh?"

They walked into the hut and swapped to their beachwear and sat on the couch. Tyler smiled as he looked at Sakura's grin.

"What? I can't pick a girl I like?"

She grinned the wider.

"What about Assy? You didn't ask HER out!"

HE hugged her.

"She's too much my sister, ya scamp."

The smaller girl snuggled her brother.

"I'll be more careful this time, Tyler."

He patted her pink hair.

"They gotchya once. They won't getchya twice."

She snuggled him like an affectionate cat.


Tyler and Sakura rested for an hour and 45 minutes.

"Nearly that time."

She smiled as they left the hut and went to Gabol's place. Sachi was in her purple leather and chest plate as Tyler walked in with a happy Sakura. The pink cutie hugged Sachi as she took a spot by Tyler.

"I'm set."

He offered his arm, and she smiled nervously as she took it.

"I'm a little….old fashioned."

She had a nervously happy smile as they walked to the cabin.

"I've never BEEN on a date. So…slow?"

HE smiled kindly.

"Sure, Sachi. As long as you handle the food. I'd not like our first date to end with me accidently poisoning us."

She laughed at that,

"I was going to. I heard from Asuna your cooking killed a minotaur a month back."

He smiled as he let her inside the hut. Soon as the door shut and she looked around she gasped.

"Wow, Gore. It's beautiful!"

Tyler smiled proudly.

"You ain't seen NOTHING yet. But first. House rule."

She looked to see him swap to his swim trunks and squeaked.

"Cute. Got a swimsuit? Beach attire only in here."

She blushed,

"No. I don't."

"If you show me you UI, I can make you one."

Her blush went right to tomato! She gulped as she pulled it up and let him see.

"Just please don't laugh."

He looked as he opened his crafting UI.


He looked at the numbers, then to Sachi's chest then back.

"That's is a most welcome surprise."

Sachi blinked at the clear awe in his voice as he crafted her swimsuit.

"Two piece or one piece?"

She was shaking,

"Two please."

"Damn Sachi."

He finished the thing and gave it to her. She equipped it and gasped in shock. Tyler had made the straps a light blue that matched her hair to perfection with the cups that now housed her easily d cup breasts a vivid yellow spiral that made them both look bigger and added emphasis to them as well. The lining was high level Fennec fur same as the bottoms. They were a light blue as well with a set of yellow spirals as well that shimmered when she moved. Tyler took a step back to admire her new beautiful form,

"Damn Sachi. You a right hottie."

She looked in a nearby reflective surface and gasped at her sexily beautiful look.

"I love it!"

Her voice a light quiver as she saw the thing. Tyler smiled as he looked at her surprisingly large bust.

"Hey, question."

She gulped again at his mildly curious tone.


He nodded at her rack.

"Why you hide it? You stacked as hell."

Sachi had hidden her massive rack with her tight leather and chest armor. Making her seem like she was merely a lesser B then the Ds she had. She gulped as she sat on the couch.

"I was afraid I'd get teased for being fat or made fun of for showing off."

HE sighed as he sat next to her.

"You got bullied a lot for them, didn't you?"

She nodded sadly.

"even my own mother took part. She's smaller then me and HATES that fact. She says no boy likes them THIS big."

Tyler snorted.

"That's a small boobed insult. I for one, LOVE the big guns, Sachi. Never you worry."

She looked at him with hope in her eyes.

"You mean it? You like them?"

He smiled as he ogled her busty form.

"Ya damn right I love em! Best rack I've seen thus far!"

She smiled with such….JOY at his heartfelt and genuine words. Then she had a look of pride on her face as she sat back on the couch.

"Thank you, Gore. Can i…ask your real name? Mine's actually Sachi."

He chuckled.

"Mine's Tyler."

She looked at him mildly shocked.

"Wait. Tyler?"

He sighed.

"Yup. Lame right?"

She pulled her UI up and was looking through some photos in a mild panic now that Tyler found confusing.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

She passed her Ui over with a shaking hand and he saw a photo of a class.

"Hmmm. I see you, Sachi. Nice to see that hair's natural."

She smiled at the on reflex until he spotted a guy looking at the camera with a dead-eyed look.

"No freakin way."

HE looked back at Sachi's outfit and chuckled as he looked at Sachi.

"Jesus. You were that oddly overdressed girl in class! How the hell I not notice before? Eh. Whatever. I've had weirder things happen since the doors shut."

Sachi closed her UI with a scared look on her face now.

"You….were there."

He looked at her.

"I had a few...issues back then, Sachi. If I said anything or did anything to you, I'm sorry."

She looked up at the word 'issues'.

"What kind of issues?"

He sighed.

"My sister and my mother's boyfriends thought I was a sex toy for most of my life. AFTER drugging me half outta my mind."

She had a look of utter horror on her freckled face.

"I am so sorry I asked you that."

He patted her reassuringly.

"I got over it a while ago, Sachi. It's okay."

She let out a breath before looking at him anew.

"So, you're okay with me? Like this?"

Tyler chuckled.

"I love you like this, Sachi. The bustiness a VERY nice surprise I'm calling a bonus."

She glowed again at that as he looked around.

"Want the grand tour?"

She nodded excitedly.

"Yes please!"

He showed an utterly impressed Sachi Around the place. She drinking everything from the large beds and parlors, to the decks. Then Tyler smiled.

"Let's head downstairs."

She looked at him,

"But we're like a 1000 feet from shore!"

He chuckled as he led her inside.


He led her into the underwater portion and she gasped as she saw the underwater sea life. He sat her on the couch by the crackling firepit and smiled.

"Look. A fire underwater."

She was amazed at the sights around her when she went white as a ghost at something behind Tyler. He looked and smiled.

"Oh. It's Jaws."

The 25 foot great white shark swam into the room as Sachi gaped in awe at the massive monster swimming not three feet from her INSIDE the room. Tyler stood up and smacked the thing's tail, making Sachi nearly have a heart attack as the beast utterly ignored them. Tyler sat beside her smiling.

"Check it."

HE showed her the hut UI creator credit and she gasped again.

"You designed this place?"

HE nodded smiling,

"And the resort itself. That minotaur boss? Mine. That bladed rex? Me. My staffsword? Ya know."

She just gaped at him before looking around again.

"I'm on a date with the strongest player in the game, he think's I'm hot, is a fashion designer, and even helped BUILD the game."

He smiled as she processed.

"And I asked YOU out. Let that sink in Sachi."

She did, and got a look of supreme joy at the thought.

"And HE asked me! Me!"

He hugged her and she blushed hard.

"Yup. I asked YOU."

She rested against the couch with a massive smile on her face.

"So….now what? We sit here?"

He smiled now himself.

"Ya like anime?"

Her smile dropped into one of utter shock that made him blink.

"You okay?"

She had a twitch in her eye and he poked her nose.


It restarted her brain.

"You like anime?"

He looked at her confused.

"I'm a loud and proud otaku. That an issue?"

Sachi just hung her head as she shook with some emotion Tyler couldn't identify.

"You okay?"

She looked up with tears in her eyes as she smiled.

"I'm simply ecstatic! I've met my dream! Please, Tyler, be my boyfriend!"

Tyler just sat back in shock himself.

"A few questions first, Sachi."

She became deathly serious.


He matched her serious mood.

"Rias. OR. Asia."

Sachi blinked.

"Okay. You've proved her Otaku to me. Rias for the win. You?"

"I am a VERY loyal pawn in the Service of Rias Gremory."

Sachi grinned.

"You just want to be Issei."

Tyler chuckled.

"WITHOUT the fuckups. Dude couldn't get the job done when it counted WAAAY too many times."

Sachi sighed.

"Lucky bastard. Zerotwo or Ichigo?"

"Zerotwo. I HATE Ichigo with a burning passion."

Sachi nodded sagely.

"That stunt with the kiss ruined her for me."

"I just hate how she nearly got the ones that depended on her killed as many times as she did. I ALSO hate Hiro."

The blue haired girl beside him was in full agreement.

"He's the kinda guy that wants the dream girl without the effort."

"Testify busty DREAM GIRL."


"Sexy AND cute. I love it."


Sachi was red from head to foot at his flattery. He smiled.

"Next one."

She nodded,

"Revy two hands or Mikasa?"

She frowned.

"Oooh that's harsh."

"Tough questions make for the best talks."

"As much as it kills me, Mikasa for the win."

"either was acceptable. Best intro. DxD's first or fairytail's first?"

Sachi tilted her head,

"I've never seen Fairytail actually. It's on my watchlist but I've yet to actually buckle down."

He nodded.

"It is a marathon. Like close to 400 episodes to get through. Main reason why I haven't even TOUCHED One Piece as it's just too damned long."

She smiled ruefully.

"At close to a 1000 episodes yeah you be busy for a few months."

HE smiled.

"Least I can answer your question."

She looked at him confused.

"My question?"

"Yes I'll be your boyfriend."

She jumped off the damned couch so shocked was she! He just sat back and watched her mind go BOOM! He smiled as she recovered.

"Can…you say it again?"

He reached over and placed his hand on hers.

"I'll be your VERY happy boyfriend, Sachi."

She looked at her hand in his, and started hyperventilating at the joy in her heart.

"If you pass out you get CPR."

She blushed at that and intertwined fingers with a bemused smile on her face. Tyler smiled at her as she looked at him,

"I'll be you very proud girlfriend. Just…you're my first. Okay?"

HE hugged her gently.

"Be warned, I AM rather…..spoil prone."

She blinked.

"Oh damn."

He smiled.

"And I'll go slow."

She looked at him,

"Am I your first girlfriend?"


She smiled at that.

"Seems kinda fitting a guy like you already had a girlfriend."

HE looked at her strangely.

"I kinda feel like you just took a jab at my skills as a boyfriend. Not sure why though."

She blinked.

"More saying a guy likes you ALWAYS has a girl. Strong, fearless, warm, kind."

She lowered her gaze shyly.

"Handsome too."

He hugged her warmly.

"I've got a very well earned reputation as an asshole. Plus ya know, DEMON. Hey. Let that sink in. YOU my busty blue haired beauty are the DEMON'S GIRLFRIEND!"

Sachi's eyes went wide at that realization. Her freckled face then broke into a smile most proud as Tyler had a thought.

"Oh. That's probably a good idea. Hey. Sachi. Question."

She looked at him curiously.


"You ever hear tell of those mirrors?"

She nodded.

"They're for talking to people back there. I've never seen one though."

"Me and Sakura? We got like four."

She jumped.

"You DO?"

He pulled one out and handed it to her.


She had tears in her eyes as she looked at the precious object.

"May I?"

He nodded.

"We need to have a little….chat with a few people I know."

She was a little nervous as he used it first and his hospital room was seen. Kakashi was sitting on his chair and smiled as he saw them.

"I know. And as soon as you made that jump I made a few phone calls."

Tyler looked at Sachi.

"Sachi. Allow me to introduce my adoptive father Kakashi Yutama."

She went white at the name.

"The head of the White Dragon Claws?"

Tyler smiled.

"I know people."

Sachi just looked at him with a new awe.

"My new boyfriend's a badass."

"Ya JUST realized that? Kakashi. Results?"

The man chuckled.

"Her feed was pulled from viewing as SOON as you set foot in the restaurant. I asked the people there what would happen if they pissed you off. Yeah they cut her feed."

Sachi blinked.

"My feed?"

Tyler placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Those geniuses out there thought making the recordings from the helmets into a 24/7 live streaming TV show was a good idea."

She just went limp at that. Tyler hugged her.

"Why I made this call."

Kakashi nodded.

"And why I made another few phone calls as well."

He looked at him.

"Sachi's body?"

The camera was panned to show the comatose girl in the same room as Tyler, Sakura and Asuna. Sachi saw this and gasped.



A tall, pencil thin woman came into view. Tyler looked at her and noted her bust WAS smaller. The lady looked into Tyler's cold eyes now.

"So. YOU'RE her new boyfriend, eh?"

Tyler smiled his dark smile.


She shuddered.

"Just checking. And to just say you better take care of her."

"I'll do a better job an YOU did. That's for damn sure."

Her eye lid twitched at that and Tyler smiled widely, daring her with his eyes. Kakashi saw this ploy and smiled behind her back. Sachi just smiled.

"He'll take very good care of me, Mom."

The lady's voice had an icy tone now.

"well SOMEONE has to I suppose."

"Lady. GET OUT OF MY ROOM. You have overstayed your welcome. Kakashi."

The lady just blinked at Tyler's ice cold dismissal.

"How DARE you?"

Tyler glared at her now with his eyes of darkness.

"Lady. YOU are on MY list. You've insulted my girlfriend in front of me. Enjoy the last weeks of your life for when I get out."

HE leaned in close to fill the screen with his eyes of icy rage.

"all you will do. Is. SCREAM."

Kakashi hung up his phone and a group of armed White Claws came in with shotguns. Sachi's mother was walked out at gunpoint as her color vanished. Tyler looked at a stunned Sachi apologetically.

"Sorry about that. NO one picks on MY friends. Girlfriend included."

She just broke out into a happy smile as she hugged him.

"Thank you."

Kakashi chuckled.

"Miss. You have the best boyfriend in that guy. He's my heir after all."

She gasped and looked at Tyler.

"You're loaded?"

He shrugged as Kakashi lost it.

"I guess."

She just pressed her head into his chest with a happy smile.

"He's even rich too."

Tyler hugged her as Kakashi made another report.

"Kirito got brought to the hospital as well. Same with his family."

Tyler smiled at that.

"I'll have a word with him about Coal."

Sachi frowned.

"Coal was just mad Kirito all but stole the guild from under him. We more or less looked at Kirito as our leader. Much as they seemed to get along Coal was just jealous."

Tyler smiled.

"I can see that. Kirito's the only one in this game that can really hold his own against me. I'll still KICK his ass. But ya know."

She laughed at that as Kakashi smiled.

"The battle in that room WAS televised however."

Sachi slumped.

"My friends died in there Sir."

The yakuza boss sighed.

"They did. The public LOVED the battle as it was one of the most rousing thus far. Plus with how the Demon pulled that action hero entrance? Yeah. That was a level of badass I wish I was. And I AM sorry about your friends miss."

Tyler placed a comforting hand on Sachi's shoulder, and she smiled gratefully. She looked at the yakuza boss.

"So, we're TV stars?"

He nodded sadly.

"I was present for your Otaku talk."

She looked at Tyler.

"How bad?"

He sighed.

"Take the most toxic parts of the fandoms for Darling in the franxx, my hero academia, Naruto, and throw in the fucked up side of DXD."

She shuddered.


Tyler patted her.

"Kakashi's got APCs outside the place Sachi. They can't touch the goods."

She blushed at THAT one, and Kakashi felt he had to make a point.

"So you know? The plugs WILL be pulled should any, ahem, ACTION start."

Sachi had steam coming off her from her embarrassment! Tyler smiled.

"Ya BETTER freakin still record it! Something tells me it'll be a revisitable experience!"

Poor Sachi was so red she looked like she'd taken a bath in a slaughterhouse blood catcher! Tyler patted his new girlfriend.

"Oh. Fair warning? I'm a horndog too."

She just put her face in the couch in an attempt to hide as Kakashi took the hint.

"Well kids. Have fun."

He killed the thing and Sachi looked at Tyler with nerves in her blue eyes.

"So YOU know? Me too. Eep!"

He smiled with a happily surprised tone.

"Well, well, Sachi. Looks like I won the lottery prize here. So, whaddya wanna watch?"

She was shaking hard as she looked at him bemused,

"Ya got a certain magical index?"

"all seasons. PLUS the spin offs."

She turned around and he set up the show for them. For the next few hours they laughed at the mayhem a small blue haired nun could cause with a right unlucky bastard. Sachi was curled up on the couch laughing as she used the arm rest for a pillow while Tyler was right beside her as they relaxed completely for once. After the first twelve shows ended Sachi looked at him nervously.

"Now what?"

He shrugged.

"we GOT a massage parlor."

She blinked.

"....for real?"

He smiled.

"Allow me."

He led her to a small room with a long narrow bed and brought the UI up and let her at it. She sighed with joy,

"Oh I love this house."

He smirked.

"Should see the OTHER house I've got up on 45. THAT one is my crown jewel."

She looked at him with big blue eyes.

"Can I see that one too?"

He patted her.

"Oh course Sachi. I AM going to buy it too. Only makes sense for my hot GIRLFRIEND to see it too."


"Love the cute too."

She set the parlor for a full deep tissue and laid on the bed as a lady NPC appeared and Tyler took his cue.

"I'll let you get friendly.

She blushed hard as he left the room and sat on the couch. He sent a quick message for an update from Sakura and relaxed. Her reply took a few minutes.

"Gaby's spoiling me! I think he thinks his life depends on it!"

Tyler smiled as he sent one to Gabol.

"that little sister of yours is an Extortionist."

"That's my sis."

He could hear light moans from the parlor as Sachi got pampered hard for once and they made him smile. Looks like even I can get a little action. Sachi's a right hottie. Plus that shyness is cute as hell. He chuckled at that and relaxed again. He musta dozed off cause the next thing he was aware of was a weight on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Sakura happily asleep on his chest. Well. Hello party crasher. He looked to his side looking for Sachi, and smiled in surprised shock as he found her asleep on the same couch beside him. Cute. He loved how sweetly cute she looked asleep like that as her nose twitched in her sleep. Sakura squeaked in her sleep and it reminded him of a mouse. Sakura's still the cuter. He stroked his little sister's soft pink hair and she rolled in her sleep onto her back. Sachi moved as well and he realized she'd grabbed his arm like a body pillow. Wow, Sachi. Softer then I thought. I like them. He laid back and enjoyed the feeling as a message appeared in his UI. From Asuna.

"the boss was found and like 30 people died. Could really use your help on this Tyler."

He sighed.

"That's the signal."

He shook Sakura awake and Sachi too. Sakura sat up yawning while Sachi was utterly embarrassed by her use of pillow. He smiled at her kindly as he patted her blue hair.

"Asuna just sent a Demon Signal. Sakura gear up."

The pink haired cutie nodded smiling as Sachi looked at him.

"I want to go with you, but."

She looked down.

"I'm scared."

He looked at her and smiled.

"If you want to come with us, Sachi, we'll teach you to be strong. If Sakura here can go from terrified of her own shadow to archery badass you can too."

Sachi looked at her new boyfriend with hope.

"You'll teach me?"

"Everything you never wanted to know, I'm your guy."

Sakura smiled as she swapped to her cutie in pink get up as Tyler offered his hand to Sachi.

"I'd love to go roaming with my girlfriend Sachi."

She took his hand nearly without hesitating.

"I'd love to go with my boyfriend. My gear's not the best though."

"Pull up you UI. I've got a few leftovers to make you a badass in training."

She let him look and he smiled widely as he saw one skill.


She was concerned.

"Something wrong?"

He looked at her.

"WHY did you run a mace when your spear skills are THAT extreme?"

She gulped in embarrassment.

"Coal said we already HAD a spearman. I prefer the spear over the mace actually."

Tyler shook his head smiling.

"Sachi. You have the highest spear skill I've seen period."

She was outright gaping as Sakura came over curious as he made her new gear.

"What's she got?"

"Get this, her spear skill? 445."

"HOLY SHIT. That's higher then yours!"

"I preferred the staffsword Sakura. Never underestimate a spear wielder that knows what they're doing. Here, Sachi. Try these on for awesome."

She took the gear and gasped as she equipped it. She was now clad in a tight light blue tunic that made har massive rack really POP with a set of blood red spirals over the orbs that made them both seem bigger and eye catching. Her stomach was bare while she wore a pair of capri jeans that showed off her toned legs with the color of blood. The colors making her blue hair really explode while around her neck as a scarf of black and on her hands were fingerless gloves of deepest blue with red spikes. Her feet were sheathed in a pair of cowgirl boots of gold and red. She looked at herself in the mirror and just gaped in awe at her new sexy dangerous look she gave off. Next Tyler got to work on her spear.

"Here, Sachi. Should do the job."

He gave her a 5 foot spear with a two foot blade. She gasped, then looked at him sheepishly.

"Can I get a shield too?"

He looked at Sakura a little stunned.

"Sachi's a badass."

She nodded.

"Oh totally. Hot too."

Sachi blushed as Tyler looked at her,


Her blush deepened.

"More round shield."

"Jesus, Sachi. I'm startin to think I WON'T have to teach you much."

He gave her a four foot round shield with their guild insignia on the center boss and she looked like a statue to a Greek war goddess he'd seen once. Tyler smiled as he donned his red gear.

"Let's go raise hell."

They walked out as Sachi joined the party AND his guild. The trio jumped to the floor and he looked at her.

"Keep up."

They took off running and the poor blue haired girl was struggling valiantly to keep the siblings in sight. The trio found the place in question as Sachi dropped from her hard run with heavy weapons. Tyler passed her a stamina potion and she smiled gratefully.


He helped her to her feet.

"Running everywhere helps build stamina in here. Sharp turns at speed do agility. Carrying all that on a hard run does strength."

She nodded as she listened to the master. Sakura was looking around at the party of other players until she spotted a familiar shade of red hair.


Tyler smiled as he led Sachi forward to where Asuna was reaming the raid leader.

"How the hell did you lose 30 PLAYERS IN ONE RAID?"

Sachi gulped at the sight of the fiery red head and Tyler nudged her.

"Asuna's a legit fiery red head, Sachi. Ya been warned."

Sakura giggled.


Asuna winced at the pet name and looked over to see Sakura smiling.

"Oh there you are Sakura. Hey-HOLY. Gore, who's that gorgeous girl?"

Sachi shuffled her feet shyly as Tyler smiled.

"That's Sachi, Asuna. MY new girlfriend."

The crowd had a collective gasp of utter shock. Asuna just gaped at the shyly blushing with a smile Sachi.

"It's true. I'm the DEMON'S girlfriend."

The crowd just looked at Tyler in utter disbelief and he had a look of exasperation.


Asuna walked over to get a good look at the new girl and Sachi gulped as the legendary firebrand looked her over before looking at Tyler with an intense light in her red eyes.


He tilted hie head.

"Yeah, Asuna?"

She walked to look RIGHT into his eyes.

"Who asked WHO?"

He looked at her confused.

"I did. I asked her out."

Asuna blinked at that one as Sakura sighed.

"Big brother likes the shy type I guess."

Asuna busted up laughing at that one.

"Oh I can see that! And here I thought it was the boobs!"

Sachi hid in her shield as Tyler replied.

"Actually. I didn't know she was stacked until I made her swimsuit for her. Guess her mother's a shrew."

Asuna sighed at that.

"She's bigger then her mother?"

"Yup. By like three full cups. I used that to make sure it don't get seen."

Asuna nodded in approval.

"Good. And Sachi?"

The poor girl was shaking at being addressed by the Lightning Flash herself.

"Yes ma'am?"

Tyler and Sakura smiled widely at that,

"You call me that and I'll shove this rapier so far up your ass it'll fly out your mouth."

Tyler smiled wiser.

"Yes Assy!"

Asuna had a vein bulge on her forehead as Tyler used Sakura's pet name. Sachi just went wide eyed as Tyler teased the girl as Sakura sighed.

"Wow, Assy. You look mad."

Tyler shrugged.

"Assy's got a lot of...wow. As much as I wanna make a junk joke, it won't fit in the trunk. Right? Assy?"

Oooh she LOST IT! She pulled a metal club from her Inven and proceeded to BEAT the idiot half to death in a fit of blind rage as Sakura shook her head at a scared Sachi,

"Big brother likes to tease. His jokes hurt sometimes but others are funny. Assy here still can't take a joke though."

Asuna broke the club over Tyler's body and was standing their panting from the exertion of her rage moment. Tyler patted her on the head with a patronizing manner.

"There, there, Asuna. At least you are still good at beating things."

Asuna was on the verge of a full on blacked out rage as Tyler teased her. Sakura sighed cutely.

"Poor Asuna. She has to spend so much time beating idiots she's gotten TOO good at it."

Tyler looked at Sakura as he kept patting.

"I can turn that into a hilarious dirty joke, Sakura. But Lorg's not here."

Asuna had a strained voice now.

"I guess you don't need that arm."

He looked at her as if just noticing her and pulled his arm back.

"Oh. Hi Asuna. When'd you get here?"

If it was possible to explode from rage, Asuna WOULD have right then and there. The poor girl was quivering hard as her eyes twitched from the jackassery as Tyler let her off the hook or she really WOULD blow a fuse.

"So, Asuna. What we dealing with?"

She rubbed her head as Sakura gave her an ice cold drink for her now pounding headache.

"That idiot there attacked the boss head on and lost 30 players of the scout force. From what he told me, 6 health bars, high defense with a nasty counter. No instakills, but really high attack. Wielding a greatsword and is a dog headed boar thing."

Tyler nodded and looked at the party.

"Sachi's a helluva spear shielder. She'll pony up with me, Asuna you know the drill."

The red and white clad girl looked at the blue haired girl curiously.

"She's good with a spear?"

"Her spear skill is 445, Asuna."

"HOLY. The hell girl? Why you hide it then?"

Sachi blushed.

"Coal said in my last guild they already had a good spear user."

She looked at Tyler in disbelief. He shrugged.

"Sachi's got a confidence issue. Her friends were really holding her back."

Asuna smiled at that and looked at Sachi anew.

"Okay, Sachi. You are going to be a legend now once Gore gets some lessons in that cute head of yours. We're wasting time."

Tyler patted Sachi on the back.

"Stay close and listen for yells."

She nodded and the four of them went in as Sakura looked at Asuna.

"Where's kiri?"

Asuna sighed.

"I sent him the message abut he never replied."

Tyler sighed.

"idiot needs to learn to let stuff go."

Tyler took the lead and booted the doors open to get a look at the boss. It stood 9 feet tall with a boar's tusks in a dog's head. The thing wielded a massive greatsword and Tyler tilted his head.

"Hmmm. Well that's different. Ready ladies?"

Sachi took up a stance with the shield up and the spear poking around it for a vicious stab. Her blue eyes were still scared though.


Tyler smiled as he pulled his staffsword.

"Stay close Sachi."


"Let's start this mess!"

Tyler surged forward with Asuna on his right, Sachi his left and Sakura firing arrows from the back. The boss roared as Tyler launched the first shot.

"Demon rush."

He hit the thing hard and a visible portion of the first health bar dropped as Sakura's arrows hit the thing in the heart, dropping half the remaining first health bar as Asuna pulled a flanker to hit the tall boar thing 10 tens in 5 seconds dropping the first bar and moving into the second as Sachi lunged with her spear. The tip glowed as she stabbed the belly of the beast before recoiling with a spin. Roughly a quarter of the health bar dropped from that ONE attack. Tyler smiled widely.

"It's vulnerable to pierce attacks!"

The girls nodded as Sachi threw her shield up to block a greatsword shot, only to tilt it to the side at the las second for a mere deflection that did a quarter damage. Her health bar dropped but was still green as Tyler leapt over her for a vicious stab with his new twin blades as Sakura shot another heart shot followed up by an Asuna stabber. Sachi used another heavy pierce skill and stabbed it in the heart. The thing shattered outright due to the highly powerful spear Tyler had given her, the 5x multiplier for a heart shot, and the spear in the hands of a high leveled spear user. Tyler and the three girls just looked at Sachi as the shy girl got the final attack bonus. Poor Sachi was gaping at the fact she just killed a boss with her own hands! Then Tyler busted up laughing.

"See? Sachi's a badass!"

Asuna just sheathed her Rapier with a look of disgust as she looked at Tyler.

"How the hell did he lose 30 players to that thing? All you'd have to do is hit the thing ONCE in the heart and you'd know."

Sakura was hugging Sachi for a good kill as Tyler sighed.

"I'm thinking the idiot may have played knife in the back. Sachi, Sakura. Let's get that portal up."

They nodded even though Sachi was still stunned by her victory. Tyler set a toll of 95 droy before leading the ladies to the nearby tavern. There they fed on meat and ale as Tyler kept an eye on the portal. Sachi was just smiling proudly as Asuna looked at the Demon.

"So, you think he killed his own party?"

Tyler had an arm around Sachi's shoulders which put a proud blush on her face.

"It makes sense Asuna. Think about it. That thing's major weakness was piercing attacks. ONE shot from Sachi here dropped like half a health bar per hit. Her awesomeness notwithstanding. ANY idiot that got this far would be able to pick on that. Fact he was the ONLY survivor lends more credit to the theory."

Sakura was happily eating as the heavy talks went on as usual. Sachi was confused.

"Why would someone want to kill the entire party?"

Tyler shrugged.

"Many reasons Sachi. A mere disagreement sometimes is all it takes. Hell. I've seen people in this game literally kill someone for spilling a mug of water. Most likely reason? A mass hit by Laughing Coffin."

Sachi shuddered at the name as Asuna sighed.

"They're getting a lot bolder with their crap. Heathcliff is trying to locate their hQ for a raid."

Tyler frowned.

"Tell him when you get a fix to let ME handle the raid, Asuna. He refuses send me the spot and I'll go."

Sachi blinked.

"But their murderers! You can't kill them all alone!"

Tyler looked at her.

"Sachi. Since the doors shut I've killed upwards of 55 players with my own hands."

She went white at that. Sakura was engrossed in her meals as Asuna looked at the now terrified girl sympathetically.

"Gore here kills those that TRY to hurt US, Sachi. To that end there is nothing he will not do to keep us alive and safe."

Tyler looked at her now.

"I told of my past, did I not?"

She nodded still shaking in fear.

"You did."

His eyes went hard as steel and his voice to cold steel.

"I will DIE before I let you suffer like I did Sachi. There is nothing I will not do to ensure you never feel the same pain. If I have to, I'll happily slaughter every other player in this game. I'll use MY darkness in my soul to protect the light in yours."

Sachi was paper white at the force of his voice and the look in his eyes. Sakura giggled.

"big brother protects us."

Sachi looked at the pink haired girl and relaxed as she remembered his desperate fight to save her and her friends. She sighed ruefully.

"It just caught me by surprise, Gore. You having killed that many people an all."

He patted her blue hair fondly.

"That's fine Sachi."

He looked at Asuna.

"If the HQ is found, Asuna."

She nodded.

"You'll be the first I tell. Heathcliff wants to imprison the members of Laughing Coffin. And to be honest? I do as well. But I also remember your point on just loping the branch rather then save it. Especially their leader PoH."

Tyler looked at her.

"You know the name of the leader?"

She shuddered.

"He's the one with the Mate Chopper. The most dangerous and sadistic player in the guild. Right now Gore? Only YOU or Kirito or Heathcliff can take him down. Anyone else? Even me? I'd lose and Sakura would too."

Tyler took a drink then.

"The Mate Chopper eh? PoH. I'd know that acronym anywhere. PoH. Prince Of Hell."

Asuna shuddered again and so did Sachi.

"He's the real deal, Gore. If you see him, PLEASE, just kill him? Like drop whatever you're doing and KILL that guy. No else can."

Tyler smiled.

"He pops up again I'll shatter him for kicks. Sounds like the Coffin Fucker forgot he's in the DEMON'S playground."

Sachi smiled at that.

"Wow. He DOES have good one liners."

Sakura giggled.

"Big brother's awesome. Asuna's pretty, I'm cute and you? Eh. You got dat rack."


"Wow. She's got a cute setting too?"

"She's very cute."

"She is. The boobs help."


Kakashi sighed as the friends laughed as he looked at Arthur.

"This man. PoH. I've seen him pop up in a few other live streams."

Arthur rubbed his chin.

"How bad?"

The Yakuza boss lit a cigar.

"That man is what we yakuza know as a Man slayer. He's the type we hire for making people vanish. Tyler will have a fight on his hands if he tries to kill him. That said, Asuna was right."

Sakura's god father looked at him,

"About which part?"

Kakashi sighed again as he let out a puff of smoke.

"Tyler IS the only one that can kill that monster. The only question is if he walks away from the fight. Tyler's the Demon. What will happen when the Demon meets the Prince of Hell?"