
When a Badass Women meets a Sweet Guy.

A Self-Made Independent Women Diana, Who lives for herself. She is not like every other girl out there who is caring, loving, and elegant, she is rude, evil, and dangerous. She is a badass woman with no mercy, people around her often call her evil bitch. she can be a perfect Villain because Love, care, trust are things that Diana does not care about. But what if Someone out there might change her perspective. It's hard but let's see if Diana could change.

lifebeyondjoy · Thành thị
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2 Chs

"She is Evil"

Driving through the alley a black Lamborghini in high speed crossed the road breaking signal. People walking on the road ran to save themselves from it.

" These Rich Brats have no sense of manner and values, what does he think? Does he owns this road", said a person as he runs to the other side to save himself from it.

"Right, that's the problem with these rich people kids, does not give a shit even if a person dies, drinking and driving have become normal for them," said another person.

The person driving the car did not even turn back to look and just drove past them.

Tires screeching sound could be heard from afar as the car stopped with sudden brakes in front of the nightclub.

As the car door opened, A valet approached the car.

" Welcome sir", said Valet.

but to his surprise, a woman in her thirties wearing a black off-shoulder dress came out of the car.

" I am sorry Mam, I", said Valet anxiously.

But the Woman interrupted him in the middle and said," Why? you think the only man is the one who could actually have such cars or could drive them? Huh?"

The valet got so nervous he could not do anything besides apologizing but before he could say anything, the Club Manager came running and interrupted," Miss Diana, I apologize on his behalf, it's his first day today, he didn't recognize you".

" What are you doing? Idiot, she owns this club, Now hurry up and apologize to her", Said Manager.

The Valet bends down to apologize but Diana didn't even look and walk past him and asked the manager in a rude tone," Just fire him, People shouldn't be too quick to judge others".

The manager nodded anxiously and asked the valet to leave.

"Was that really a big mistake?", Wondered the Manager.

Diana went straight to have a drink. she sat and ordered a drink.

After having few shots Diana was a little drunk. A man in his 30's approached her from the back.

"Hello Beautiful, What are you doing all alone? would you like to have some company?"Asked the stranger.

Diana turned back and looked at the man.

" Do I need A Company?" said Diana in a sarcastic tone.

Diana smirked and looked away. The Man sits beside her. Meanwhile, a waiter came with flowers and gave them to Diana and wished her Happy Birthday.

" Oh? it's your birthday lady, Let me pour you a drink then, and let's celebrate" said the stranger.

Diana looked at him, She was drunk but still could hold herself.

"I don't Celebrate birthdays man and what is wrong with you? huh? let me be straight with you, You want to sleep with me? Right?" Asked Diana as she held the man's collar and pulls him closer to her.

"What? What are you talking about?", Mummbled the man hesitantly. he looked anxious as if Diana hit the right spot.

" If you had just wanted to talk you wouldn't be here, its nightclub, you know what happens here, don't you?" said Diana and takes another drink.

The Stranger smiled and looked at Diana and said, " Aren't you too straightforward? lady".

" Why? is there a problem? I don't like wasting my time, I guess," said Diana.

" Well that's right," said the Man and drink.

Diana then stood up, looked the stranger in the eyes, and went to the dance floor.

He finished his drink and hurriedly went after her. Diana pulled him closer and whispered in his ear," Then shall we do what we really want".

Diana's such straight carefree behavior would make anybody anxious and hesitant.

Diana then went to the stairs and went up, he followed her like a pet who follows its master. Diana then went to one of its nightclub private rooms.

As he entered the room, he looked at Diana, and said," You look Beautiful".

But before he could talk much she pushed him against the wall and said, " We aren't here to talk, so let's do what we are here for and not waste our time".

She unbuttoned his shirt and begins kissing him vehemently. His parted mouth dips to her neck. Diana pushes him to the bed threw off her dress on the floor.

The Man looked at Diana's beautiful hot body lustfully and wondered," Is it me leading all of it or she is the one? she looks like she is gonna eat me alive".

" What are you thinking ", asked Diana as she leans towards him.

"N---Nothing", said Man stammering.

Then take off your pants said, Diana. He removed his clothing. Each item dropping to the floor until he stood before her completely naked, open, exposed.

She lied on the bed, he knelt on the floor, pulled her to the edge of the bed, and his mouth danced across her heated flesh, licking and sucking at her pussy.

But Diana isn't just an easy woman to please. He moved between her spread thighs. The tip of him grazed across her clit, going to her entrance.

She brings his face closer and pursed her beautiful lips, and he couldn't help himself. He dipped his head and captured her mouth.

"You're dangerous," he said, breathlessly as his thumbs rubbed circles around her taut nipples. She spread her leg. Then, he hooked his arms under the bend of her legs and pulled her to him.

Selfish and greedy, She reached on top of him around and dug her nails in his chest asked him to pound her harder and deeper and faster. he did everything she said like he was nothing but a slave of her. she was dominating both in the outworld and in the bed too.

This is how Diana spends her birthday night with a stranger. she fucked a man who she doesn't even know. she was evil and dangerous.

She is good to you as long as you don't get on her bad side. she doesn't care about people's feelings, or emotions.

People around her, call her evil bitch .But is she really that bad?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hey, Guys My new Novel out.

Please do read this and support guys. show your love through comments, likes, and reviews. Your support means a lot.

The next chapter would be released on monday.

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