
Wheel-kuns Picks 2023

Demon slayer one shots There will be a commination of Au's and a thing stating what Au and what ship is in that chapter at the begnining (there will be acts in these but if theirs more the two acts they will be moved into their own book) There will be smut

MioShiTomioka · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


Au; Fantasy

Ship; Sanegiyuu

Amount of chapters; 1

Rating; Safe For Work

Nymph Giyuu!

Vampire Sanemi!

Welcome to the land of Ikinzale (ick-nez-dale), a land where only those with magical abilities and those lost in stories of old times live, no modern day humans are allowed access unless they've had the truth revealed to them.

Giyuu is a nymph, a creature commonly predicted as a beautiful woman who is a minor female deity (no, giyuu's not going to be a female), different from the goddess' they're genuinely regarded as personifications of nature. Giyuu is one of the only male, water Nymphs.

Sanemi is a vampire. I think I've said enough there.

A vampire is a mythical creature that feeds on its victims vital-essence otherwise known as its blood, they are members of the undead factuitaly. I think we all know what vampires are though so I won't need to explain further.

What happens when Sanemi goes on a walk and finds Giyuu sitting on the edge of the river?


I am so happy Wheel-kun decided to pick the fantasy au!

I've been dying to have this Idea written!!

And if it took more than a week of spinning I'd have just done it myself and kept it as a normal one-shot.

-Mio <3

The sun had only just been tucked under its fluffy blanket of clouds which seemed to swallow it whole, the sunset which was on display once a day now its show had come to an end and the drawing of the eternal night-coloured curtains fell upon the stage.

The twinkling stars looked like tiny crystals in the sky, the moon glowing faintly with a splash of pixie dust. Within the shadows a man with hair as white as perl hummed softly, stretching and arching his back, getting ready to go on a prowl. He wasn't a werewolf, if he was he would have already left when the sun was setting, however now that all the sunlight had been sucked form the surface of the earth it was now time for him and his coven to hunt.

"Sanemi-san, what are we looking for today?" a girl with bright pink hair which faded down into green asked with a squeal, her voice could be considered annoying but that's only if you weren't used to it. Her once big green eyes now forever a deep blood red, her pale skin now as white as snow and fangs poking out behind her pinky-red lips.

"Find any animal, remember we have to keep the peace. There are a few newbies hanging out after dark so be careful." and with that the seven members in his coven were off, going to find food.

'The newbies' are what he liked to call fresh blood, all of them were either new-borns, toddlers, kids or just new members to their home.

Ikinzale (ick-nez-dale) is a land which can only be gotten to by a boat into the (as the humans would call it) Bermuda triangle, however it was just the entrance way to their home, a oasis for monsters, goblins and ghouls alike, a home for everyone no matter what you are. That is what Ikinzale is, it's a place where what you are doesn't and will never matter, how you look doesn't matter, what you say doesn't matter, who you fuck doesn't matter.

Well the last ones a lie, say you fucked a child the whole island would hunt you down and kill you, so it dose kinda matter.

With a sigh 'Sanemi-san' stood from his spot on the ground, he was going to have to find something to feed on, a deer would be good. Anything to keep the vampires in check. With one step into the cold wind around the cave Sanemi smiled and ran.

The could water splashed across his face as the child before him played around the small girl with long silver hair and blue eyes; named Ume was in the care of Tomioka Giyuu, one of the five elder's in the water Nymph council which refused to talk to almost anyone other than the children and his sister.

"Ume, go back inside." Giyuu spoke, sliding back into the water so he could take her back into her home where her elder brother and her father were waiting "It's time for the vampires to roam." It was the same time every night that the vampires would roam, just as the sun sets is when everyone hides away in their homes.

Giyuu had let the child stay around for at least an extra half an hour "I heard that your brother was making your favourite.." he tried to coate the child into going home, the girl gasped and went under the water, rushing home to her elder brother. Unlike how people assume; Nymphs do have homes though they may not be as amazing or as excagant as the mermaids and sirens' homes.

Nymphs like in caves which lay far beneath the waters surface which is what this singular underground revane filled with water is used for there's a mountain nearby which houses around thrifty different vampire covens and in the warmer months the snow atop the mountain melts and all the water goes crashing down into the main three rivers;

Killsanga (kal-liga-san), The siren's home.

Merinalka (Mer-lina-sag), The mermaids home

And finally Nymhyyimka (Nym-hy-imka), The Nymph's home.

Giyuu sighed and shook his head, sitting on the edge of the lake and smiling to himself, normally the vampires never came around here since there was nothing to eat but they do come around on that one off occasion when someone feels that its necessary to chase a deer into their river; which Giyuu found extremely annoying.

Something told him that that night was going to be one of those nights..

Sanemi was running after his pray, he had no idea where it was taking him, that is until he almost fell into the Nympyyimka river after it, he got yanked back to his feet by a gentle hand "could you please stop chasing your food into our river?" the voice was gentle and soft, cold, yes. "Its disturbing the children's rest."

This is one of the water council members? The thought crossed Sanemis mind and made him freeze, if it was then he was in shit; but this was the first time he had done it.. Was it common for vampires to do this? "How many times has this happened?"

Sanemi found the water Nymph he was talking to adorable, his shoulder length black hair open for people to see its full beauty, his eyes a lovely deep blue colour and his face looked like it had been made by a god- well he was a (minor) deity after all so it made sense. "This is the twelfth time this week."

Sanemi almost lost his eyes as they popped out of his head "what!? Why hasn't anyone made a complaint yet?!"

"We didn't see it necessary.." Giyuu responded, looking down at his feet, he was standing on the water's surface. "We also have no idea who to report anything to, we aren't very well kept up to pace with the vampires.."

Sanemi nodded, okay, everythings okay, I just have to beat up some people. The vampire smiled and nodded "Report anything to me and I'll handle it. If its anyone in my coven I'll let them burn in the s–"

"No, do not kill any of your coven, just talk to them; we don't want any death to happen due to us."

Sanemi sighed and nodded "fine. Maybe I know your name?"

"Tomioka Giyuu."

Sanemi blinked "isn't your sister a siren?"


"If she's a siren and you're a nymph, what was your elder sister?"

"A mermaid."

"How the fuck?"

Giyuu giggled softly, hiding his smile with his hands. "We're adopted, my elder sister was the only blood child; when they found me who looked exactly like them they adopted me and later on adopted Shi." that was what happened, then their parents and elder sister were killed by hunters.

"That.. makes more sense." Sanemi laughed and shook his head "I'm Shinazugawa Sanemi, head of one of the strongest vampire covens and the one in charge of keeping everyone in check."

Giyuu hummed "glad to know I've met someone responsable."

Sanemi smiled and looked into the water "is the deer okay?"

"It died on impact with the water, would you like me to fetch it for you?"

"Would that be okay?"

"Give me just a moment." and with that Giyuu disappeared below the water's surface and when he returned and the deer was laying beside the vampire on the grass "clean and skin it before drinking, our water is toxic to any one or thing besides us, it's to protect the young from any rogue werewolves."

"You have werewolf problems?"

"Once a month there's a werewolf attack on one of the young ones, I think they have either lost control or are just doing it for amusement." Giyuu shook his head with a sigh before smiling at the vampire "you might wanna go and deal with your coven and the rest of the vampires before the suns up, you have four hours."

"Thank you Tomioka!" Sanemi yelled as he ran off, the deer over his shoulders, Giyuu smiled and shook his head, slipping below the waters and heading home himself, once he got inside and thought about when he might see Sanemi again, maybe on another night like this one. The thought made his heart burst with job, the smile never left his face even as he whispered back into the water;

"Goodbye for now, Sanemi Shinazugawa."