
CHAPTER 1: The Fire is Lit

When Ye Xiu's retirement was announced, the Professional Alliance and fans alike felt a myriad of emotions. They were definitely happy for him, as he had accomplished his goal of bringing out the full potential of the Unspecialized Class with his Myriad Manifestation Umbrella. However, there was also a sense of bittersweet nostalgia. Those who had been following him since he was in Excellent Era until now especially were devastated to see him go. To them, Ye Xiu was not just a god, but a hero. One who embodied the idea of what Glory was about.

This was the case for college senior Zhen Lin, who found out the news through the #GodYeRetires tag on Weibo. Words could not describe how crushed the young man was when he read the posts people made about it. He had been playing the game since the 5th season and followed all the pro teams and tournaments to the point where he procrastinated on his homework and projects so he could stay in the loop. But Ye Xiu, God Ye Xiu, formerly One Autumn Leaf and now the legendary Lord Grim was the reason why he got into Glory. He was the paradigm of what he felt its players should aspire to be, and now he was gone.

After that, Zhen Lin stopped playing for a year. Every time he would try to log in, he would remember all the memories he had and break down. It was too much for him. Even now, tears pricked the young man's eyes as he was heading back to his dorm from his part-time job. He recognized why it happened. It was understandable. Every pro was destined to reach that point. His logical adult persona tried to get that through to him, but his inner child was confused and upset. It was like losing a family member. For some reason, today, the wistful emotions from years of playing and keeping up with God Ye's activity suddenly decided to hit him all at once like a truck and he found himself feeling empty. What was he supposed to do now? Follow the other teams? Find a new person to worship?

Overwhelmed by all this emotional baggage, he moved towards a bench on the sidewalk to sit and take a deep breath. What the hell was he thinking? God Ye would be so disappointed if he saw him crying. He furiously wiped his eyes and gathered himself as best as he could, before he felt a vibration in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he glanced at the caller ID before sighing. At least it was just his older brother. What timing. Zhen Lin pressed the answer button.


"Hey!" Yup it was definitely his brother. That unmistakable, disgustingly optimistic tone gave it away.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much. I just wanted to see what my dear younger brother was up to."

"I just got off work. I'm heading back to my dorm."

"Ah okay...wait a minute...are you sick? Your nose sounds stuffy…" Oh god damn it not this again.

"No, I'm fine." He insisted before taking out some tissues to blow his nose.

"...Were you crying again?" The young man flinched. Why the hell was this bastard so sharp? "Don't even try to hide it from me. I know you by now." Another deep breath.

"...Yeah..so what?"

"Little bro...Are you still upset about that guy?"

"Oh SHUT UP." A fond sigh from the elder was heard.

"You know at this point it almost sounds like you're in love with him."

"I will end you." His brother laughed.

"There's the brother I know." Zhen Lin stayed quiet. It was almost scary that the guy always knew what to say when it came to him. "But you know...no one's ever really gone." The younger's eyebrows raised. What kind of sudden philosophical bullshit was this?

"What the hell are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that even if that guy Ye Xiu isn't playing Glory anymore it doesn't mean that he's gone forever."

"I know he's not dead but--"

"Little bro, just let me speak." His brother interceded gently but with a firm tone. Zhen Lin opened his mouth for a moment but he bit his lip to prevent himself from interrupting anymore. Sensing that he was willing to listen now, the other continued.

"I'm not talking about the literal sense of him being gone. What I mean is that his spirit is still alive, in the game. He may not be playing anymore, but the game will always connect you to him. Because it will always be a part of him like it's a part of you." The younger went dead quiet at that point. After a few minutes of letting the words sink in, he finally opened his mouth again.

"...Who are you and what have you done to my brother? He would never say such wise words." A scoff was heard from the other end.

"Wow, this is betrayal." Zhen Lin laughed at the other's indignance before thinking over what he said earlier. He hated to admit it, but he was absolutely right. All this time, he felt that he would never feel the presence of Ye Xiu again because he retired, yet that wasn't the case at all. If anything, Ye Xiu's spirit lived on in the new generation of young, hot-blooded Glory players who joined with the ultimate goal to become like the God himself. A heat slowly seemed to spread through Zhen Lin's body but pooled especially around his hands until it felt like he was in a blazing fire. He needed to play. He needed to feel that connection once more. He wanted to experience that feeling of fun and excitement again.

"...Bro…" Zhen Lin murmured just enough for the other to hear. "..Thank you...I know what to do now." Not even a second later, he swore he heard a hard bang on the other end of the line. Ah, his brother probably dropped his phone from the shock. Just as quickly, another noise came (his brother most likely picking up his phone) before he heard a sniffle.

"Oh little bro...Anytime…I'm always here for you." The younger sighed once more, this time out of exasperated fondness.

"Okay, I have to go. I'm gonna head to an internet cafe now."

"Okay okay, but call me more often! I get so worried when you go off the radar." Zhen Lin rolled his eyes.

"I promise I will."

"You better."

"Okay bye."

"Later." He pressed the end button on the screen before going online and checking for the nearest internet cafe. He laughed almost bitterly at what popped up. Happy Internet Cafe. How ironic. Zhen Lin shook his head but started to examine the directions to it. Once he felt he was confident in memorizing them, he popped in his earphones and started his trek towards his destination. A new purpose engraved in his soul.

I'd been wanting to write a TKA fic for a while, but I could never decide what I wanted it to be about. This prompt, along with me watching the prequel film and the drama, inspired me to finally write and get my other friends into the franchise.

Rocky_Legaspicreators' thoughts