

Mits phone's alarm went off, she opend her eyes realizing that she had fallen asleep again.

After a few second of lying on her bed, she jumped of the bed and ran towards the bathroom, she was running late and needs to get herself ready or she will be late.

Jumping in the shower, she statered thinking of what she is going to wear today.

Quickly she gets out the shower runs to her room and stood in fornt of her cubord, she decided on her pink summer dress and matching sandals.

Looking at herself in the mirror she agreed that this will work.

Making herself a cup of tea she thinks about the plans for the day.

10:00 am Breakfast with Shane

12:00 am Going to see a movie

15:00 pm Going to do some shopping

16:00 pm Picknick with Shane followed by looking at the starts

Mits's started smiling and could not help but be excited about the fun fulled day.

Mits's phone started rining, brining her back to the now, she looked at the screan and saw Shanes name, with a smile on her face she answered the phone.

"Good morning"

"Good morning Shane replied, are you ready to go, I am waiting for you down stairs"

With excitement Mits's answered, "Give me 2 min I just need to grab my bag"

"Ok see you in 2" Shane replied.

Mits's can't help but feel a bit nervause as Shane is not his usal happy person, Mits grabed her bag and ran to the door, locking up she walked down stairs, where she see Shane standing by the car waiting for her.

With a smile Mits walked to him, he returned the smile and Mits felt a bit better, but there is still something that in not quite right.

"Good morning beautifull, did you sleep well"

Yes thanks I did, how about you.

With a grin Shane just smiled at her and asked her if she is ready to go, with that cue Shane opend the door for Mits to get in, waiting for her to be seated he closed the door, walking around the car and got in, before he started the car he was sitting next to her for a few second.

Mits looked at him and saw that he was worried, she could not help but ask.

"What is the matter, did something happen?"

Shane turned his head and looked at her with a small smile and replied," there is something that I need to tell you but not sure how to say it or where to start."

With that two words Mits really started to get worried. "What is it Shane you can tell me anything, do you rather want to cancel today and go upstairs and talk about what is going on with you?"

With that question Shane replied, "No we can't we have to go to breakfast, there is someone that wants to meet you and she would like to talk to you."

Mits's eyes darkened as she clenched here bag.

The next second, she yanked Shane's arm, her face a mask of anger, "Whats going on who is this person that want's to meet me and talk to me?"

Just the thought of that question made Shane shudder in fear and panic, but after a while he answered "My Wife"

Frustrated Jade could not control her anger at Shane she started screaming at him she wanted to get out of the car, but Shane took her hand to try and stop her.

With tears in her eyes she said to Shane that she never knew that he had the ability to take advantage of her and that he could not tell her that he was married.

With that said Mits opended the door and started getting out the car, she heard Shane get out the car saying "I am truly sorry for hurting you, I wanted to tell you but I was not sure what to say or how to say it."

With a tone as cold as ice, she hissed, if I remember correctly you had more than one opportunity to tell me about you wife in the past 5 months, everything makes sens now, why I could not go to your house unless I was invited, why you could not always spend the night after a excellent day spend together. "What els are you lying to me about."

With that said Mits turned and started walking away again.

Shane followed and she stopped, Mits eyes lowered slightly, "Please do not follow me, I want you to get in your car and go back to your wife, it's over between us."

Mits walked away again with tears in her big blue eyes she went up to her apartment.

Inside the apartment she Burts out in tears and said to herself "What were you thinking, where you so blineded by the love you have for him that you missed all the signs"

Mits went to go sit on the sofa, where she cried herself to sleep.