The abandoned infant Wang Xiaoshuai was adopted by the old rogue from a young age. When he grew up, he became the foremost villager of Wanmin Village, leading the villagers to wealth and prosperity, forging a legendary life!
"People who manage local affairs are all set on climbing up the ranks, getting a little capable and then thinking too highly of themselves, wining and dining all over the place, and paying no attention to the daily lives of the common people,"
Zeng Lili said with a look of helplessness as she looked at Wang Xiaoshuai and sighed.
Suddenly, Wang Xiaoshuai asked, "Then what about your Ho Dongguo? Is he like that too?"
Zeng Lili gave him a displeased look and said, "You already know, so why do you still bring it up? Besides, isn't Zhang Mingwei the same? After he left, Lin'an County's finances wouldn't have been so severely in the red!"
"My Ho Dongguo, although I won't say how he is, at least he's quite popular with everyone. As for those things you mentioned, without money, there's no way to develop."