

""I'm I'm so~sorry "

"No you're not you betrayed me your friend "

"That isn't true and you know it we were in love but you and your father decided to ruin things for us I was supposed to be his wife "

"But I am why did you do it??"

"It wasn't my fault okay he He he was the one I swear"

"I won't let you have his baby, I won't I am his wife and I'm supposed to carry his child "

"You can't do this,NO NOOO!!!!"shouts

"Watch me"

"Let me go you can't do this I'll stay away from him I promise very far away pleaseee~~"


After walking under the scorching sun Georgia was extremely tired wiping the sweat off her face she entered the huge building and headed for her office .

'What a day' she sighed in her mind as she sat behind her table to continue the remaining paper work she was supposed to submit to her boss in an hour,she was really exhausted as she couldn't find the stuff the went searching for.

After she was sure the work was ready she stood up arranged her office skirt properly before heading to the boss's office.


After a few knocks she turned the doorknob and slowly made her way into the office,reaching the table she placed the files on the table

"Sir here are the files you asked for"

"Oh,let me see"said the boss dropping the other files to take the ones she just brought in

"If that is all sir then I would be taking my leave"she said

"Sure....oh hold on"just as she turned he stopped her her she turned to look at him

"Can you meet a client for me...I know it's not your job but I feel like there's no in who can do this more perfectly...I would love to go but I also have a meeting with another client...so.....what do you say"he asked his gaze never leaving her pretty face

"I don't really know boss,the thing is I have a lot of paperwork to do so I don't think I can go"she tried to refuse

"No need to worry about that they aren't important we need this business deal to grow the company and beside it's not free I'll increase your salary "he said

"Fine"she replied hesitantly

" then it is settled,I'll mail you the address and time ASAP"he said smiling "you can leave"

"Okay Sir"she said as the turned around and left the office.


It was already 6pm when Georgia finished with the meeting.As she stepped out of the restaurant her phone began to ring bringing out the phone to check the caller a small smile appeared on her face as she answered the call

"Babe"Roger called softly

"Hmm"she hummed in response while waiting for a cab

"How was work?"he asked

"It was as stressful as always arggghh "she complained

"So sorry about that why don't you come over so I can give you a back massage "he asked as she blushed

"Uhm I don't think there's a need for that I still have work to do at home "she replied

"Where are you I'll pick you up"he asked

"There's no need fo that I just boarded a taxi I'm heading home"she replied closing the door of the car after telling the driver her destination

"I'll come pick you at your place alright you're spending the night at my place and there is no room for negotiation "he said giving her no room to protest

"Alright you win let me get home I'll call you"she said

"Alright love you baby"Roger said

" love you too"she said

"Of course you do but you'll have to prove it tonight alright "he said

"I have to go see you later"she said before hanging up quickly before he could say anything.

On the other side Roger smiled to himself.


The next morning as Georgia got into the company she got a lot of stares some of which were envy,jealousy,admiration and so on .

Reaching her desk she sat quietly as she began her work when the manager asked her to go to the director's(CEO)office ,she stood up immediately and went to the directors office leaving all her colleagues with curious look on their faces.


After entering the office she stood in front of his table

"Good morning sir you called?"she asked

"Morning dear please have a seat"he said as she sat quietly

" you see I told you that you were the only one who could do a great job I must say I'm impressed "he said again

"Thank you director"she nodded

"Well I called you here to inform you that the meeting was a success mr.Harry agreed to partner with us,you don't know how Lucky we are to have a worker like you"he said again

"Well it's actually nothing I was just doing my job"she said

"I'm really Impressed expect your month end bonus "he said again smiling even more

" thank you so much sir I appreciate "she smiled

"Alright that's all for now you can go"

" Thank you boss"she said again as she headed for the door.

After coming out of the office her phone began to ring checking who the caller was she couldn't help but chuckle without wasting anymore time she answered the call

"Hey wassup"she asked smiling but her smile dropped as she heard the sob from the other end

"Georgia I want to run away "Lina sobbed

"Hey Lina what happened talk to me?"Georgia asked

"Can I see you?i really need someone to talk to please"Lina said with a shaky voice

"Can I come over when I close from work?cause I have a lot of work to do"she replied

"Alright I'll wait "she sniffed

"Alright be a good girl and stop crying okay I'll be there soon okay "she said

"Alright "Lina sniffs again

After hanging up Georgia heaved a sigh of relief as she headed for her office.


It was already 4pm when Georgia rounded up with her work she got out of the company and boarded a taxi heading to Lina's house and did not forget to buy some food since she knew her friend would never eat anytime she was upset.

Lina was the only friend she have ever made ever since she started attending the university they both understood each other very well and knew their behavior as the back of their palm.

Reaching the house Georgia rang the doorbell for a while before it was finally opened and the crying Lina was seen with an handkerchief.

Seeing her friend like that only made Georgia heart clench ,she was really sad for her friend and without wasting anymore time she pulled her into a hug as they hugged for a while before pulling out she wiped Lina's tears away with the back of her palm before dragging her inside and locking the door.

After calming her heartbroken friend down she brought out the food and began feeding her.After eating they both remained silent till Georgia broke the silence

"What happened?talk to me"she asked anxiously but Lina did not respond which made her uncomfortable

"Lina baby talk to mama,what happened don't tell me you called me to stare at your pretty face?"she ask jokingly

"No"Lina replied

"Then tell me what is it?"she asked again with concern all written over her face

"Mama and papa set me up"Lina replied as she sniffed really hard

" How?"she asked Lina who took a deep breath and continued

"They said they've found a suitor for me and we're to get married by the end of the month.."

"So fast??"Georgia interrupted she was confused what was wrong with their parents wanting to set them up because of the gains they could get like 'who does that' she wondered

"Yes I'm so heartbroken I don't even know him but they are giving me out to him for the rest of my life,I wish I was an orphan like you who wouldn't be controlled by anyone"Lina sobbed

Georgia has a look of regret but soon masked it with a small smile that seemed painful

'You never know 'she sighed to herself she had ran away from home but here she was claiming to be an orphan anyways isn't that what she was since they never thought of searching for her she might as well say she was an orphan

"Don't say that okay,it's not a good thing to be an orphan we'll figure things out "she said

"How ?"Lina asked

"Have you met him before?"she asked

"NO we are to meet on Monday "Lina replied feeling sad

"Alright it's not a problem you can talk things out with him first and see if he is willing to call of the marriage and if he does things would go on smoothly Alright "Georgia said

"Alright but I can't go alone would you accompany me?"Lina asked

"Not a problem I can take a day off Alright"Georgia assured and they both hugged

fo a while before talking about different after which they base farewell and Georgia left for her house.