
Chapter 9 survival without abilities

"If this is how am gonna die, I might as well as never lived in the first place, my third life and death experience where I might actually die for this one".

"Jake Didn't know if it was his mind playing tricks on him or an illusion of some sort but he heard a male masculine voice ring throughout his head".

It was firm but soothing at the same time, like it was a dependable, trustworthy voice that one could rely on. "YOU WONT DIE, YOU JUST BEGUN".


Light slowly seeped into the darkness of leos subconscious and the sound of ringing slowly subsided in his head and soon enough, the sound of a battle going underway was taking place somewhere nearby.

Jake slowly got up from his position lying face down on the floor and carefully surveyed my surroundings. He was still inside the plane but it had crashed and was heavily damaged, with the hangar door ripped away probably from the impact.

 Honestly its surprising that the ship didnt explode on impact, probably due to its gravity resistance imbedded into the planes energy core.

Few meters away from the hangar door on the outside, Tucker was going all out in a hard struggle against a six legged boar like beast, with a horn on its snout and retractable claws. 

Standing by his side aiding support was another female, the one that was screaming curses at the pilots before the plane crashed and aroung the areas was the bodies of similar monsters to the ones they were fighting.

Tucker was in a half transformed state with claws on his fingers, and scales running up his body which was serving as armour with really low defense. Attributing to that fact, his was severely wounded all over his body due to him being the damage dealer of the two.

Tucker lungged at the boar and swiped his claws towards its neck, the boar saw through its attack and blocked it with its horn and jabbed at him.  

The beast was purely relying on instinct and couldn't really attack strategically but Tucker was an amateur fighter so he made a lot of rookie mistakes that led to major injuries and a lot of missed opportunities.

Seeing the boar charge towards him, Jesse ( the girl next to him ) ran as fast as she could and stabbed her dagger into the sides of the boar. 

   It reacted to the sharp sting on its ribs and focused its attention on her, as this was not the first time she had done this trick and she was the main nuisance out of the two of em.

Anytime Tucker was in a dire situation, she would come in and interfere, saving his life and delivering slight injuries to the boar which she repeatedly attacked the same spots. The fight had been going on forever and the boar had some major injuries over the accumulated damaged.

Its tough skin was hard for tuckers claws to penetrate but jesses blade was a standard military weapon she had picked up for the plane wreakage. It charged at her in full force and she used all her agility to doge as befitting for her skills as a speedster. She wasn't as fast as the speedsters in movies, just as fast as an olympic runner at their top speed. 

She twisted her body to perform a counterattack and strucked her dagger towards the boars skin which it deflected with its horn again. 

"Why won't this Damn pig fall already? This skin is thicker than it looks". She leapt back but the boar didn't give the leisure to relax as it followed her movements and stabbed its horn in one of her legs.

"Ahhhhhh! ..." She screamed out and Tucker knew that they had to finish it now or they were all doomed. Using every ounce of energy left in his body, he made a long, thick bone like claw from his knucles and dashed towards the distracted boar.


It noticed Tuckers movement and turned around to take the heat of the attack head on, as all their jabs had only rendered light wounds amd nothing too deep. As the claw collided with the boars skin, the claw sunk into the skin making the beast roar in pain... . Roarrrrrr.

Tucker relentlessly jabbed at the boar with his boneclaw and the beast hardly had any time to react. After a minute of violent strikes, the boar dropped dead on the floor and the purple slimy Beast blood oozed from its wounds.

"Hope that was the last one", he sighed and fell to the ground from exhaustion. His stamina was next to nothing and he barely had any energy to stand on his too feet.

Jesse noticed jake moving out from the plane and her expression darkened. "Has he been sitting there watching us do all the hard work?"

The anger was apparent in her voice. jake stepped out of the plane finally getting the chance to survey the environment. It didn't matter wether he was conscious or not, he would have been completely unhelpful and just got in the way.

The area was large and the trail that the crash had made was visibly showing the trees that had been knocked down in the process. There were about 4 more boar bodies laying in distances around the ship indicating that these two really went all out. Anyway this was bad for us as it was a dead giveaway of our position

"Hey dickhead, didn't think about lending us a hand, we could have used some help and if not for us you would probably be roadkill by now". She vented out her frustration on him.

" hey! cant you hear me? Am talking to you little piece of....."

Jakes mind was spinning in circles. "Did the pilots just leave us for dead? Was there a chance that they would come back for us?"

"No fucking way! They already got the important kids, we are expendable. What the hell are the four of us gonna... Wait there were supposed to be four of us left".

In the distance, a girls corpse could be seen torn apart by the wild boars with a clear look of fear on her face even after death.

"look I know we don't know each other but we need to get out of this area at all costs, it isnt safe, our arrival probably alerted a large horde of these vile creatures".

They fell into a puzzled expression. Leaving the ship where there was a chance that they could be found by the military was a scenario that kept playing in their heads.

"listen prettyboy, you ain't the boss of me and its probably better if we wait out here, if the army comes and the can't find us, we are literally screwed". 

Her comment was purely our of fear, based on Jessses frightened face and the current situation, no one would blame her.

This was probably the worst thing that ever happened to her, her clothes were a mess and the little skin hidden beneath the sleveless button up shirt and her short miniskirt were more revealed.

Just one cut on the right place and the entire thing would fall off. At that moment the headaches returned in full force.

Jake fell down to the ground on one knee grasping his head with both arms while he was panting and grunting hard to get through the pain.

"Why the fuck does this keep happening? What the hell is wrong with me?" His head felt like it was in extreme torment Constantly splitting and reshaping with.

Darkness clouded his eyes and the pain abounded until it stopped a minute later. The pain that had come had gone like the wind but Jake was startled when he opened his eyes and saw yellow letters displaying over his eyesight like some sort of holographic projection.

The words itself drove him into a stronger state of confusion.

[ Transformation Complete Welcome Ohh :&%%& &%%&%& You Have Been Reborn ]