
Chapter 5 Meet Jacob Vartel

" What on earth was that ", Raiden thought as his battle came to a pause as the beast starred at the building emitting the yellow aura, not that he was in any condition to continue his one sided struggle against this beast anyway. 

He wondered just what on earth was capable of frightening this beast to such a degree as it soon turned away from the fight and ran with all its might in the opposite direction.

Raiden tried communicating with the team to inside to find out just what had happened, but for some reason, he couldn't get in touch with the rest of his team.

Soon his vision started to blur and the pain that was being numbed by his ability soon returned in full force increasing the bleeding and eventually, he passed out. 

( JAKES ROOM OF THOUGHTS) the bright lights shined on my face from the lit room, slowly, I regained my vision which followed by a ravaging headache, body aches and extreme drowsiness. But once I opened my eyes, I examined the the surroundings and knew exactly where I was. Yep another hospital, here I go again. 

Bullies made me and the hospital really good acquaintances so I was not at all surprised to find myself wearing the all too familiar patient gown, but the hospital today was different.

My slightly drowsy eyes was picking up stuff around me, weird tech of some sort, some beeping machines, unfamiliar doctors along with some military dudes at the door, oh and also.....

" Wait a moment, what the fuck are military guys looking for in my patients room ". 

The drowsiness wore off as the soldiers standing there noticed my conscious body and strode to my bedside, at least I think they were soldiers.

The uniform still had the usual green traces but there was more black and navy blue than green on it. 

 Before they could carry out whatever in hell they wanted to do, the doctor interfered saying that she still needed to run a couple tests to make sure I was in proper condition.

The soldiers reluctantly backed off while she came close to my bed and took out a flashlight to check my pupils and after a few basic tests, she asked. " Do you remember your name?"

"My name is Jake Vartel". 

After regaining myself from the drowsiness and becoming more clearheaded, the memories of my not so friendly encounter with death suddenly wrapped around my head. The strange events which I was to say surprised that I was still living and breathing. 

While she was running her tests, I asked her a couple questions, bringing them out all at once barely giving her leeway to answer one before another instantly popped up. 

" The black pods in the sky I saw yesterday, what happened to them?  how am I still alive? What happened to the city ".

My guess was the Military probably took care of the whole issue and a rescue team of some sort came out to get the survivors out from the hospital, but I was not expecting the next sentence to come out from her mouth. 

First she emphasized on the word, ' yesterday ' with slight confusion before sitting close to my bed and speaking out In a warm, heartfelt tone. 

" The whole crisis that happened with the black pods, well um..., that happened two years ago ".