
Chapter 4 Facing the Tigerspike

After the dark age that came with the war, a silver lining followed. Ability users where Gods gift to humanity after a constant struggle against the beasts that so often bested them in everything. 

The energy that came off from the blasts that ravaged the world from the black pods granted all those who we're exposed to the radiation abilities that enabled mankind to finally be able to protect themselves. 

Although the powers we're much weaker than the beasts themselves, one could always increase the strength of their newfound gift with rigorous training. 

Raiden was now very much more wary of its opponent as it was the first time he had heard a beasts voice in his head.

He got Into a fighting stance and carefully waited the beasts onslaught and sure enough, he dashed out of the way to avoid a brutal slash aimed at his sides and attempted to retaliate, the beast still in its invisible form. 

Not even giving Raiden enough time to rest, the beast relentlessly attacked time and time again which made him to block and dodge endlessly as he could not see his opponent to go on the offensive.

Then after about five minutes, the beast came out of its camouflage. He could clearly see what type of beast he was going against, the three tails making it a Tigerspike. 

Its invisibility cloak came back on as another barrages of attacks came back and Raiden desperately went defensive.

His ability was probably the only saving grace as to why his shield hadn't collapsed on him from the continous barrage of attacks that had been sent his way. His ability to reinforce any object that he came in contact with at will. 

He observed that the Tigerspike would come umcloaked after every 6 minutes and thought to use it as its weakness. Too bad as he never got the chance.

Soon the Tigerspike made another attempt to attack and as usual, Raiden sensed the gust of wind coming his direction and raised up his shield to counter but the beast instead of attacking ran right around him and the next minute, Raiden felt this painful slashmarks at the back of his armor which dug right through like it wasn't even there un the first place.

He swung his axe behind him to hit nothing but air and another slash aimed directly for his shoulder and so the onslaught continue used until Raiden was way too bloodied and beaten up to even stand properly. 

He plopped to one knee after taking heavy damage. Meanwhile the rest of the five members of the team where going through the ruined remains of the hospital, tracing the power source emitting from somewhere near the med bay. 

Their hearts burning with determination to try as much as possible to finish this and wait for emergency backup.

"Hope sergeant Raiden is doing ok", Sasha thought to herself while following the soldier with the energy tracker.

They sometimes had to crawl under rocks, change their movement patterns and take the long way round due to blocked entrances. Then they we're finally close enough to feel it. 

The immense amount of power oozing out from the med bay making them shudder in the process.

As soon as they took another step forward, they felt a wave of energy blast them that immediately fried that energy tracker like a shiskabob. 

     The panic spread slowly, as it seemed like lady luck was against them today and she was really serious about it. An enormous looking creature which Sasha could only assume to be a humanoid beast walked out from the end of the hallway, with eyes that clearly screamed the deaths of all of them.

Raiden was outside the building heavily panting, down and one knee, next to his feet was a broken, destroyed shield. The fight was way out of his league.

As the beast crouched to deliver the finishing strike, a bright yellow aura enveloped the entire hospital. The energy coming off made even the Tigerspike to instinctively take a few steps back in retreat and Raiden heard the voice of the beast in his head like he did the first time, only this time the Tigerspike sounded frightened and it could clearly be seen on its face.  ITS..... AWAKE