

So since I started high school I have been having a pretty good time but I just feel so fucking tired. Being a freshman sucks but the rest is alright. I am in boy scouts (I know I'm a nerd). I like a girl, but the problem is I'm pretty shy and she is my scoutmasters daughter as well as my Senior patrol leaders younger sister. She's blonde, about 5'5 and fairly well endowed in all the right places. I haven't really even talked to this girl. I wish I did but I am just to nervous that she thinks I'm a nerd. I am about 5'9 brown hair, skinny, and have a pretty big nose. I would say I'm average to a litlle above average on my looks. My grades are like 97s. I just dont know what she's like and I know I should just talk to her and not be a pussy but it is damn difficult to do that, her brother vapes and smokes weed, I have done both but I dont know if she's into that. Got damn this is a lot less words then I expected it to be. I dont even know if my feelings are genuine or not, I'm just super confused. I am very sure she doesn't have a boyfriend which is good but I just am scared. I need to figure out how to talk to girls but I'm just so nervous. Something that doesn't help is the fact that I have hyperhidrosis (super sweaty hands). Which means I'll pretty much never be able to hold hands with a girl. Another problem is that I'm somewhat of a weeaboo, I am on this site after all. If anybody even ever reads this then I am sorry, and it would be great to get some suggestions on what to do. One problem is that I have PE with her so when I played volleyball I was terrible and embarrassed myself, but I feel I made up for it in hockey when I got 5 of the 11 scores on my team. Anyhow thanks guys, and I'll update tommorow.