
Why'd it start like this?

He held me chuckled as he held me close, my heart started pounding. Why was I so close? When did he be he this close? Why in the world are so close? With reading my expression he simply pressed his lips against mine. WHY!? I felt my cheek lit up. My first kiss had to be taken by someone I don't even know. I'm gonna. Oh, I'm gonna. My body started to melt once more, a burning heat lit up inside me and forget everything in less than a second. He was powerful and due to my being in a calm nature, it was easy for him to take control of me. I noticed my eyes were closed and began to slowly open as I felt his soft lips leave mine. I looked at him as a smirk grew on his face.

"I should leave you to get some rest. After all, you are enrolled at my school and your day starts tomorrow."

I simply nodded as he left my room, the feeling never left as I took a shower and got tucked into bed.

I couldn't sleep. After witnessing his power multiple times now, I was kind of scared. He could easily make me melt in my shoes and obey him without having the need to fight back. I swear I was not ready for this kind of family nor was I ready for that type of person. Well, at least I get to go back to living life though. For the first time in my life, I get to a school with someone who has abilities. Nothing bad could possibly go wrong, I think. As the sun shined on my window, I got up and got dressed. Going to the bathroom and refreshing up a bit, then headed towards downstairs and got to the kitchen. I noticed that Mr and Miss Aishi weren't here so I had to make a quick breakfast for me and Adrion. Once I finished, Adrion came downstairs and ate with me then took me to the bus stop after we washed our dishes and put them away. The moment I landed a foot on the bus, I felt a whole bunch of eyes on me. Going to the back and trying to ignore the eyes, I sat alone. Normal of me since I was never the one to socialize with other people. On the ride there, I could he conversations, some about the school, some on Adron, and surprising about me. Silently sighing as we got off the bus, I felt even more eyes on me. Adrion must've known cause he looked at me as I looked at everyone else. Without hesitation, I felt the need to just run.


Once that was said, a whole bunch of people started to run at me. I didn't know what to do, I noticed Adrion was way farther away so I couldn't ask for help from him. Then it happened, Someone grabbed my hand and started running with me.

"Don't stop running!!"

I didn't. I couldn't. Why'd my school day had to start with a chase?!