
Another Person

Running through halls, it felt like we were running for hours. Why did this day turn to start out like this? I stared at the person who was holding my hand with such a grip. His hair was as lovely brown, his skin was rough but was gentle, and his eyes from this angel looked as blue and pretty as the ocean. He looked back at my for a second, I saw something lit up in his eyes as he looked forward, it took me by surprise as he took two sharp turns to the left. He pulled me close into a corner and watched the crowd of people run past by. Once it was safe, he poked his head out and looked around. With a sigh of relief, he began to walk out of the corner and then turned to look at me.

"That was the best action I have ever gotten on a school day. You alright new guy?"

"Y-yeah just didn't expect to be chased on my first day. I'm Sora."

I was slowly losing my calm mode as I felt out of breath and concern if he was one of them playing off as a nice simple person. For a moment it was silent as he stared at my face. He then smirked as his eyes sparkled like an innocent child.

"I can tell you have a 'secret' gift like me, Cassie, Adrion, and Luna."

I tilt my head as he said those names but inside I'm guessing he meant as in powers. Then it dawned on me.

"Is your power related to speed?"

"Yep Speed, I'm Blaze. The fastest runner in the whole school."He said this with such a smile, it made me wonder if he had a slight ego.

"Now it's best if I took you to your first class. I was told by the teacher to show you around anyway."

Without any other need to speak, he began to show me around. The school wasn't as big as my last one so it feels easier to travel around. Once we got to the classroom, I noticed Adrion talking to two classmates. One was wearing an eyepatch as her hair was a blood-red and eyes of gold. The other had long orange hair with beautiful Lavender eyes. Judging by their features, they were unique. I was quickly taken out of thought as someone bumped into me, this made me slightly mad and mad Adrion walk over. A few howling winds started then vanished as Adrion held my hand and pulled me over to the two classmates he was talking to. I felt bewitched once more so it was hard for me to focus until. . .

"Aw it's the new kid who should've dropped dead with his parents"

Feeling every inch of me flame up, I quickly looked at the person. The window blew open as the desk moved over and knocked him off his feet.

"Sora, calm down. Don't give him a response."

Adrion placed a hand on my shoulder and the effect of gift got stronger. This made me look at him with open eyes and a longing heart.