
Adrion and the truth

A dirty, sneaky little no good trick. Was this why they adopted me? To be their son's so-called "Lover"? I slightly clenched my fist, tight but it not to tight to be noticed. Adrion's eyes looked me up and down as if inspecting me. His eye was never the less his father's emerald green eyes, his hair as dark as his mother but his skin was just as fair and smooth as if I could touch him and he'll be soft. Wait why am I thinking off him like?

'Yeah, why are you thinking about my skin like that?'

Holy Jesus, who said that!?

'I did idiot.'

Y-you can read my mind?

'Not just your's, I can read everyone's mind'

I'm so confused and here I thought me about to explain about my gift was going to be confusing.

'So you have a power as well? Interesting.'

You can say it like that. I can control the weather but it's connected to my emotions.

'Interesting. Also, you don't need to tell them, they already know.'

Great then I don't need to explain anything to them.

I felt my heart fluttered as they talked on and on about how the living conditions were going got be for me. It was always when Adrion spoke a few words, my heart would skip a beat. This made me wonder if it's part of his gift or was just me. I shook my head, I told myself not to think since he could read my mind, I didn't want him hearing something personal or a weird thought I might end up having during odd situations. My mind was set on one question, my heart went back to drowning in sorrow as memories of my parent's laughing played in my head. I was dawned on what started the fire in the first place. I started to question if someone started it initially or was just an accident. I guess I was thinking of this out loud cause it was just quiet in the room while each of their eyes was placed solely on me.

"That fire was supposed to kill you and your family whole. The person who created it was one that abilities like you. They don't have any footage or an actually face of the person, only the words of your neighbors were enough to tell your doctor and nanny who cause it and what they saw."

Hearing these words, I look up at Mr.Aishi. Rage. The flames that could've killed me and murdered my loving parents were created from someone with abilities. I couldn't control it as I felt a large burst of energy went through my veins. Messages from all over me were telling me one word. Suddenly, when Adrion spoke, my anger vanished and was never more there.

"Easy there buddy, I get how you feel. Your in safe place Sora, your parents were protecting you, they were the ones who got you out of the house. Don't let the word and need to take revenge control you."

I was shocked. His tone and voice were so gentle yet controlling when he spoke to me. Was this his gift? Reading minds and slowly controlling a person's emotions? Or is it something more? Without hesitation, he reached out for me and hugged me. Warm. He was warm. Skin as soft as silk as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. The truth simply left my head as all that was filled now was my own thoughts of Adrion.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

This is a reminder that this is my first novel, so there will be grammar mistakes and errors if you guys can be so kind and comment on them, that would make my day brighter. Thank you for reading What lies within us.

Yoshi_Yamadacreators' thoughts