
What It Meant To Me Chapter 3

The school had a very large environment, with lots of activities for sports and the rest. Miss Anabelle walked me to my class,paused when I heard musical instruments. I looked at the junior students playing a particular song on their own, I was impressed, I couldn't help but smile while they smiled back at me.

Miss Annabelle: I see you take a liking into music

Remiel: I want to know how to play a guitar

Miss Annabelle: that's lovely, well, you can fill in the forms later. What department are you going to be in?

Remiel: Definitely the art class.

Miss Annabelle: you like books?

Remiel: I have a library at home, that's how much I love them.

Miss Annabelle: you have a lot of potential, I hope you get it right, here's your class.

Remiel: thank you miss Annabelle.

I took the stairs searching for the S2 class, I bumped into someone, a girl.

Girl: so sorry, *takes a closer look* you are a new student?

Remiel: yes, I'm Remiel

Girl: I'm Harriette, nice name, pretty rare

Remiel: yeah, you too

Harriette: *chuckles* umm, what class are you in?

Remiel: S2

Harriette: I guess we're classmates. Hold on, I have to give this report to this principal, just hold on so I'll take you to our class

Remiel: alright then.

Harriette: great.

She took off on a pace, guess it was something urgent. Students were still rushing in, mostly juniors, the seniors weren't that much, which was normal.

I took time to look around, Brighton High had a lot to offer, that I said in my mind.. while admiring the school, tap on my shoulder woke me up from admiration.

Harriette: are you okay? You look lost

Remiel: just admiring..

She looked confused, was it her or....

she gave this weird look that made me know she misunderstood.

Remiel: the school, I was admiring the school

Harriette: ohh, beautiful isn't it?

Remiel: yes, can we go to class now?

Harriette: sure. So... Remiel, what department are you in?

Remiel: make a guess?

Harriette: you look like someone that reads alot so art

Remiel: why do you say so?

Harriette: your eyes.. they are small.

She looked at me eye to eye, very awkward moment, then smiled. We walked to class in silence, it was noisy, very uncomfortable presence. Everyone was doing one thing or the other, some were secretly using their phones to text, some were talking loudly and the rest were listening to some guy's talk about an event.

Harriette: *clears throat*

The class got quiet, everyone stopped whatever they were doing, returned to their seats.. I didn't understand what was going on. How does someone clearing her throat bring an end to nuisance.

Harriette: we have a new student

Mr David: err, I was supposed to do that introduction, young lady

Harriette: Dad, c'mon, just this once

Mr David: this one's special, to your seat.

Now I understood why the class got quiet, the authority was in the class, they'd be screwed if they ever got reported to the principal because the principal's daughter is in the same class.

Mr David: settle down everyone. This is a new student, who has good potentials and I'd love for you all to get along. *Turns to me* introduce yourself.

Remiel: thank you sir, My name is Remiel, I'm an art student, I love books and music.

Angel: you have pretty eyes

Clint: here we go again

Angel: what? It's a compliment.

I smiled, I felt like it was a class full of crazy people, I'd love to be in their presence.

Remiel: thank you very much.. err

Angel: Angel, my name's angel.

Mr David: well, let's see you all get along in a couple of weeks. Now, we are having physics, let the other students find something to do immediately.

Mr David was teaching the subject, the other students left the class going to their various places.

Remiel: sorry, what do we have now?

Angel: oh, art student?

Remiel: yeah

Angel: figured, you are free at the moment, but you wouldn't want to be seen roaming about the school so let's head to the library.

Remiel: you are an art student too?

Angel: commercial, I'm doing you a favor so you don't get lost

Remiel: *smiles* thank you for the kind gesture, take care

Angel: you bet.

She left immediately for her class while I entered the library, there was no one there, till I heard a sound of relief.

Josephine: God, I thought it was Mr David

A light skinned, tall girl who was hiding behind the doors.

Remiel: oh, hi.