
What It Meant To Me Chapter 2

Brighton High. One of the most expensive schools in the country, of course my parents wouldn't let me go for a mid school. International languages, escorts, interests and hobbies must all take place, "one must obtain a skill, passion or hobby" my dad would say, he wasn't wrong. When he heard I was going to be doing music, his interests in my schedule increased, my mom & her words to keep me going... Best motivation ever. Brighton High was a school of the rich. Any offence in the school is dealt with money and a slight form of violence results in being expelled. Dignity & elegance must be shown, that's how it's earned it's standards.

My parents made their advances surprisingly that moment, sending the funds needed for school and demanding preparations right away so I could resume as soon as possible so I can catch up with my studies.

Apparently, the school undergoes some certain tests to see if you are capable of knowledge, I was to write the test on Monday and if I passed, I'd begin class immediately. Less troubles for me, I've always lived my life behind the desks, reading, gaining knowledge, including them in my day to day activities. It was guaranteed that I'd pass the test except it wasn't just the test I was preparing for.

Aunt Mabel: c'mon, we have to go now..

Remiel: almost finished!

It was Monday, in my brand new uniform, I was looking smart as always, my aunt's husband hasn't been back from his trip and he was supposed to be around today, well, we both hoped he would be back before evening because she has no plans of saying such exciting news over the phone.

Usually, when you get to the school early, there are few people around or just you roaming around the school but this one was different, the seniors were already at the balcony watching the whole school like they own it. "Those type of guys" I thought, I've encountered them before, bullying, loitering, and all sorts, spoilt children wouldn't do less.

Miss Annabelle: Remi?

Remiel: yes ma'am

Miss Annabelle: our new transfer student?

Aunt Mabel: yes, we were looking for where he was going to partake the exams?

Miss Annabelle: oh! Right this way.

Miss Annabelle, nice name actually, she gave in the details of herself, she teaches Ph.E, I thought "why would a woman be doing the Ph.E", I bothered less. She firstly showed us around, and I was paying attention but the glares from the seniors showed that I wasn't welcomed yet, I felt like I was going to see some unpleasant views..

Miss Annabelle:... and that's the lab and this is where your exam begins, please come with me. But not you, Miss.

Aunt Mabel was stopped from following me in, the exam was so unusual, I just sat on the desk provided to me, numb.

Miss Annabelle: Remiel?, allow me to introduce the principal of Brighton High, Mr David.

His chair rolled from the back to the front, a man in his fifties I think, he had white hairs growing from his skin, he also has the disciplinary face yet friendly.

Remiel: Good morning Mr David, I'm Remiel, nice to meet you

Mr David: let's not waste time with the pleasantries, let's get straight to work.

That was good for me, I didn't like to talk much either. But the papers? The sheets? None. Just Mr David staring at me.. and smiling.

Mr David: entering the school, what did you notice?

The question was a sudden shock but it took me seconds to realize that the exam had already begun and it was about noticing what you were being told. That's why Miss Anabelle filled me in the details before the exam begun. But luckily for me, I was paying attention.

Remiel: Sir, the seniors monitoring students behaviors.

It was an easy question, he was impressed, he kept on asking further questions and when he was done? He gave me an envelope to show my Aunt. My Aunt was curious, she hasn't been to any school like this. In the envelope was a "CONGRATULATIONS". Mr David came outside with smiles on his face..

Mr David: I like observant students, it shows they are concentrated and you my friend, is welcomed by me.

Remiel: thank you very much sir.

I got a handshake, a hug from my aunt and a light face from miss Annabelle.

Aunt Mabel: that's my boy, extra treats for you when you get back, be good, be safe, I love you. (Pecks my face)

I turned around following Miss Anabelle to my class while students & the school buses started coming in,filling the school with students and teachers.