
what it's like to be the mother of the last boss!

Serena wilson just your average 22 year old office worker whose source of happiness was only to read web novels in her free time suddenly woke up in a fantasy novel as... the MOTHER OF THE LAST BOSS !? a little boy peaking from the wall:...mom i'm sorry please don't throw me away what will serena do...?what was the purpose of her reincarnation? what is her next plan to survival/ read to find out:what it's like to be the mother of the last boss!

veronica_winter2 · Kỳ huyễn
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facing the truth

"ugh...."serena grunts and opens her eyes 

"so noisy....." she says she she hears random screaming noises of some unknown woman ranting.

she tries to regain her clarity as she sees a woman with heavy makeup and a short dress pulling on the hand of a kid who looks like he is at least five years old

seeing the kid cry serena tries to get up to defend him from the woman as she has a deep connection with kids 

she gets up with all her strength and shouts"hey! what do you think you are doing to the kid!?" 

the woman shocked to see her shout said " what you were the one who agreed to sell it you can't back down now "

shocked to hear this serena wonders 'sell the kid when did i say that who is that kid anyway' she thinks to herself

the woman noticed that serena was in a daze and got irritated she said in a prideful voice" look serena i care about you as your best friend and you agreed to sell your kid so i am taking him at all costs as per the deal."

serena hearing this was extremely confused but her instinct told her that first she had to get this child out of trouble 

she noticed the child he had silver hair , and mesmerizing blue eyes as if an ocean was hidden in them but unfortunately he was all skin and bones and was in a extremely pale condition 

serena felt uncomfortable in her heart seeing the child's face maybe because she saw her past self in that boy

nevertheless she looked at that woman who was holding the child and spoke in a mature manner " the deal or whatever its off i'm keeping the kid so please let the kid go"

the woman hearing this got angry " NO! you can't cancel now i even booked the clients"

serena saw that the boy was scared to his wits and was about to cry 

she angrily shouted in a imposing manner" look i have been telling you the deals OFF! so leave before i call the cops!"

the woman upon hearing this said with a annoyed look and said " ugh! fine i'm leaving but don't tell me you regret it once this deal is out of your hands"

the woman pushed the child away and walked out for the apartment in her heels.

serena immediately went near the small child and picked him up the boy facing her immediately broke down into sobs and said " w-wahhh m-mommy please don't sell me dav will be a good boy and will n-not annoy you"

serena just quietly hugged the boy in her arms till he fell a sleep serena walked into a room and positioned the boy so he could sleep comfortably

she then started to look around the place 

it was a small one room apartment a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, hall. the apartment was not too shabby but was not that great either it just ahd the basic furniture and the rooms were painted in a faint creme color her eyes then fell on the dressing table beside her 

in panicked steps she looked at herself in the mirror and exclaimed "w-who is she ! " 

she took some time to see her face.Her face was completely different she had short jet black hair she was wearing a shirt and bell bottom jeans she had lovely emerald eyes which twinkled at every blink and her face looked like she was epitome of a model!

she then started thinking about all the possibilities about what could have happened to her a few minutes later

"transmigration" this was the only solution that serena thought of regarding her situation 

'i have read many sorts of things like this but i can't think of any special things that happened to me which triggered my transmigration'

'moreover'... serena looked at the boy with silver hair which was supposedly 'her' kid 

"let's think this through but first i need some rest' she thought to herself as she slept beside the boy. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

veronica_winter2creators' thoughts