
What Is The Truth

Having many secret identities, Xiu Fei, in people's eyes is just an ex-rich woman and now a divorcee who is now having a regular life taking care of her family by working as a social server. Li Shi is a man whose some extraordinary identities are revealed to the world and they are enough to keep them at his beck and call. But he also has some identities which are hidden and are more prominent than the revealed one. Having once attracted towards each other during their teens they have long forgotten each other even before the faith had done something to tangle them together. Meeting after years of time when the faith and people played them now they are falling for each other but for a happy life they will have to open all the threads of their life which are tangled since their past but will they end up getting more complicated or get sort out. What will happen when they will find the truth out about their deceased and the children alive? What will happen when the knot of destiny which connected them which they thought to be beautiful actually comes out as the outcome of the most dirty game played with them and their children? Will they hold each other responsible or forgive and move on? Will they be able to fight the power who destroyed their lives and made a mess out of it? Will they be able to keep their relations intact with the people they love and care about? How will they clear their name when they are accused of a bomb blast which cleared almost half the world population? ___________________ EXCERPT:- Li Shi:" Love, how many children more do you want to have with me in the future? " Shocked by the sudden question and the content of the question she glared at him with wide eyes before saying "Are you mad? I don't want more children. Two are enough. It's gonna be hard to handle more it already is tough enough to handle these two naughty kids. Please I don't want to be tired to the bones everyday" "Love, don't worry, I will help you take care of them. You can't get tired just with two kids. Remember your love letter. You yourself said that you want a whole cricket team of kids. We will surely create one. After all everything you ever dreamt of is my command to fulfill. Right?" Knowing she doesn't have a way out of his plan she said, " Okay we will have in the future after marriage, promise, okay? I am not ready yet" "Mmmmm okay" She breathed of relief that she once again escaped the devil's clutches for now but who will explain her that right now she was able to do it only because the devil has not yet tasted her but once he gets a taste of her on their first night after wedding, it will be impossible to escape his clutches and expect to be able to stand after their nights. ____________ This is my first book so please if you find any mistake or think that I shall improve at a certain thing then do tell me but please nicely and not rudely. This book would have some adult scenes so I recommend people only who will be comfortable with those 18+ scenes and do not blame me for that. I will also give some warnings for such chapters in the novel too.

rom_nce_life · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Uncle Jonas

Just as Xiu Fei was about to answer her daughter who seemed worried for her uncle and upset because he forgot about her, they heard a voice behind them which was actually not very far from them. It startled them.

"Hey you little Satan! I told you already it was a prank you still take it seriously. I am not an oldy to have Alzheimer's okay? I came a while ago but guess due to the car got changed you guys didn't recognise it"

Lili, " No problem Cutie Uncle. I am glad you came or else I was worried your Alzheimer's had acted up again and you forgot."

As soon as Lili said that the two ladies burst out laughing and Jonas had a -_- face. He was really tired trying to stop Lili from teasing him but she was just like her mother. The more you get teased and try to stop the more they will tease you.

"Oh My God! Baby Jun got roasted by Lili once again" Xiu Ying teased Jonas further.

"Sister Ying even you got involved with these senior and junior Satans! I hate you guys!" Even though his words were saying something his action was completely different as the next second he hugged them.

" You have no idea how much I missed you guys in the past two months I had to stay away. Oh how bad I missed our bickerings!"

He got emotional while the three girls were smiling happily while hugging him. Even they missed him but they didn't get emotional at all but very happy. It wasn't like Jonas was an emotional fool. No, he wasn't. It was just that after being away from the people he loved a lot during the times they needed him and that happening with not just one person who he loved but a few more he grew traumatic and afraid of staying away from them and in such a case when stayed away from his whole family two months it became hard for him to control his emotions when he finally had the in the person sight of a few of his loved ones.

The trio, " We missed you too"

Xiu Fei, " Now can we go home I am dead sleepy. Give me a mattress and I will faint here itself. You know I can't sleep in moving vehicles. Let's go now."

Jonas, " The peasant is at your service my princess. Just give me a minute." Saying he went a little further to drive the car in front of them as the car was quite far even though it was less than 100 metres but he didn't want to tire them further. Ater bringing the car ahead he put all of their stuff in the Trunk of the car and left from their once they were comfortable in their seats heading to his villa he had gotten constructed recently.

The trio was going to live with him till the time being Xiu Fei buys a new house and all the required changes in it will be done. Even though he wanted them to stay with him but he didn't force it knowing that Xiu Fei would not agree to it. Not like there was any formality between them. No there was never.

In fact she can even burn his house or any of his property if she wants without any hesitation, not like she would do it. The reason was that she didn't want to trouble him by staying with him. She knew by staying connected to any of the Xiu family's young ladies he would inviting rumors on himself and land in trouble. The reputation of both the ladies was delicate as Xiu Fei was a divorcee while Xiu Ying was a widow who was being portrayed as a single mom after her husband's death taking care of their child.

Being too much associated with any of them would only resurface the previous rumors and tarnish their reputation again and she didn't want to do it because she was aware of how hard everyone has worked to at least make everything back to normal as it is now.

She didn't want to be the reason of their problems again hence she will try her best to hide her friendship with Jonas till the time her plans are not completed. Because with Jonas it was not only him but the whole Mo family's reputation, as he was the heir of the Mo family and the next patriarch Mo Jian Jun, whom they called Jonas because he liked being called that his closed ones more, which they had maintained since generations which almost got to ruins because of her years back.

Jonas also knew her reasons but didn't stop her as he knew that not every negative thought or feeling can be erased by talking. Some emotions need the happening of certain things to help them leave from our mind and to remove the negative emotions in Xiu Fei's thoughts they have done their best to remove her negativeness and now the left ones could only be removed if her revenge is completed.

After 30 mins they reached to Jonas's house while Xiu Ying and Lili were asleep while Jonas and Xiu Fei were talking all the way as Xiu Fei wasn't able to sleep and to keep from Jonas getting bored. They also had so much they had to catch up on.

When they reached Jonas's house Jonas woke Xiu Ying so that she could go to her room and then took all the stuff from the trunk of the car and kept it in the rooms while Lili softly picked Lili in her arms without waking her up and carried her to their room in the villa.

When she reached her room Jonas was going out as he had kept her stuff in the room and both were tires so they just wished each other good night and went to sleep. Just as Xiu Fei was about to tuck Lili in the bed Lili woke up. Since she had already slept enough today she was not that sleepy but moving vehicles make her sleepy if she does not find anything to keep herself busy. Hence she slept for a while but now woke up as she was a light sleeper and the sleep which isn't due to tiredness or the need of it, already gets lighter.

Xiu Fei knew that now that Lili was awake she won't be sleeping anymore. So she asked her if she wants to do something. Lili said she will arrange their clothes in the closet room so that Xiu Fei will have to do one work less and she could use her time and then she would do drawings.

Xiu Fei agreed as she didn't want to force her daughter to sleep as she knew too much sleep is also not good for health especially when the body doesn't require it.

So hugging her daughter and kissing her and receiving a few from her she went to sleep while Lili was doing the work in the closet room while trying to make the least noise possible. As she had a very small posture she took a little more time to arrange the clothes. Once she was done with her task Lili decided to take a tour of the villa and try to make a sketch of the view she would think is easy for her to begin with.

Since she knew that the second floor only had bedrooms as Jonas had once said on phone she didn't try to check the rooms from inside as she didn't know which room was Jonas's and Xiu Ying's and she didn't want to disturb them.

She visited the whole villa. On the first floor it was all rooms like art room, music room, gym, library, computer room, game room which had the video games and indoor games and some outdoor games whose indoor versions were made and the last rooms on the second floor were theatre room and living room. The living room was connected to all the rooms.

On the first floor there was a huge living room, an open kitchen, dining room, study room, conference room if Jonas had to ever take meetings in his house, swimming pool, a squash room and finally the garage.

The whole house except the study room and the conference room gave a warm feeling. The study room and the conference room had a cold and serious vibe. It was matching the vibe Jonas gives when he is in his work mode.

But the part which Lili liked the most was when sitting beside the swimming pool she could see the beautiful backyard from the sliding glass door. Since it was already dawn and a very faint light was falling in the garden the garden looked very beautiful with a peaceful vibe. Lili sat there and started sketching the view she liked.

Since she was still very young her skill were not that great but she could still compete against a 10-12 year old kid and still probably win. By the time she completed it was 9:00 am and the sun has risen. Even though it was past a few hours the time Xiu Fei wakes up, she didn't go to wake her up as she knew how tired she must be. But by now she was very hungry and needed something to eat as she hadn't eaten anything since a long time.

She didn't want to wake her mother so she first tried to go and look for something which she could eat in the kitchen but to her surprise when she had just opened the fridge she heard her mother's voice along with her Yi-Ma. When she looked up she saw that they were descending the stairs while talking to each other.

They seemed to have taken bathe already and were fully energetic. Xiu Fei was dressed in a white jeans with a black shirt under a black and white vest sweater. Xiu Ying was dressed in a light blue jeans with a skin fit white t-shirt and a dark gray cardigan on the top.

She ran to her mother first and jumped in her embrace and Xiu Fei picked her as if she had not been surprised to see her running to her a second ago.

After greeting both of them with her hug and kisses she took her mother to kitchen and said, " Mumma, you baby is hungry. Please make something forme. Elephants are jumping in my stomach. If I didn't eat anything soon they will break the walls of my stomach and jump out."

"Oh my! That much hungry?" Xiu Fei

"Yes now please hurry up!"

"Okay okay I will make something by then take this orange and eat it okay?" Saying she grabbed an orange from the fruit basket and handed it to Lili to satisfy her hunger for a while.

Lili went from there to the dining room and started eating the orange while the sisters started to cook.

Luckily they found pancake batter in the fridge. Since it was Lili's favorite and took very less time to cook they simply made some pancakes for her with chocolate and honey topping. Serving it to her they then started to make some other dishes as the other three were not very great of pancakes.

As soon as they were done with serving the dishes they made they heard a very energetic and cheerful voice was heard from the stairs. "Good morning ladies and my dear princess.

"Good morning idiot" Xiu Fei

"Good morning Baby Jun" Xiu Ying

"Good morning Cutie Uncle" Lili

" Come let's eat our breakfast first. We need to go somewhere afterwards. " Xiu Fei

"Where? " Jonas

"I'll tell you later. Lili since you are done eating go and get ready and make sure to wear some warm clothes, ok baby? "

"Okay commander. "

"You little soldier go fast and come fast."

After that Lili went to get ready while the three adults had their breakfast talking, laughing and giggling.

After a few minutes when Lili came back she was completely ready wearing a white and blue outfit. She was wearing a dark matte blue jeans and white T-shirt with a blue half sleeve jacket.

Jonas was wearing a black jeans with a little loose black shirt. Over it he was wearing a black white coat. His look was neither completely casual nor formal. It layed in the between of both giving the perfect look both the ladies required for now.

By the time they left the house and sat in Jonas' White Jeep Yuntu it was already 10:00 am. As soon as they sat in the car and the car stopped at the exit of the villa's exit gate Jonas asked, "Now my boss will you tell me where are we going so I can know which way to drive to?"

" Okay okay don't over act. We have to go to Timperio Real Estate Agency. The level of confidentiality and transparency between the agency and customers we will require only they can provide us with it. So let's go."

Suddenly Jonas screamed, "You want to go to Timperio Real Estate Agency? Have you lost your mind or what? You know who is the CEO of the agency right? It is James Timperio. It won't take him more than a second to identify you and you know how slippery his tongue is right? He is still in contacts with the Fan family, Tang and Shao family. You know it will invite troubles if they come to know about your return. Are you sure?"

" Junjun, don't worry he won't be seeing Xiao Fei nor will he see me. He will only get to see you. I know the Mo family and Timperio family have some relations like business acquaintance and no one knows that you are still in contacts with us so no one is going to believe that you bought them for us." Xiu Ying said as she tried to explain it to Jonas softly.

Xiu Fei said further explaining her plan, " Yes you will be a middleman for us. For them the actual buyer will be a bigshot as the Young Master Mo is ready to serve him but in actual you will be doing it for us. Sorry for using your family name like this but to buy the properties from the Timperios we will have to give them a huge assurance that the buyer is not just an anybody but strong and I need someone trustworthy too. Only you can help in this as it will help me hide my details in each and every way possible. I will do all the task you only have to be like a source of communication and transaction between the Timperios and me as you will be connected to us through video and audio. Can you do that?"

Jonas," Don't worry you have got me on your back." Saying he gave an assuring smile and drove the car towards Timperio Agency while here Lili was asking various questions to Xiu Fei about a real estate agency and Xiu Fei was answering them patiently explaining everything to her daughter she wanted to know in a way she would understand it the best.

Lili was also telling about the kind of things or kind of furniture and everything she would want in her new house and Xiu Fei listened to everything and made a mental note to have everything her daughter wanted in the house and arrange it in a proper way.

Finally after driving for good 30 minutes they reached their destination.