
What Is The Truth

Having many secret identities, Xiu Fei, in people's eyes is just an ex-rich woman and now a divorcee who is now having a regular life taking care of her family by working as a social server. Li Shi is a man whose some extraordinary identities are revealed to the world and they are enough to keep them at his beck and call. But he also has some identities which are hidden and are more prominent than the revealed one. Having once attracted towards each other during their teens they have long forgotten each other even before the faith had done something to tangle them together. Meeting after years of time when the faith and people played them now they are falling for each other but for a happy life they will have to open all the threads of their life which are tangled since their past but will they end up getting more complicated or get sort out. What will happen when they will find the truth out about their deceased and the children alive? What will happen when the knot of destiny which connected them which they thought to be beautiful actually comes out as the outcome of the most dirty game played with them and their children? Will they hold each other responsible or forgive and move on? Will they be able to fight the power who destroyed their lives and made a mess out of it? Will they be able to keep their relations intact with the people they love and care about? How will they clear their name when they are accused of a bomb blast which cleared almost half the world population? ___________________ EXCERPT:- Li Shi:" Love, how many children more do you want to have with me in the future? " Shocked by the sudden question and the content of the question she glared at him with wide eyes before saying "Are you mad? I don't want more children. Two are enough. It's gonna be hard to handle more it already is tough enough to handle these two naughty kids. Please I don't want to be tired to the bones everyday" "Love, don't worry, I will help you take care of them. You can't get tired just with two kids. Remember your love letter. You yourself said that you want a whole cricket team of kids. We will surely create one. After all everything you ever dreamt of is my command to fulfill. Right?" Knowing she doesn't have a way out of his plan she said, " Okay we will have in the future after marriage, promise, okay? I am not ready yet" "Mmmmm okay" She breathed of relief that she once again escaped the devil's clutches for now but who will explain her that right now she was able to do it only because the devil has not yet tasted her but once he gets a taste of her on their first night after wedding, it will be impossible to escape his clutches and expect to be able to stand after their nights. ____________ This is my first book so please if you find any mistake or think that I shall improve at a certain thing then do tell me but please nicely and not rudely. This book would have some adult scenes so I recommend people only who will be comfortable with those 18+ scenes and do not blame me for that. I will also give some warnings for such chapters in the novel too.

rom_nce_life · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: We meet again

Since Xiu Fei was sitting facing the gate of the ward itself, she had seen it when Dr. Li came inside and also saw his expressions which first seemed a little shocked to see her in her partly naked state but came over it in less than a second.

She also saw it when he seemed amused and surprised at her skills. She could figure out all the thoughts he might be having at that time but didn't bother by them and went back to what she was doing.

But still his question did catch her off guard. Maybe because that was still a delicate point of her life but hearing that question her aura turned dangerous at once. She clearly looked that she was clearly affected by the question and it angered her a lot.

So at once she denied him saying, "I am not a doctor."

Hence when she said that with that aura, face and tone of hers, it screamed on the top of the situation that she doesn't want even a thought more about the thing or else she might loose her control over things.

Fortunately, Dr. Li took the hint which was too big to ignore. He didn't talk about it and just pushed the thought to think about it later. He came near her and politely said, "Let me help you, it might strain your other hand and you already have some bruises on that too."

Just as he finished with that, he took the needle, forceps and thread from her hands. He didn't give her time to react at all. Just when she thought of reacting, the next second she stopped as she decided not to do anything and let him do whatever he was doing as she didn't want to do these stuffs from which she backed off in the past.

Not doing anything she let him treat her, and simply sat there observing whatever he was doing.

While he was stitching her wounds, she looked somewhere else thinking about today's happenings as she found somethings suspicious. Xiu Fei was about to drift to her deep thinking when she felt him closer to her.

At once she was alerted, guards rose and her attention was stolen from her in the instant. She was about to move back but didn't because it would affect the wounds.

She noticed that he came closer as he bent a little to have a proper sight of her wound as she hadn't lifted her hand as that might strain the wound. Once she was sure that he didn't had any wrong intentions, she did nothing and just observed him doing whatever he was.

First she saw his skills on her wound and found them even better than excellent. The knots were just perfect. Then her focus drifted to his face which seemed to be made by god exclusively.

Probably this was the second man for whom she could say 'If go took a minute to produce an average human being then it must have taken a whole day just to create such a handsome face'.

She didn't realise that she was staring at him as she was lost in observing his face and in her thoughts.

Xiu Fei found Dr.Li's a little familiar but it was clear that today was the first day she met him so there was no way that he could be familiar to her. All of a sudden her focus went to his heavenly voice which was just like a music for ears.

She didn't focus on it before but found his voice a little familiar as if she heard the voice recently itself. Even before she could realise she uttered, "Your voice seems a little familiar to me Doctor. Have we met before?"

As soon as Xiu Fei finished speaking her words caught Dr. Li's attention but taking a single glance at her and then again back at the last stitch he was tying he answered her as if he knew it the whole time but didn't care about it at all, "Yeah, we met at the accident scene."

As soon as he said that Xiu Fei instantly remembered about the man who came to help other people too and with whom she had a small conversation. Suddenly realising it she said it just out of formality, "Oh! So we meet again. It was nice meeting you."

By the time Xiu Fei finished with her words Dr. Li was done with applying sutures on her wound and backed off a little and said with a little smile, "It was nice meeting you too Ms. Xiu. Even though you seem to know it but I would still do my duty. You should come after two weeks to get the stitches removed. I will do it."

"Thanks Dr. Li" Xiu Fei thanked him.

"No need. That is my job anyways it is still pending. Let me treat your other wounds too." Saying that he was about to move to tend her other wounds but was stopped by Xiu Fei.

" It's okay. Those are some small scratches. They will get better on their own."

Listening that he was quite baffled. Even though the wounds were not that big to require stitches but they sure need to get tended to as they were quite deep and were bleeding.

For once he had the thought to scold her, which thought itself surprised him as it was his first time wanting to scold any of his patient, but keeping his behaviour in check, he didn't do it and just gave her a sweet taunt while also trying to make her understand a few things.

"Ms. Xiu, since right now you are in the effect of anaesthesia you must not be feeling much pain but these are surely not just some scratches but wounds which need proper care and attention."

Xiu Fei when heard that she was under the effect of anaesthesia from him she first wondered if he injected her with it but then again she did feel some pain then it was not possible. The next second she realise from where it came from. Dr. Li must have thought about that since she was pretty good at hiding her expressions and thought that she injected herself with anaesthesia.

She knew she was being misunderstood but she didn't bother with clearing it as it might raise some more questions and she was not interested in answering anyone. Not like she was obliged to answer him. If she wanted she could just ignore him or say that it was none of his business but she didn't want to be rude to him.

So she simply let him treat her wounds after giving him a nod, indicating that he can treat her.

She sat there for a few seconds while he was treating her but then suddenly the thought about the case of the boy she heard previously came to her and she wanted to take more information regarding it. She remembered every detail of their conversation and asked a question that she wanted to ask since then but didn't in front of other people as that might be embarrassing.

"Dr. Li, you seem to be a cautious person. Why didn't you even ask me for my identity card and just believed what I said? Aren't you afraid that I might be lying about my identity?"

"You're sitting over here partially naked. You didn't ask me my intentions when I bent over. Aren't you afraid I might take advantage of the situation?"

"I can tell a person's intentions, personality and whether they are lying or not just by looking them in the eyes." When Xiu Fei finished with this sentence of hers Dr. Li gave her a look saying 'If you can do that than so can I'. To which she nodded in agreement and realisation.

After that he playfully asked her,"Then what do you think about my personality Ms. Xiu?"

Xiu Fei had realised and caught his playful tone but when he looked into her eyes for her to contemplate about his personality, she, who originally thought to play along seemed to turned serious. Both of them lost in each other's eyes and got paused in their actions.

Both of them trying to read each other. This feeling of pull they felt towards each other was wierd for both of them.

Unknowingly, they felt that the emotion they both had kept hidden from the outer world were suddenly too hard to hide anymore. Just as they were about to give up their constant efforts to hide their emotions, both of them looked away instantly to not let the things they were hiding for years to come out like this just in front of a stranger.

As soon as they looked away, Dr. Li took two steps back while Xiu Fei was faked a little cough to distract herself. The atmosphere of the ward had turned awkward instantly.

It was the first time that Xiu Fei had ever felt a strong connection to a stranger. In the past rather than her family, friends and a guy she never felt any connection to anyone. Even though she was not someone who would find a hard time making friends nor was she an antisocial, but still among all of her friends and relatives with whom she used to meet frequently, it was rare that she felt a heart to heart connection with them.

In short, she was not a sensitive person to feel emotions easily. Especially after the things that happened to her a few years ago, it was very tough to make her feel any bond with anyone.

She didn't know how to come out of the situation and lessen the awkwardness in the atmosphere. She could not figure out how to describe the feelings she felt a few moments ago.

The same thing was going on with Dr. Li. He was no different from her right now.

Both the people who were said to have an IQ beyond 200 were unable to figure out what to say at that time. But to their fortune, Jonas came inside without a knock and their attention was drawn towards him.

As soon as he saw, in what state Xiu Fei was and saw Dr. Li he seemed a little surprised. Dr. Li thought that maybe he misunderstood the situation and an outsider would think that Jonas misunderstood too but Xiu Fei knew that Jonas was surprised because after what happened 5 years ago, rather than her mother, sister, and Jonas himself, she was always against letting anyone see her like that.

She didn't even allowed a female doctor to touch her stomach 2 years ago when she was shot during a case. He was surprised at how come Dr. Li was standing there and Xiu Fei was all nonchalant to it as if she was never the person who would let alone allow a man to touch her but might even strangle a woman if she tried to touch her or see her in a state like that.

But coming out of his thoughts he came back to his senses again and didn't react much over there and Xiu Fei felt that something must have happened as even though Jonas was a person who would not react in public but when it came to her or the people he genuinely loves, he wouldn't mind where they are.

So when he came out of a trance in which he went due to this situation and ignored it unlike what he would have done in a normal situation, she had a doubt something happened.

And her doubt was not wrong as the next instant he reached her and said with a little panic and worry laced in his voice which he tried to hide but could not.

"Princess, Sister Ying called. She told that since we were getting late and then the news of the accident was broadcasted which was seen by Lili, she was extremely worried and was crying. Crying and trying to go out in search of you she fell off stairs and injured her head. She fainted due to the hit. Sister Ying is bringing her over here. They will reach in 5-8 mins. You stay here and get your wounds treated while I will stay with them and keep updating you about Lili, okay?"

Hearing that her daughter was injured Xiu Fei was baffled. For a moment she was in a daze but came back instantly when she heard Jonas saying that he will go alone and she should stay over there. She was angry. Angry that she was being prohibited from meeting her daughter.

Even though she knew that Jonas's intention was not to do that and he just wanted her well being as she had a lot of injuries on her hands till her shoulders, at that moment all that she cared about was her daughter.

She said sternly, "I will go with you too." Saying that she stood up and took her t-shirt and was about to raise her hands to wear it, but was stopped instantly.

At that time her aura was different. Dr. Li was not shocked or stunned to see this side of her as he knew he knew almost nothing about her except her name and profession but he was surprised at her aura, as her aura was different at that time.

Dr. Li knew that in different situations and among different people an individual releases a different aura but he could not deny the fact that the turn her aura took did surprise him.

At that time her aura was powerful. Her aura had that strictness that one could feel easily but it also hid her panic she was feeling. It was the aura like the same of a tigress who wanted to go her her cub who was hurt but was being stopped and was willing to do anything to be near her cub. Though Dr. Li could not point out her aura as that of a desperate mother but he could identify the panic and desperation she had hid behind her strict and commanding aura.

But his surprise never was seen on his face neither was he blanked out in his thoughts. He could still notice her movements and how they were going to strain her wounds. Hence he hurriedly stopped her before she could move her hand up to wear her t-shirt and then strain her hand.

"Ms. Xiu, I know I should not interfere in your matters or conversation but this gentleman over here is right, you need to get your wounds treated and you should not move much for the time being. It would be the best if you do not move your hand at all. It has just got a several stitches on it and it is not good for you to move your hand much." Dr. Li said indifferently yet a little worriedly as a doctor would be for his patient.

He was polite all the way over here but his words only made Xiu Fei more infuriated. She was already very disturbed due to all the reappearance of her dark memories, then her tiredness and lastly her daughter getting injured.

She would have easily maintained her calm if her daughter would not have got injured and might be still able to maintain it if she was not stopped from going to her daughter but now she could not stop herself snapping. She still tried to not to and hence she did not snap at Jonas as she knew that he was very protective of her and could not see her in pain but now being stopped by a stranger, whom she did not even know properly , she could not stop but snap at him.

"How dare you try to stop me from going to meet my daughter. Who do you think you are? You think you know about my body more than me? Why do you think you can tell me what is good for me and what is bad for me huh?"

If it were some other time then Xiu Fei wouldn't have snapped at anyone like that or revealed that Lili was her daughter knowing how dangerous it could be for her daughter but now being haunted by her past after seeing and touching medical instruments and even treating people she could not control her emotions that well and lost her cool when the thing came to her strongest yet weakest point- her daughter.