
What is Life to you?

"What is Life?" Dietrich asked himself as he saw himself at Death's door. He never knew the answer to that question and this question changed his whole life. "I will show you." a mysterious voice said. Come and join Dietrich as he unfolds countless adventures and stories that he must go though to attain his answer to the question he has been asking his whole life. [Disclaimer: This novel does NOT have the intention to discriminate any people and any religion. Entertainment purposes only.]

GIDICAsan · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Just as Dietrich thought he could get his revenge, something unexpected happened.

His plan and actions were too good to be true.

Dietrich immediately went to check if Vincent was there and unfortunately, the soldiers already left.

Dietrich could only grit his teeth and accepted the loss of his opportunity in exacting his revenge.

"Ben, can you go to your room. I'm a little tired for today. I want to have some rest." Dietrich said as he stood up and got the rifle and hid it again under the mattress.

"No. I don't want to." Ben shook his head while showing an energized look.

"This kid..." Dietrich once again could only shook his head helplessly.

Dietrich then remembered there was a lake in the forest just beside the apartment they were living in.

"Okay, then how about we go for a walk?" Dietrich said while ruffling Ben's hair.

"Uhum uhum." Ben nodded his head excitedly.

After a few minutes...

The two boys walked past by the tall pine trees.

Ben took the lead while walking faster than Dietrich, who had his rifle strapped on his back.

Did you think Dietrich would leave his gun in the apartment when going for a walk in the forest during night time? I mean who knows if there's some wild beasts here and some soldiers roaming around.

Thankfully, this night had the presence of the beautiful white moon so that these two boys could roam freely without any source of light.

"If you don't mind me asking but where did you come from, mister?" Ben asked while walking and rubbing his hands to warm them.

"From the Alps." Dietrich replied nonchalantly while staring at the lake they were heading to.

"Is it far from here?" Ben asked with curiosity.

"Yes, very very far from here." Dietrich answered as he recalled the harsh journey he experienced.

A few weeks ago...

A figure was walking as the heavy snow came in contact against it.

The strong winter winds had the intention to make the figure fall but the figure prevailed and continued walking even if it could just a little.

As if Lady Luck was on the figure's side, there was a cave on the mountain it was walking in.

It immediately went inside not wanting to have the snow touching its skin again.

"Ha..ha..." The figure gasped for air and it removed it's mask revealing a young man with blonde curly hair and two emerald eyes.

Low and behold, it was Dietrich.

He immediately removed the clothes that had snow in it and grabbed a new set of clothes in his bag.

Luckily, also in his bag were logs and a few box of matches.

Dietrich immediately lighted up a fire and huddled near beside it.

He hasn't even arrived halfway to his destination and he was suffering.

Dietrich had countless thoughts of giving up but every time he had those thoughts, the smile on Uncle Hans's face would pop up and then the scene of him dead laying on his own blood kept Dietrich determined to inact his revenge.

Even though Uncle Hans said to live a peaceful life to Dietrich, I mean how could he?

Everytime! Every single damn time Dietrich wanted to give up, his guilt and consciousness could never allowed him to.

"Oh, Uncle Hans! How could I just leave and live a peaceful life while the one who killed you is still out there?" Dietrich said with a sad expression while staring at the fire.

Dietrich then proceeded to kneel and placed his hands together and closed his eyes.

"Oh, Lord. Help me. I know it's wrong to kill and I know that I don't have to have my revenge and leave it all to you but- this is my own cross and Lord I hope you could help me and forgive me." Dietrich prayed then fell asleep.

Dietrich remembered that time and now that he has arrived at his target's location, it was time to deliver his revenge.



Ben's voice woke him up from his flashbacks.

"Oh, Ben. Sorry I was kinda sleepy back there and you don't have to call me "mister" just call me Dietrich." Dietrich smiled awkwardly and ruffled Ben's hair.

Ben who wasn't bothered by Dietrich's actions just smiled.

"It seems we have arrived." Dietrich said while looking at the huge lake reflecting the beautiful white moon.

Dietrich and Ben sat at the ground and appreciated the scenery.

The sky filled with stars while the moon shined brightly and adding the trees and the lake maked Dietrich's emotions at ease.

"Everythings so pretty." Ben muttered while his eyes were fixated on his surroundings.

Dietrich only nodded showing his approval and his mood turned serious.

"Ben, whatever you saw earlier can you keep it as a secret between us?" Dietrich asked in a gentle voice and stared at Ben's face.

Ben suddenly got up and his eyes still fixated around his surroundings.

"Don't worry, mister. My mouth is closed like a zipper." Ben turned around and placed his fingers on his mouth and slided it sideways like a zipper.

Dietrich nodded and chuckled at actions of the boy and turned his eyes to the scenery in front of him.

"Indeed, it's really pretty." Dietrich said with warmth on his tone.

Early in the morning...

Dietrich sat on top of his head and began to formulate a plan.

There was a serious mistake that he realized after they returned home that night.

He realized that everyone in this apartment could get executed or imprisoned because of his rashness to get his revenge.

It was that obvious since the only location where you could assasinate or snipe a person in the bar was just the apartment right across it.

More importantly, innocent people could get implicated because of his mistake.

Dietrich was cold and ruthless but not to the extent that he would sacrifice innocent people just to get his revenge.

He also remembered there was a little girl in the bar, what if she would also be a suspect and execute her?

Dietrich made a reminder to himself that if he had to get his revenge he would be more aware of the people around him.

"If I can't kill him here, where can I kill him then?" Dietrich asked himself while holding his chin.

"It seems I have no choice but to face him and kill him directly." Dietrich grinned as he had a plan on his twisted head of his.