
What is Life to you?

"What is Life?" Dietrich asked himself as he saw himself at Death's door. He never knew the answer to that question and this question changed his whole life. "I will show you." a mysterious voice said. Come and join Dietrich as he unfolds countless adventures and stories that he must go though to attain his answer to the question he has been asking his whole life. [Disclaimer: This novel does NOT have the intention to discriminate any people and any religion. Entertainment purposes only.]

GIDICAsan · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

Chapter 1

In the Alps, where a small happy village was residing...

In the village, a figure could be seen lifting a two huge barks of trees.

"Uncle Hans! Where do you want me to put these?" the figure shouted.

A middle-aged man immediately ran up to him and pointed a direction near him.

After the figure layed the two barks on the ground he took a huge breath.

"How strong are you Dietrich? You're only 17 and you have such strength." the middle-aged man complimented the figure laying on the ground.

The figure had a height of 5'10. The person's skin was rather fair and had smooth curly blonde hair and his eyes were green like emeralds. This person's appearance was like a prince from a fairy tale except this one was a bearded prince. Who would have guessed that this person was Dietrich Crown.

When he was transferred to this timeline, he was born on April 4, 1922. Unfortunately, he was an orphan who was abandoned but during those 17 years he lived a quite a happy life under a uncle who took pity on him near the Alps. Somehow, his memory was wiped out but somehow he has a skill to adapt which environment he is in.

"I just do excercises." Dietrich sighed as stood back up.

"It seems that Germany is already attacking Poland." Hans sighed as he looked at the general direction of Poland.

"I hope that it won't affect our daily lives here. Come on Dietrich let's finish our job." Hans said as he patted Dietrich's shoulder and headed towards the remaining barks.

"Umm." Dietrich nodded as he looked at the direction of Poland indifferently.

After 2 days, a villager who came back from Berlin announced that the Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.

"The capital are requiring men to join the army." the villager said with a panic expression.


The whole village suddenly went to an uproar upon knowing this sudden event.

"What are the requirements?" a middle-aged man asked.

"Above 18 and at least have some general knowledge on fighting." the villager said.


"Do we have to go?" Hans stood among the crowd and asked.

"Thankfully, the men from the capital doesn't know our village here but if some would like to go we won't stop you." the villager said with a relief.


The whole village discussed as they began to debate.

"There is no need for us to waste our life in the battlefield! Would you rather die under such a person or would you just live peacefully?!" Hans shouted to some young men who wanted to participate in the upcoming war.

"We're tired of this village here anyway! Let us be just like Hendrick(the villager who came from Berlin) said you can't stop us from going." one of the young men protested.

Knowing this Hans just stood there gritting his teeth and curling his fists. Meanwhile, Dietrich was leaning on a wood pillar staring at Hans.

"It seems Uncle really doesn't want others to go and fight for Hitler." Dietrich sighed as approached Hans and walked together to their home.

After having a heartily meal, the two rested tired from work.

After a month since the young men left the village...

Dietrich was currently on a field just a little far away from the village where he would usually train every morning.

During those 17 years his body was quite mascular than his peers and yet Dietrich never felt it enough.

After finishing lifting a huge log over and over again he suddenly saw a huge quantity of smoke coming from the village.

Worry began to fill his mind as he began to rush towards the village.

After he arrived at the gate of the village horror dawned upon his eyes.

He saw his uncle Hans lying down on the ground drenched on his own blood.

Dietrich immediately rushed over to his uncle.

"Uncle! Uncle! Don't you die on me!" Dietrich shouted as his tears began to run down from his eyes while looking something to stop Hans'a injury.

"Stop! It's too late for this old man. You must run, Dietrich! Don't ever become one of them! Run as far as you can and live a good and peaceful life-" Hans said using his remaining strength to warn Dietrich and passed away.

Feeling the voice of Hans being weakened, Dietrich knew that his uncle passed away but he kept silent as a huge amount of tears keep dripping on his face.

After a few seconds, a soldier who was assigned to do a final check-up on the village saw a figure kneeling in front of a body he immediately walked in front of him.

"Are you a resident here?" the soldier asked while pointing his rifle on Dietrich.

But Dietrich didn't answer instead he kneeled down even more.

"Answer me! You piece of sh*t!" the soldier shouted preparing to pull the trigger from his rifle.

Suddenly, Dietrich tackled the soldier on a frightening pace as he sent the soldier flying while dropping his rifle.

Seeing the opportunity, Dietrich immediately went and grabbed the rifle and pointed it to the soldier.

"Tell me how you find this village?" Dietrich said to the soldier with cold eyes not showing a hint of mercy.

"You can go to hell!" The soldier screamed at him while coughing a mouthful of bloood.

Hearing this statement, Dietrich immediately pulled the trigger while aiming at the soldier left thigh.

The soldier screamed in pain.

"I'll ask you one more time. How did you find this place?" Dietrich said with as looked at the soldier.

"F*ck you!" the soldier screamed louder.

"Have it your way." Dietrich reloaded the rifle and pulled the trigger while aiming at the soldier's hands.

The soldier screamed in agony as he looked at the person in front of him like a monster.

Dietrich stepped on the soldier's left thigh with immense strength.

The soldier screamed as he cried and cried begging Dietrich to stop.

"Tell me or suffer." Dietrich said while his emerald eyes began to emit a cold glint.

"The young men who came from this village said that they hated Hitler and refused to join the army." the soldier said while scared sh*tless.

"So it's them!" Dietrich exclaimed as he looked at the soldier with immense hatred.

"Die!" Dietrich said as he pulled the trigger aimed at the soldier's head.

"Wai-" before the soldier could beg for his life his head exploaded into countless bloody pieces.

Dietrich immediately grabbed spare bullets from the soldier's bag and pulled Hans's body and went to the area where he would train.

After a few hours, Dietrich buried his uncle's body and and kneeled on the grave and apologised for not being able to be there when he needed him.

After a few minutes, Dietrich stood up and strapped his rifle on his back and walked away and a few steps he turned back at the grave.

"Thank you." Dietrich said as he continued to walk.

"Just you wait for me, you ungrateful f*cks!" Dietrich shouted while immense killing intent was seen on his eyes.