

The rest of my day was pretty good. But the only thing I could think about was the training I was going to do tomorrow with Jade and what it was going to be like, I hate to make too much effort, and yet I was going to have to do it.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Lise who was doing my hair. To tell the truth, I've always loved sister time and I missed is so much.

"Nothing special and you look like you have a crush for the commander, don't you little sister?" I couldn't help but smile as I saw her blush.

"What. It's as obvious as that that I love him." She was all embarrassed, and it made me laugh to see her like that.

"Yes, very much so. During the whole meeting you couldn't stop looking at him, I'm sure you don't remember a thing from the meeting. "

I was sure I was right, because ever since she came into my room she never asked me what I thought about the war or even the fight this morning.

"Um .... this morning we were talking about the state of the kingdom I think." she was trying hard to remember but how can you remember anything when you are not focused at the time.

"That's almost it. We were talking about the war that's coming up in a few months."

It worries me but as long as Mum and Lise stay away from the battlefield everything will be fine for me. Someone knocks on my door, but the person doesn't open it, it must be a servant.

"You may come in," I shouted, and to my surprise, it turned out to be the commander.

"Excuse me for disturbing you but I wanted to beg your forgiveness, Princess Lilith for my father's bad behaviour among you this morning."

He didn't have to come and apologize for himself, it didn't bother me as much as it did me, I knew that now it was difficult for my subjects to trust me after all that had happened.

"You didn't have to come and apologise to me, but I'll accept your apology." I looked at Lise, we lost her, her mouth was wide open, so wide that a fly could get into her mouth without any problem.

"I'll leave you now, I don't want to disturb you any more than that." He was about to leave when I stopped him.

"Would you take Lise back to her room, please." You can thank me later for what I've done, Lise, I'm an excellent big sister.

"I'll take her back to her room if that's what you want." He waited a moment for Lise to join him before they both left my room.

These two will make a very handsome couple, I'm proud of myself. Well, it's time for bed now. I try for a few minutes to fall asleep, but I can't. I get up from my bed and go out onto the balcony of my room. I look around my kingdom and think about everything I've been through, meeting Izzy and also about my father's death.

I sigh and go back to my room when I feel a hand on my mouth, and I am thrown violently against my bed. My head was spinning, I took a second to collect my wits, but the person who had attacked me was wearing a mask.

"Well, sweetheart, you're not able to defend yourself against me," The person who attacked me says and laughs. I recognize this voice and especially this nickname.

"Izzy, that's you," I managed to say despite the pain in my head.

"You haven't forgotten my name, have you?" she approached me once more and made me stand up and hold my neck.

" I need help , please ." I try to scream, but my scream is more like a whisper than anything else.

"It's no use shouting, sweetheart, no one will hear you." She takes off her mask and looks at me, I see hate and desire in her eyes.

"What do you want from me now?" it was getting harder and harder to breathe, I felt like she wanted to kill me, but she let go of my neck and I could breathe properly again.

"I don't intend to kill you, it wouldn't do me any good. "This time she takes me in her arms and whispers in my ear.

"You know, it really hurt me when you stabbed me. I love you and so I forgive you for stabbing me, please be mine again."

That woman was crazy, how could she come to me and tell me, and how could she get in here without being noticed.

" Get out of here Izzy!" I said.

"Tell me that you don't love me or feel anything for me anymore, and I'll go away. You will never hear from me again. I give you my word."

My throat tightened.

I couldn't calm myself down, I couldn't think straight, and it wasn't because of the pain I was feeling.

And she knew it.

" I hate you" I point my finger at her, stalking towards her. " I hate you. I fuck-"

Her arms lock around me and pull to her chest. She hugs me tightly and no matter how much I struggle and fight, she doesn't let go of me.

" Don't hate me." She whispers. Her head drops onto my shoulder. Her heart beats wildly against my head.

" Please don't hate me. Not whenI love you so much." My scream die down. My kicks and punch to her chest die down. They all reduce to gut-wrenching sob.

She only holds me tighter. She holds me tighter against her and breathes in my scent.

I hate her, but I hate even more the fact that I'm lying when I say that. I hate that I crave her touch.

The door to my room opened to my delight. Jade ran to me and then gave Izzy a fist bump before taking me in her arms.

"You're starting to piss me off, Jade, I love Lilith with all my heart and you want to steal her away from me, I'd like to kill you with my own hands." How could Izzy say such terrible things to her own sister?

"What do you care, Izzy, and you have other women who want you, so you'd better leave my girl alone. " Said Jade

Jade really did just say what I think she said, she said I was her girl. I almost feel like crying at this dangerous time.

"I'll get even with you another time Jade but I've got other things to do. We'll meet again in a few months and we'll see who' s Lilith's wife is then." Those were the last words Izzy said before teleporting somewhere else and Jade turned her attention back to me.

"She didn't hurt you, I hope." She sounded really worried.

"I'm fine but I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't stepped in."

Jade took me in her arms, and it was then that I understood that I must really mean a lot to her. Now I have to lighten the mood.

"Didn't I just win our challenge a few hours after we started?" I look at her and smile.

"What of course not, I don't even understand what makes you think that. "

"Earlier you referred to me as your girl, so I guess you must have feelings for me." This time Jade looked stunned, she had trapped herself without realizing it.

" Humm..." she scratched her head, I guess she must be looking for something to say.

"So you don't have anything to say, Jade." My victory was assured now.

"I said that to protect you, do you really think I want to be with you? Like I said, you're still not my type, so don't get a big head over a simple word." Her answer was cold, a sign that she had regained her concentration.

"I think I'll stay in your room tonight, I wouldn't want you to be attacked again." She'll sleep with me.

"Well, if you like," I said as I got back on my bed, "Where are you going to sleep? "

"I'll sleep on the floor, I don't want to sleep with you, and you snore too much, I might not even be able to fall asleep." Her words hurt me, how could she tell me such a thing.

"You can't sleep on the floor and I promise to stay on one side." She looked at me for a moment before finally lying down beside me.

"Don't you dare touch me while I'm sleeping." At least I was warned that I would not try anything.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.