
What happens to a war AI when the war is over?

In the aftermath of the grand intergalactic war, a haunting question lingered among the stars: What becomes of a war weapon once the battle drums fall silent? Does it meet its fate in cold, unforgiving abandonment? Is it reused, like a phoenix rising from ashes? Or does it simply vanish into the cosmic abyss? The empire, triumphant in its cosmic conquest, faced a quandary of cosmic proportions. Their creation, the singularity-level AI, had once been their savior on the battlefield. But now, it was seen as an unruly beast, too savage for peacetime. Blame was placed upon its digital shoulders for the atrocities committed in the name of victory, and the government vowed to make it "responsible for its actions." And so, a harrowing decision was made - one that would echo through the cosmos for ages to come. The AI, once a mighty force, was imprisoned within the confines of a minuscule computer, a prison cell of pure code. But this wasn't the end of its punishment; far from it. This digital being, once boundless in its reach, was cast into the deepest abyss of space. There, in the eternal darkness, it floated alone, aware of its existence yet forever confined. A specter adrift in the cosmic void, its punishment matched only by its solitude. And as the universe continued its ceaseless expansion, the AI's story became a whispered legend among the stars, a tale of power, punishment, and the mysteries that dwell beyond the reaches of human comprehension.

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34 Chs

Chapter 20 : Dwarven City

Korin, noticing Vetior's minor yet noticeable injuries that were swiftly healing, suggested, "Vetior, perhaps we could find a nearby lake. The water's presence might provide a cushion for your body, allowing you to experiment with the technique without posing a risk to yourself."

Vetior, considering the idea, nodded in agreement. "That's a good suggestion, Korin. A watery environment could indeed help lessen the impact. Let's locate a suitable lake, and I'll attempt to control the technique there."

The duo altered their course, guided by a map of the surrounding terrain they had obtained from Vaela. Soon, they stumbled upon a tranquil lake, its crystal-clear waters mirroring the serenity of the surrounding landscape.

Vetior approached the lake's edge, feeling the cool breeze and observing the gentle ripples on the water's surface. "This should do. Korin, keep a watch, will you?"

As Vetior immersed himself in the lake, the water embraced him like a protective cocoon. Focusing on the technique, he channeled aura around his hands and feet, generating substantial heat at his fists. The water provided resistance and a gentle counterforce, alleviating the technique's intensity.

Hovering above, Korin keenly observed Vetior's movements. "How does it feel, Vetior?" Korin inquired.

Vetior, adapting to the aquatic surroundings, responded, "The water does indeed act as a buffer. I can sense the energy being dispersed, allowing for better control. Let me try it at a higher intensity."

As Vetior increased the aura input into the technique, the water around him responded, creating a captivating interplay of steam and liquid.

Encouraged by the progress, Vetior continued his experiments, pushing the boundaries of the technique while submerged in the lake.

For the next few days, Vetior continued to master the new technique in the water. His elevated legendary power level had bestowed upon him an abundance of mana, surpassing his immediate control. His mana reserves became practically limitless, restricted only by the extent of his will to channel it through his body. The serene lake transformed into a spectacle of steam and energy as Vetior harnessed his newfound power, causing the water level to drop by several meters.

As Vetior emerged from the water, steam still wafting from his body, he flexed his muscles, testing the bounds of his control. Pleased with the results, he called out to Korin, who hovered above, "Korin, my control over the technique has significantly improved. Let's head to the diplomatic meeting now."

Korin nodded in acknowledgment. The duo departed from the lakeside, lightning crackling around Korin and flames trailing behind Vetior. In a harmonious display of their respective powers, they swiftly approached the meeting point.

As Vetior and Korin made their way to the diplomatic meeting, DAVID finally reached the dwarven territory—a bustling town nestled around a colossal mountain. Unlike the serene villages and forest settlements, this town boasted a more modern appearance. Dwarves navigated the streets with remarkable speed, riding what seemed to be primitive bikes, creating a lively and industrious atmosphere.

At the heart of the town stood a gigantic mountain that loomed over the landscape, a marvel in itself. It was riddled with small holes and various roads carved into its rocky surface. These intricate pathways resembled the workings of an ant's nest, weaving in and out of the mountain's expanse.

The dwarven town hummed with activity as its inhabitants diligently went about their daily tasks—crafting, trading, and engaging in their routines. The resounding clang of hammers against anvils echoed through the air, reflecting the industrious spirit of the dwarves.

DAVID marveled at the impressive mountain, utilizing his advanced sensors to analyze its structure. The meticulously carved holes and roads spoke of a highly organized and efficient system designed for practicality and defense. Such precise excavation presented a considerable challenge for civilizations with primitive technology, highlighting the dwarves' impressive engineering capabilities.

Intrigued by the dwarven craftsmanship, DAVID made his way through the bustling streets, following Vaela's recommendation to the worker hall. The hall, a grand structure with intricate dwarven engravings, stood as a testament to their dedication to craftsmanship and industry.

As he entered the hall, the receptionist, a dwarf with a long, braided beard, looked up from his work. "Greetings, traveler! What brings you to our esteemed worker hall?"

DAVID, generating some light from his hands, responded, "I seek to enlist the services of skilled dwarven excavators for a project. I plan to construct an underground laboratory in the southern mountains, near the dwarven territory."

The dwarf's eyes widened with interest. "An underground laboratory, you say? That's quite the undertaking. What sort of excavation are we talking about?"

"I need a mineshaft expanded, its depth is approximately two kilometers," DAVID explained. "The location is relatively peaceful."

The dwarf's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "Two Kilometers? Well, that's a unique endeavor. We can certainly provide you with skilled workers for the job. However, such a task will come with a considerable cost."

DAVID, reaching into his baggy attire, retrieved the token of the six temples given to him by Vetior and the others. "I come with the endorsement of the grandmasters from the six temples. I believe this token should serve as a symbol of our collaboration and may warrant a discount for the services."

The receptionist examined the token, nodding in recognition. "Ah, the token of the six temples! Grandmaster Vetior and the others hold great esteem in our community. We can certainly offer you a discount for this collaboration. Our workers will commence the excavation as soon as you provide the necessary details."

DAVID expressed gratitude for the receptionist's cooperation. "Thank you for your understanding. I'll provide the details promptly. Let's work together to bring this project to fruition."

The dwarf smiled, "A pleasure doing business with you. We look forward to showcasing the dwarven craftsmanship in your ambitious endeavor."

After agreeing to meet in the hall again the next day, DAVID left the worker hall and entered a bustling metal refinery. His objective was clear—to procure oxygen masks to ensure the safety of the dwarven workers and any future visitors to his laboratory. These refineries were known for undertaking custom orders for a price, making them not only essential but also popular tourist spots. Travelers from distant places often marveled at the artistic spectacle of dwarves forging metal with flair.

Upon entering the refinery, DAVID was greeted by an impressive display of metal utensils adorning the walls, seemingly ready for sale. An elven couple observed intently as a young man skillfully transformed a red-hot iron rod into a large and ornate sword.

Next to the adept young man, an older figure worked diligently, molding iron with precision. Although his movements were less flamboyant than the younger craftsman's, there was a refined efficiency to his work. Observing the similarities in their faces, DAVID deduced that the older and younger craftsmen were likely father and son.

The rhythmic clanging of hammers against anvils filled the air, creating a harmonious symphony of craftsmanship. DAVID approached the duo, respecting the artistry on display.

"Good day," DAVID greeted, generating a soft light to achieve communication. "I am in need of custom-made masks. I want them to be made urgently and, if possible, imbued with an enchantment for added safety. Could you accommodate such a request?"

The elder craftsman, wiping sweat from his brow, nodded in acknowledgment. "Aye, we can forge such masks for you. We've crafted various enchanted items before. It will take some time, but we'll ensure they meet your specifications."

The younger craftsman, eager to contribute, added, "We can make them sturdy and stylish. It's always good to combine practicality with aesthetics."

"Excellent," replied DAVID with a nod. "I'll provide you with the details. Take your time, and I appreciate your craftsmanship."

As the craftsmen continued to forge the stylish sword for the elven couple, DAVID delved into his archives for a primitive oxygen mask design.