The World around us came to a stop as his [Dating Sim] came into effect.
Once again, I have absolutely zero desire to have sex with this fucking Off-Worlder named Jerry so I'm expecting the challenge he would receive to be an impossible one.
He took a step back and the air around the room seemed to shift and surprisingly, the location changed.
I found myself falling for a short moment until I hit something, blinking to see that I was now sitting on a couch overlooking an arena.
I inspected my surroundings to find that I was now seated in a colosseum in the box where I assume the king would normally be seated at.
The rest of the colosseum was empty save for the stupid Off-Worlder who was standing inside at one end of the arena.
Just like before, I was able to move around and I'm surprised that the location actually changed since I didn't know that was a possibility.