
What Chase Never Knew

Jack was more than anyone ever thought and when the monks finally push him over the edge, they'll find he's more than they can handle. What will Chase think of this new development and will Clay ever recover?

littleonevixen · Ti vi
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5 Chs

The End

Chase moved closer to the basket to see what Jack was talking about as Jack flipped the top off the blanket. Chase's eyes widened and he nearly dropped Omi as he stared at Jack's final secret. Three large eggs. Chase simply glanced at Jack and raised an eyebrow letting his expression ask his question for him. Jack looked rather embarrassed.

"Well, you know how I said I'd used every bit of your DNA? I kind of started a little side project. I kind of let my crush get the best of me and these are the results, eggs." Jack gestured to the basket and its contents as he continued. "Children made from your DNA and mine."

Chase nodded as he stared at the result of Jack's stalking and hard earned DNA snatching.

"My, my, you are dedicated aren't you?" Chase said moving swiftly forward. He placed kitty Omi on the ground before moving within arms reach of Jack. "You know Jack-Pet," Chase's hands trailed up Jack's arms slowly, "There are more fun ways to make children between two magical beings."

One hand moved behind Jack's neck trailing down to his waist, the other moved into his snow white hair. Chase yanked Jack forward to whisper in his ear, "Especially two dragons." With that statement Chase was finally able to take what he had been longing for since he first saw the true Jack Spicer.

They kissed fiercely for a few minutes before Chase's hands began to wander as Jack continued to grip the silk shirt Chase wore beneath his armour. There was no fight for dominance as Jack was happy to give into Chase. Jack was only lucid for long enough to think, I guess he forgives me, before they both moaned as Chase's hands found a grip on Jack's pert behind.


Soon, with a swell of magic, there were no clothes between them. Their erections brushed against one another causing Jack's hips to jerk. The friction was too much to bear and Jack found himself throwing his head back feeling too close to stop himself, only to whine in protest as he felt something stop it. He looked down bewildered and desperate to find the problem only to see a circle of green around the base of his straining, dripping cock.

Jack growled in annoyance, the jerk had placed a magic cock ring around his dick. Chase smirked. "Oh Jack-Pet, you didn't think you would get off that easily did you? That your lies would go unpunished?" Chase whispered in an amused and aroused voice nipping Jack's ear. "This ring," Chase cruelly fondled the desperate man below him causing more adorable whines, "Will disappear when I lose my focus for too long." A nip and a kiss to Jack's neck as he clawed at Chase's back. "Drive me mad Jack, and you may cum. But until then I'll take my pleasure," Two long fingers slowly entered Jack's mouth, and he sucked them automatically. "You will give me all of you," Chase slowly trailed the wet fingers down Jack's back as he paused to passionately assault Jack's mouth. He pulled back to continue, golden eyes glowing, "And I will show you how a dragon dominates his mate." Jack suddenly felt two fingers inside of him with a mixture of pleasure and pain. Chase dutifully distracted him with kisses, nips, licks, and bites trailed down Jack's sensitive body. Soon, Jack was littered with hickies and bite marks and was completely incoherent. His brilliant mind and expansive vocabulary left him only with the words please , more , and there, right there! The kisses were hard and long and the heat was unbearable. Jack soon found himself shaking on his hands and knees as Chase trailed wet kisses and hard bites down Jack's sensitive back. Please, please, please. Whether Jack was begging to come or for Chase he didn't know anymore, but what he got was Chase's harsh thrust inside him hitting his prostate and driving him crazy with the pleasure and pain. Jack screamed as Chase made good on his promise, taking his pleasure, dominating Jack as he leaned over him pressing him to the ground as he groaned husky praises in Jack's ear. So good, so tight and wet, you are so perfect. Chase could feel himself getting close and his mate was getting tighter as his body strained to orgasm. Chase took pity, releasing the magic as he filled his mate with cum, biting harshly down on Jack's shoulder as Jack hoarsely shouted his name.

Afterwards, both lay panting their skin tingling with pleasure. Chase hadn't removed himself from Jack and lay draped over his mate's damp back. Chase was purring as his tongue trailed over the bite marks he'd made. He felt Jack's breathing go back to normal. "Change Jack." Chase commanded. "Change into that gorgeous dragon form you have."

"Huh? Why?"

"Surely, you didn't think this was over Jack. I've only had you once and there's so much more I want to do to you…." Chase trailed off as he continued his ministrations.


Jack's eyes widened and he searched his weary mind for some reason, any reason, they shouldn't go for round two. In fact Jack was pretty sure that round two would give him a heart attack. He was saved as the basket began to move and Omi kitty started to hiss in alarm, Huh, I'd forgotten about him, well the kid had to learn sometime. The sound of faint crackles filled the air. Chase and Jack's eyes met as they both had the same thought. The babies are coming!

Within the next moment, There was a surge of magic and both of them were clean, dry, and clothed. Chase scooped Jack into his arms and both were looking into the basket. All three eggs shook, Jack and Chase held their breath as the one to the right was the first one to crack. Jack gasped in pride as a little tail burst its way out. The egg wobbled then cracked and finally fell away to reveal a tiny version of dragon Chase, a very dizzy and confused tiny version of Chase that chirped at what looked like four people staring at him. "Kuen" Chase said pride tinging his voice as his placed Jack down near the basket to pick up their silly first born. The next egg seemed to burst almost systematically, pieces falling from the top of the egg to the floor of the basket. This child was was a nice mixture of Jack and Chase. Her black scales were striped with red and her belly was white. She seemed to be assessing the two men above her with large red eyes, tilting her head in thought. "Sorcha" Jack said with finality as Chase reached down to take their second child. Chase nodded in agreement as she nuzzled him. The third egg seemed to be having a hard time, it rolled and bounced but didn't crack. The rest of the family watched as the dragon inside struggled for awhile then abruptly stopped. Jack and Chase watched with bated breath as it seemed like the young one had given up. Just as suddenly as it stopped, the egg seemed almost to explode, shattering to reveal a proud little dragon who trilled happily at both of her parents. she was smaller than her siblings and longer as well but that isn't what made both Chase and Jack nearly choke in shock. Before them stood a bright yellow baby dragon who, as she tried to stand and failed, revealed nine large dots on her belly. Jack sighed and decided not to question why his daughter looked like his most annoying adversary and decided to count his blessing, at least she didn't look like Wuya. "Suzu" both said and smiled as Chase lifted his second daughter. Jack could already see that their girls would be spoiled but honestly, he was too happy to care.