
What Chase Never Knew

Jack was more than anyone ever thought and when the monks finally push him over the edge, they'll find he's more than they can handle. What will Chase think of this new development and will Clay ever recover?

littleonevixen · Ti vi
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5 Chs

Plan B

Jack rushed into his lab, not the decoy lab, it didn't have what he needed at the moment, but his true state of the art monk proof lab. Jack quickly walked up to a computer placed a small bit of Kimiko's blood into a test tube that contained the mixture that he had been working on for the better part of a year. It was part of the reason he'd actually let the monks hit him, it was easier to get samples without them noticing and it reinforced their thoughts that he was weak and pathetic making it even easier to trick them into giving him what he wanted. It was also a large part of the reason he'd gotten rid of Wuya by messing up all of her plans, which in turn even more solidified his cover.Now, finally, years later he had revealed his true colors, though not in the way he had planned. Regardless, Jack was finally ready. Jack was about to put everything he'd worked on to the test.

He placed the delicate mixture in a machine that would help safely blend the concoction, pressed a button and waited, impatiently, for the ding that would indicate that it was done. Finally, just when he feared it would finish too late and Chase would burst in to murder him, the ding came and Jack was able to quickly and carefully remove the potion. Jack hurried to the other side of the room where he carefully added the Kimiho Concoction to the port in a large machine which had a big red button for him to press and when he did there was a moaning wheeze as the machine started. Jack watched tapping his fingers against his leg in anticipation of what he was about to do. If it worked it would almost guarantee that Chase wouldn't shred him for deceiving the warlord for so long. Well, it wouldn't so much matter that he'd hidden his true self, it would be the fact that Jack had often ruined Chase's plans on purpose that would infuriate him. Yeah, Chase didn't deal well with anger. Which is why Jack was so relieved that his machine seemed to be working. He briefly flipped his still white hair out of his eyes as the finished product came into view.


Chase listened as a frantic Dojo explained what had happened as quickly as possible. As Dojo was frantically talking hoping not to be Chase's next dinner, the male monks woke up. They were dazed, wondering what had hit them. Strangely enough, it seemed that Omi bounced back quickest and was soon wondering where Jack Spicer had went so he asked Clay, who was the second to recover. Chase chose to ignore them until Rai recovered nauseous and in pain but still too cocky for his own good. It was then that the three monks noticed Dojo and Chase. All three jumped to their feet and took defensive stances. Raimundo was the first to speak and he did so, loudly and aggressively.

"Chase Young! Untie Kimiko and let Dojo go!"

"I believe you have Spicer to thank for Kimiko. As for Dojo," Chase carelessly tossed him at Rai turning his back and starting to walk away.

"I have what I need. I shall find out the rest from the source. Oh, I suggest you untie Kimiko soon. If she stays like that much longer she'll never be able to use her element again."

This got the monks in motion, as they quickly untied Kimiko from the tree and lowered her gently to the ground.

"I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I'll never forgive him for this never! I'm going to burn him into ashes!"

"Kimiko everything is going to be fine you're just a little shaken up. Let's get you inside so you can rest."

The monks slowly headed inside while supporting a sobbing Kimiko and pondering what had happened themselves. Raimundo decided that he still wanted to lock Jack up and keep him all to himself, though hew also decided that he'd have to punish Jack for what he'd done to Kimiko. Clay questioned his sexuality and Jack's sexiness. He decided that he was straight because Jack was the only guy who'd made his heart beaten so fast. Omi was simply disappointed.He wouldn't be able to push Jack down as easily as he thought, and had to make a new plan to get him from Chase. Kimiko finally ran out of steam and fell into an exhausted sleep.


Jack was admiring his completed project. It was a dragon, a beautiful silver dragon whose scales shimmered in a multicolored dance along her spine, her hair was pale blonde. She was Dojos size and she moved through the air as if she was dancing. Yes, this was what Jack had been working so hard on all this time. Jack was increasing the dragon population. Jack was planning to keep this new beautiful silver girl but others wouldn't be as fully formed thinking wise. This dragon dancing through the air, was a female mate for Dojo to thank him for cooperating so nicely and giving him samples for his experiment such as hair, scales, nail clippings, and sometimes even blood. It was also a surprise and a gesture of goodwill towards Master Fung who hadn't given away his secret. It had taken a year to make this special girl and now she was finally complete. A mixture of Omi's DNA as well as Jack's, as much as it creeped him out he needed her to be intelligent, Chase, and Master Fung. It was all very creepy so he tried not to think too hard about it. He had made her to be strong, durable, beautiful, and a powerful healer. Other than that, any personality she developed was her own. She was even allowed to go against him if she wished. Jack reached out a hand and she perched on him delicately.

"Hello little one. What shall I name you? Hmm, how about Gaia."

The dragon, now Gaia, purred at the name.

"I like it very much father. Thank you."

Jack smiled. He loved each of his creations, that he made sentient, as if they were his own children. In this case, it was kinda true. Speaking of children.

"Miyu come meet your sister, you can lead her to the monks and get to meet Dojo." Jack called out. Another fairly small dragon flew slowly out of the shadows. She was Jack's first experiment, Miyu . Her DNA was composed of his, Chase's and Dojo's. She was also powerful, a destructive force as well as a shape shifter. She was highly intelligent with a knack for seeking out wu without the dreaded allergic reactions. Miyu was a small black dragon with white hair that flowed behind as she moved to settle around Jack's neck, her black scales shimmered almost green in the low light. Miyu as well had been allowed to developed her own personality. She was a clumsy quiet thing who enjoyed eating reading and flying.

"Hello Gaia, I am Miyu. Father has been looking forward to your arrival and I am glad it worked out. We should leave now so that he can have peace for his conversation."

"Hello, Miyu. I wouldn't mind leaving now. Goodbye father, goodbye Chase."

Spicer waved as his girls managed to teleport out of his lab before he turned around unsurprised to see Chase Young standing behind him as he had sensed when he'd arrived as Jack was naming Gaia.

"Chase I take it you got the information you needed most likely from Dojo. Are you displeased?"

"Since when have you been hiding this from me? Why did you hide it from me?"

Chase didn't beat around the bush and as much as he would love to claim Jack he needed to know why. Chase needed to know that all of Jack's affection and devotion wasn't fake.

"Chase I've been pretending since I was young. Everyone wanted to use me to keep my intelligence my uniqueness to themselves. The wanted their own personal invention spewing Jack pet. Well, I couldn't stand for that to happen so I came up with the stupid act to repel them, at least until I'm eighteen. It was easy, people mostly see what they want to see and what they want to see is flaws. I just use a little bit of clumsiness and people decide that I have a whole slew of other flaws as well. It was simple Chase, especially with you."

Chase looked offended, "Are you insulting my intelligence worm?" He growled lowly.

"See, that's what I mean. You already have a tendency to look down on people so as I didn't even have to work as hard to deceive you. However, I did have to add a new part to my act."

Chase raised a single eyebrow.

"You see I couldn't stay away from you, love at first sight and all, so I used any excuse to be near you I had to act more foolish than usual so you wouldn't catch on it was rather fun actually other than the T-Rex thing."

"Love at first-"

"So finally I decided that I had to tell you the truth."

"Spicer I-"

"But the problem was that I know you hate being deceived, and it's worse if the person who deceives you also gets in the way of your plans, so I had to find a way to soften the blow when I told you. It took an entire year but here it is your apology gift."

Jack moved back to his machine, he fiddled with some knobs as he pressed the shiny red button with a little flair since Chase was watching. This time the sound the machine made was a low hum as the conveyor began to spin. One by one comatose dragons in large clear liquid filled containers rolled down the belt. They floated there quietly and Jack stopped the machine after four of the colorful beasts sat on the conveyor belt.

"I've modified them so that when you use them in your soup they'll actually make you stronger. I also know that as much as you need your soup you're a natural hunter . Leave them out of the containers for three days and they'll wake up. They have the intelligence of a common beast and should have some mild magic, should be enough of a challenge to keep you entertained at least. So," Jack smiled and spread his arms gesturing as if to encase the whole project. "What do you think?"