
What Chase Never Knew

Jack was more than anyone ever thought and when the monks finally push him over the edge, they'll find he's more than they can handle. What will Chase think of this new development and will Clay ever recover?

littleonevixen · Ti vi
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5 Chs

Mistakes and Regret

Jack ran desperately down the halls following the sounds of battle he could hear coming from the nursery, his nursery. 'Please don't be too late please don't be too late.' Jack stretched his neck and his claws dug scars into the floor as he pushed himself to run faster. Ah, another thing Chase didn't know. Jack Spicer was a dragon.

Not naturally, of course. Jack had put together a concoction that enhances his genes. It was amazing really. He had figured out that the very fact that he could use the Wu meant that somewhere in him he inherently had magic. The nature of his magic had been far simpler to find than Jack had ever hoped. Through a series of trials and extensive research he discovered something that really should have been obvious from the beginning. The Wu that worked best with a person was the Wu that aligned best with the person's dormant magic. Jack's wu was the monkey staff he was so attached to, the staff proved that Jack was a natural shapeshifter. All he had to do to access the dormant magical gene inside of him. He mixed a concoction that made the connection that helped him turn him into a dragon. As a bonus he discovered the power to shift into other shapes as well.

Unfortunately, because Jack had allowed Katnappe to help him make the formula he found that his powers were little loopy and that everything he tried shifting into had some kind of cat characteristic. For that reason, Jack was not fond of shifting. But it didn't matter, what mattered in that moment was to protect his last secret from Chase and whoever else was a threat.

In record time, Jack arrived in the doorway of the nursery to find a large battle going on. His daughters were attacking three of the four young monks who had broken into a secret lab and now we're fighting for their lives Jack relaxed enough to change back into his human shape before yelling out "Hey what are you doing here?!" Everything stopped almost as if frozen in time. his girls still glaring looked at him with glowing eyes. The monks began to give ridiculous explanations for why they were snooping around his home.

"Jack we came to-"

"We were just wondering where the rest of the army was-"

"It is our job to stop evil. We need to know if you have any plans to take over the world so we can stop them before they start."

"What are they hiding? Are there weapons? Why are they so angry? There should be no reason for you to hide if you're not guilty."

Jack took a deep breath to calm himself as he gently rubbed the bridge of his nose in agitation.

"Let me explain something simple that you "good guys" can't seem to grasp. No matter what the cause, when you enter my home without permission it is considered trespassing." He paused to take a deep breath "Now, I didn't care when the damage was limited to my... upstairs lab. But it wasn't enough for you to destroy my mini projects you had to destroy the rest of my home and now you come down here to threaten my family. The family I sent to you in faith so that they could be protected and trained. You people are nothing more than two-bit thugs. You bullied me when you thought I was weak, taunted me when I would have switched sides, and called yourselves my friends as you tried to shatter my bones and laughed. You are a bunch of sad little hypocrites who talk loudly about how good you are as you act like you've never heard of morals."

Jack walked forward as he talked getting angrier and angrier as he went on, he signaled for his girls to stand down as he finally stood in front of the monks. His girls shrinking to their human shapes behind him.

"Well," Jack cracked his knuckles, rolled his shoulders and dropped into a loose limbed fighting stance. "Let me show you what happens when the weak learn to fight back."

The fight started again as Jack rushed forward in a move almost too fast to see and kicked Raimundo in the face using the force from his rotation the bring his fist to plant in the same place causing Raimundo to fly back and hit a wall leaving Jack to quickly land and follow after him to continue the onslaught without giving Raimundo time to recover. As he slammed his head back into the ground before backing off.

"Get up, and fight thug." Jack said with a bored look on his face.

Omi and Kimiko finally find themselves able to react having shaken off their shock.



They both start over ready to defend their friend.

"Gaia, Miyu!"

Omi and Kimiko found themselves dodging attacks from the two girls who moved immediately at their father's call. As stated before Jack wasn't stupid. He knew that as full grown dragons in a world where the fight of good against evil was quite literal they might have to defend themselves so he gave them the basics of fighting in their human form programmed into their brains as they were being developed. That and other knowledge was why it took so long for their process to finish.

Raimundo had finally stood from the ground wiping blood from his lip as he snarled,

"You bastard! You'll pay for that."

Jack's response was a slow smile as he readied himself for another battle.

"No, I don't think I will."

And with that battle cries filled the air as three battles began. Omi fared fairly well against Miyu who had to split her attention between fighting and making sure she didn't accidentally transform. Kimiko wasn't so lucky as Gaia was ruthless and accurate. The young dragon was aiming for pain and possible death as she silently struck again and again with Kimiko just barely fending her off. Raimundo was worst off though as Jack was toying with him as he struck at pressure points that made it hard to use his power and even in the air the albino seemed to have the advantage.

"What's the matter Rai? You moving a little slow. Tired?"

Raimundo sneered even as Jack dodged another of his tornados.

"Yeah of seeing your ugly mug. I mean seriously Jack I didn't think it was possible for you to get any uglier but wow did you prove me wrong."

Jack rolled his eyes at the juvenile taut and was about to reply when he spotted Chase watching with interest outside the door and cursed. Jack had almost forgotten that he was in the middle of a meeting when this started. He sighed as he dodged another of Raimundo's attacks followed by a fireball and wave of water. It was time to end this.

"Ok girls that's enough come here please." He flew higher and the girls followed him up as he loaded the correct needles into his bracelet. After that he looked at the bloodied tired monks as they took a brief breath to check on each other from the corners of their eyes too well trained to completely let their guards down.

"Welp it's been irritating losers goodbye."

He used a distracting wave to cover for his shooting the needles into the monks below who fell screaming to the ground.

Jack casually covered the two dragon's eyes beside him as he looked to Chase.

"It's always painful the first time."

He called to them over the screams as he and the girls flew down to Chase. As he landed the monks grew quiet.

"Cool, looks like they're done. About time, my ears were hurting."

With that casual statement Jack walked over and pick three objects from the pile of clothes where the monks had been in.

As he walked back over he handed one bundle of clothes over to Chase.

"I believe you wanted this one." Jack said as he handed the other two off to his daughters. "Put those two with the other one and then you can go have fun or come back, your choice thank you for protecting them." He hugged each little dragon girl before sending them off and turning to Chase just as the bundle Jack had handed him started to wriggle.

"What is-?" A cute little furry yellow head poked itself out at that moment.


Chase couldn't help but to smirk as Omi looked around confused. Jack had outdone himself with this gift.

"If you like that I have one last surprise for you." And Jack headed back into the battle torn room while gesturing for Chase to follow. Chase absently played with the kitten in his arms as he followed Jack wondering what else he could possibly have to show him.

"Where did you learn to fight like that Jack? I have never seen anyone move quite that way."

Jack answered while half paying attention as he found and pushed in a section of the wall and revealed a series of security measures including password and facial recognition as well as DNA recognition by way of blood.

"I made a bot that can analyze a person and decide what style of fighting that fits them best, then train them for it. Mine is my own brand of fighting that mixes my intelligence with my speed and flexibility. I haven't named it yet though."

Finally, the security measures were done and a door slid open to reveal a room that resembled a cozy cave. It wasn't in any way primitive just somewhat harder to hack into and covered with a magic barrier as well as one of Jack's own design. It was lined with soft rugs and what looked to be chew toys on the floor with benches carved from around the wall and lined with furs. In the middle of that small cave was what looked to be a basket covered in blankets.

"My last secret should be coming soon."

Chase looked startled as he glanced around the room.

"What do you mean Spicer? Is something coming?"

Jack chuckled as he went to sit on the stone bench.

"You'll see." Jack said with a proud smile.