
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Tranh châm biếm
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45 Chs

Don't follow you father's example kid

"Don't cry soon-to-be-dead son, mommy is here, I will protect you''

the soon-to-be-dead mother, comforted her son then turned to yell at her soon-to-be-dead husband, ''Your son is scared, Stop being useless and do something!''

The woman is wearing gorgeous clothes, her skin is well-maintained, her features are above average, and her eyes are full of pride and self-confidence.

She was scared too. she had just experienced death and the next moment she was in this room with other strange people.

What scared her more is the guy laying on the ground with blood in his crotch area, she didn't know whether he is dead or not.

The only thing that can calm her is yelling at her useless husband.

She always used this as a way to calm herself when her emotions spiral out of control.

He will never talk back, it has always been the case.

The soon-to-be-dead husband sighed helplessly, he knew that he was just cannon fodder used to fill in the blank places. and he reckoned that he and his family would not live past 4 chapters. heck, the lazy author didn't even bother to give them a proper name.

From what he observed in these brief moments there are 4 other people in this room, a lone kid, and a young woman with 2 young men one of them seems to be injured, most likely the woman who injured him.

No man will deliver such a vicious blow to a fellow man.

He also noticed something strange about their location, he could see the Tokyo Tower from here through the window.

It made him suspect that there is perhaps a possibility that they were transferred to this place before they died. or this is a special place for the dead in Tokyo to go through before moving to the afterlife.

There is also the black ball, he guessed it may be the source of all that is happening.

He decided to stop thinking about it, he's just cannon fodder, and he shouldn't take too much screen time.

"e-excuse me young man do you have any idea what is going on here? or where is this?" He chooses to ask the group of Three first since they are older, and thus seem more reliable than the emo kid.

Furthermore, the young woman looks beautiful and innocent. the man must be the one who assaulted her first.

She must've been trying to defend herself, yes! there is no way a beautiful woman like her would be a vicious bitch who cuckolded her man right?

"No." with a curt answer, Lee ignored him, the constant interruptions began to irritate him, he couldn't concentrate on what he was doing, and he didn't want to waste his time on a male cannon fodder character.

"B-but..." The soon-to-be-dead husband was startled by Lee's attitude he didn't expect this gentle-looking young man to be this rude to someone older than him.

However, his instinct told him that this young man must know something. and his instinct has often been accurate, except when he was dealing with the woman that he is simping for, for example, his wife.

"Can't you understand basic human speech? I said I don't know! Can't you see that I'm busy? Stop being a hindrance... How annoying."

Lee was already irritated from being interrupted again and again, not to mention he sensed that the energy he had was running low.

Although he didn't succeed in learning how to manipulate muscles. he did, however, figure out that he could kill any normal human one feet away from him by manipulating their brain and other internal organs.

However, he didn't know if he could do the same against the aliens and people wearing Gantz's basic suit.

There is also the fact that manipulating the bodies of others consumes more energy than manipulating his, and the greater the distance the greater the consumption.

"Can you not bother my Lee-kun, Old mister? we really don't know what's going on here! we just get here less than half an hour." When she noticed Lee's irritation. Akane stood forward to confront the middle-aged man,

She took the opportunity to wrap her hands around his arm, sandwiching his arm between her soft breasts.

Lee felt surprised by her sudden actions, however, he didn't mind her hugging him, although he know from his memories that Akane had tried many times to seduce the pathetic guy. but this was the first time a woman he know for less than an hour throwing herself at him.

'It's nice to be handsome.'

When Akane met Lee's eyes, she throw him a provocative look and tightened her grip around his arm, making his arm sink further in her softness.

"Excuse me for my rudeness beautiful goddess, no amount of apologizing can forgive my transgressions, I can only atone for my sins by kneeling to you, if we can get out of this place I will do my utmost best to redeem myself." The soon-to-be-dead husband with an almost flattering smile bowed his head.

He thought to himself that he acted gentlemanly, but he looks like a thick-skinned simp trying to lick his goddess, this was a habit developed from his long simping career, and it becomes an almost conditional reflex.

He was an experienced simp who spent more than 5 years as a spare tire, competing for the heart of his goddess, before he won her heart and succeed in marrying her.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that she choose him because he was the easiest to fool, who knows many men gave him a green hat those years, maybe his son isn't even his.

"My god! listening to you makes me want to puke! fuck I thought people like you exist only on the internet, you are a disgrace to all men! a subhuman! go away I don't want to share the same breath as you!" Lee never thought he would feel as disgusted by someone other than his brother, but this man subverted his knowledge! people more hateful than his brother do exist!

Lee swore if this simp keeps on pestering them. He will make him join the cuckold as his second guinea pig.

Because of how he grow up in his childhood, Lee was a cynical, selfish man who only thinks about himself, and he look down on this kind of wimpy simps the most! more than cuckolds.

Simps are more miserable than cuckolds! because being a simp included being a cuckold in the package! just like Will Smith.

No matter how glorious his life is, once a man becomes a simp he will lose his dignity and will never get the heart of the woman he wants.

The more we value things outside of our grasp, the less likely we will be able to get them, especially women's hearts.

That's the truth.

A man can be a despicable criminal or a terrorist, but he can't be a simp. that's the lowest of the low.

Every simp is a living tragedy! how sad.

"How can you talk like that to someone older than you?! little brat. did no one teach you to respect your elders?" After recovering from her initial fear.

'How did I fail to notice such a high-quality piece of meat, I must get him!'

Noticing how good-looking the young man was. the soon-to-be-dead-wife was dazzled and decided to pressure him and take the high moral ground to try and have her way with him later, even if he was dating that young bitch.

***I'm writing this note for some unique readers who are hmm... to put it nicely have lower intelligence than average. Akane is not dating Lee and will never be his girlfriend.***

She was confident in her look and background, years ago many men were simping for her. she didn't believe that with her experience she would fail to get this boy to her bed!

'This man will be mine! he should be mine!' she thought to herself.

For a moment, Lee felt a chill running down his spine. maybe is just his imagination.

Japan is a society where hierarchical relationships are very strong. Typically, positional relationships are established after only one year of age or experience, or possibly even after just a few days. Younger people are taught to be silent and obey those elders or above them. This is basically believing that they do not have the right to talk back to those who are higher than them. There is even a saying that expresses this. 'if a superior says, crows are white, they are white'

"Don't use your seniority to pressure me old hag! you wouldn't get a shred of respect from me outside, much less here! so back the fuck off! before I show how much I respect ugly bitches like you" he countered without looking at her as if the mere look will dirty his eyes.

He wasn't the type to put up with unreasonable people, and he wasn't above beating the elderly and children if they deserve it. he minded his own business, yet those nameless characters keeps on looking for trouble with him.

"You dare to talk to me like this, do you know who I'm?" She pointed her finger and shouted at him, except her father non has never talked to her like that not even her trash simp husband.

But she realized that she wasn't angry as she had imagined. Instead, the fact that such a young handsome man is talking her down gave her a novel feeling, and her body heated a bit in response to his disdainful attitude ' it can't be that I'm actually a masochist, right?' she quickly buried this thought, she didn't want to wonder in this dangerous territory.

"I don't know who you are and I don't care! even if you are the daughter of the most powerful person in the world, you are still dead! and a dead person is a worthless person" Lee chuckled and said contemptuously.

He stopped what he was doing. he was running low on energy now and with the constant distractions, nothing would come from his attempts.

As for this nameless woman he didn't take her seriously, if she is someone important she wouldn't be here, after all, the ones behind this sick game are the real rulers of this country and the world.

"That's right old hag, no one cares about who you were before, right now you are just a married old hag! so don't take yourself seriously and don't covet things that you aren't eligible to " Akane smiled triumphantly. she was displeased and furious! this old hag is trying to bully her Lee-Kun with her seniority and background.

She forgot how she too wanted to use her seniority to teach the mama boy a lesson.

Typical double standard behavior...

Akane wanted to dig out this old hag's eyes when she saw how she was looking at her Lee-Kun with greedy and lustful eyes.

In the past, men were just tools for her to entertain herself she could always cast them away when she grow bored. but Lee is different! he is the first man to make her emotionally attached to him, and she liked this feeling.

She will never allow anyone to take him from her! never!

Lee watched silently, naturally, he noticed Akane's intentions from the beginning, but as a qualified scumbag, he wouldn't refuse.

A real scumbag doesn't take the initiative, refuses, or take responsibility.

Lee knows that the readers would be angry at the almighty immortal author-sama because of his scumbag behavior. but it's impossible to change his scumbag nature! a person's character can't be changed overnight.

Furthermore, using the term scumbag to describe him is really one-sided.

The reason why he wants to take care of beautiful ladies is not that he is a scum, but to prevent them from harming young virgin boys, like the readers.

Why does no one understand his difficulties?

There are so many helpless beautiful women in this world waiting for him to save them! and exchange culture with them!

As a Transmigrator. it is his responsibility to risk his life to perform a cultural exchange with the poor girls from this world.

As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.

'A small price to pay for salvation.'

While Lee was contemplating his morals and responsibilities, he heard something that shocked him for a while.

"Junior! you are courting death!'' The soon-to-be-dead mother was furious! she has never been treated like this before! well, at least it proved she is not a masochist.

Lee, Akane, the soon-to-be-dead husband and son, and even the mama boy who was watching the fun. they all looked at her with 'did she really just say that?' expressions on their faces, they even began to suspect if the author wrote the wrong script.