
Well that was... Unlucky?

I'm Satori Akuun. And as my name suggest, I've never been lucky. When I was born, my mother had to get a cesarean section. The next day we drove home, but on the way, my father fell asleep, because he was exhausted from being awake for so long. So we drove into a tree, but mother kept me safe. I survived, but both my parents died. So I was sent to my Uncle and Aunt's house, and they hatted me. They woke me up at 5 o'clock which was way to early, for a little child like I was. In total I got 9 hours of sleep a baby needs 12! They once took me to a playground and just left me there at night I met a black cat that I took back home, because the playground wasn't that far away from our house, but a nice lady had seen my Uncle and Aunt's little son, and she took me bake to them, with my cat. When the lady left, my Uncle hit me, and screamed at me. I didn't know what he said or what to do but I just cried. he also killed the cat. something about black cats being evil. At the age of 4 I ran away, but because I was so small and didn't know of the world. I went lost. I simply didn't know where I was, but again I found a black cat, and they loved me. I lived with the cats, like the cats, ate like the cats and even sleept like the cats. but then I was found. I was forced into an adoption center. They asked were my parents were, I cried, they sent me to a psychologist, but I cried, they took a DNA test on me because one of them apparently really wanted to "help" me. They managed to find Uncle and Aunt, but even then I still cried. Never because I was alone, or afraid. I was simply sad, because they took me away from my family. The cats. Then people who wanted to adopt came I was never picked, and the 2 times I was they didn't have cats so I just cried, I had some friends at the adoption center for once. In the end they both sent me back. But one day an old man came he saw me and asked if he could adopt me. They said I was hard to get, but the old man didn't care, he took me home, and I cried, but then I saw her, Dropsy a playful black kitten, and I was almost in love. This was the first time in years I was happy, and I was 8! The old man wanted for me to go to school, so he made me study. His name by the way was Gerold. He had always wanted a child but couldn't get one, so he adopted one. In the beginning, I hatted studying. it was boring, I didn't understand, but he teached me. And now I'm thankful for it. But I wasn't back then. When I was big enough, he wanted me to go to a very expensive school and the level of knowledge and intellect needed was enormous. But he teachedme, he wanted me to succeed, and because of that I did. And the day came. I was 18 years old. I was accepted into the school, but.....