
What! I got transmigrated as miss Kobayashi!

"Hello my name is Yuki Suzuki and I am your average everyday Japanese male, or at least I was. It turns out that God is in fact real and very compensating but he has a strange love for genderbening people!? I mean come on I can handle dieing and being thrown into another world but did you have to make me a girl!? And most importantly why does being submissive make me excited!? God, definitely did something to me i wasn't always submissive was I? Yo, new Author here never really written anything( although i always wanted to but could never get the motivation or it was just plain bad) but i decided it was worth a shot and if anythig it is something to do for fun when im bored. Forewarning it will probably be really bad so if you are a picky reader i would avoid it, welp that is all i have to say. All mentiond anime's rights go to their original owners.

Bats3245 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

Aoba Suzukaze Pov:

Hello! My name is Aoba Suzukaze, and today is my first day as a working adult! You see my story all started back in grade school were I first played the game 'Fairies' and was instantly inspired by the great character design! Afterwards I looked up who the art designer was, and found out it was someone called Yagami Kou! I then decided to follow in her foot step's and became a art designer!

Currently Aoba was standing in front of her new workplace or 'Eagle Jump' in this case. 'Hmm I believe I was told to wait outside till the Art Director arrived to show me around but they are pretty late.' This was nothing but Aoba's common sense leading her right down the drain.

'Eagle Jump' dosen't start till 9:30 and Aoba herself was instructed to arrive around 9:00 for her tour. However Aoba decided that as a responsible adult she should would be expected to arrive at least half an hour ear, so Aoba had officially arrived at 8:30.

On the other hand the current Art Director was dealing with her current dragon infestation and had a zero percent chance of even making it at 8:30.


*A few minutes later*

'Oh someone finally arrived!' "Ah crap! What am I thinking!?" Unfortunately for Aoba our protagonist was currently still thinking of how she was falli- *Cough* I mean wasn't falling for her Dragon Maid!

"Umm excuse me?" 'Maybe she knows who the Art Director is!' obliviously thought Aoba. "H-Hey, hello excuse me!" 'Mooouuu! it is not very nice to ignore someone you know!' Aoba pouted.

"Haaa?" Kobayashi glared at Aoba till her eyes gained a little bit of recognition and the glare subsidded. However it was to late and a glare from Kobayashi's dead fish eyes had already scared the poor purple twin-tail. 'Hihiiii! S-s-scary! Don't Cry, Don't Cr-' While Aoba was doing her best to hold in her tears, but utterly failing!

"Well crap!"Kobayashi exclaimed, she didn't know Aoba would cry so easily you can't expect her to know that! Thankfully for Aoba some backup had arrived!

"Kobayashi! That is no way to treat a child!" "Hmm..Oh hey Rin." Kobayashi greeted after seeing who the new arrival was.

"There, There it is ok the big mean lady won't bother you anymore ok!" Rin soothingly said to Aoba with a motherly smile.

"Mmmm" Aoba shook her head with a nod and tears at the corner's of her eyes. "W-Wait im not a child! I am a adult!"

"Sure you are sweetie!" Rin agreed not believeing Aoba one bit and patting her head. "And you Kobayashi! When have you fallen so low as to scare a poor child!" Rin Excalimed with a admonishing look.

"Aha sorry, sorry I had a pretty crazy day so far." Kobayashi said with a wry smile thinking about Tohru. "Well anyway what are you doing here?" Kobayashi said turning to look at Aoba.

"Kuhum! I am 'Eagle Jump's' new hire! Aoba Suzukaze! Please take care of me!" Aoba said while Suddenly bowing and with complete 180° attitude!

"EH-EHHHHHH!?"Rin shouted in pure bewilderment while Kobayashi just mimicked her, as it would be odd if she expected it no?

"A-Ahem! Please forgive me!" Rin said with a bow. "Since we are now going to be working together let me introduce myself. My name is Rin Toyama! Looking forward to working with you!" Rin introduced herself with a Sunny smile.

"Now then can you tell me what you are wanting out here for Aoba-Chan?" Rin asked. "Ah! Yes, I was told to wait for the Art Director! You wouldn't happen to know who that is would?"

'Geh! I never got to the part where I could show her around.' Kobayashi said internally.

"Hooo? So the Art Director was supposed to show you around?" Rin said menacingly with a tick mark on her head thoroughly scaring the living heck out of kobayashi! Rin is usually a pretty nice and outgoing person, but when she gets mad no one can stand in her way!

'I still have time! Joestar secret family technique! NIGERUNDAYO!!' Suddenly turning around and making a mad dash for it, Kobayashi didn't even get 2 feet before she felt the painful grasp of Rin's hand on her head.

"Ouch Ouch Ouch come on Rin we can still talk about it right, for old times sake?" Kobayashi said with a hopeful but wry smile.

"Talk about it? Talk about it! Now you aren't just scaring a poor girl but also skipping out on your duties. Your lucky we are freinds because if you thin--" While Rin started giving a stern lecture to Kobayashi. The later just let it happen while sitting in a seiza with a comical stream of tears coming out of her eyes thinking, 'What did I do to deserve this?'

As for Aoba? Well she had no idea why Rin was yelling at Kobayashi. Unless Kobayashi was the Art Director, which couldn't be true as they wouldn't let such a thuggish person be the Art Director would they?

And this was the start of your very normal and average day at 'Eagle Jump'


*A few moments later*

Inside the lobby of 'Eagle Jump'

"Ahem! I believe introductions are in order!" Kobayashi said, obviously pretending what had occurred before had never happened.

" My name is Yuki Kobayashi, but I prfer to be called Kobayashi. Additionally I am the current Art Director of 'Eagle Jump'." Kobayashi announced to the utter bewilderment and widened eyes of Aoba. "And the lady beside me, as you already know, is Rin Toyama the assistant director." Kobayashi explained.

" Now then with that out of the way lets get to the tour!" Kobayashi exclaimed with a sudden burst of enthusiasm. "Oooooou!!" Aoba shouted back in kind with one hand raised.

"Haha it's good to see you two getting along now but I am afraid you won't have time anymore for the tour." Rin giggled before shooting Kobayashi a worried look.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Kobayashi asked. "There is a sudden meeting today at 9:45 to address some of the problems the programmers are having, and Umiko specifically asked me to tell you that your presence was required." Rin explained while giving Aoba an apologizing smile.

"Haaah meeting's are so boring, why does my day just keep getting harder? But if Umiko asked for me to attend it's probably a problem with the character designes so i can't skip it to take Aoba on a tour!" Kobayashi mused.

"Hmmnn Aha!" Kobayashi suddenly exclaimed hitting her fist on her open palm. "I know the perfect person to take you off our hands!" Kobayashi said looking at Aoba, while thinking of a certain blond haired exhibitionist that can't seem to keep her pants on.

"Rin you start heading to the meeting and I will meet you there. Aoba let's go." Making a plan and taking charge Kobayashi grabbed Aoba's arm and started dragging her torwards the Art department. "Hai!"Aoba shouted.

"Very well see you later Kobayashi!" Rin said while thinking of how much happier Kobayashi seemed today, she couldn't be imagining it could she?


"Now remember Aoba while you don't need your id card to get into the building, you will need it to get into the office." Kobayashi explained, trying to fill Aoba in best with the little time she had.

Using her id card Kobayashi enterd into the Art teams office and started walking to a certain persons desk. Being swiftly followed by Aoba.

"So according to your resume I know you have experience drawing, but do you have any experience in 3d modeling?" Kobayashi asked before stooping at the foot of a sleeping bag in the middle of a 3 person workplace.

"Umm no I do not!" Aoba answered honestly. "That is alright! We don't expect every new hire too, but we will help you learn along the way! Now then let me introduce you to your new team leader!" Kobayashi explained before suddenly grabbing the end of the sleeping bag and flipping it open.

Only to find the sleeping form of a beautiful blond haired woman dressed in nothing but a black long sleeved shirt and white panties

"P-P-P-PANTIES!" Aoba exclaimed with an extreme blush covering her face. "Fufu~ I see some things never change! But worry not the bevolent me shall help you wake up! Oraaa!" Kobayashi said with a somewhat happy smile before walking over and stepping on that wonderful derriere!

"Ouch Ouch my butt!" Kou jumped up and said while holding her hiney with tears in her eyes. Strangely seeming used to being woken up this way. "I know your jealous of my beautiful butt Kobayashi, but that dosen't mean you always have to go for it!" Kou suddenly said with a smug smile and a twinkle in her eyes. 'But geez if she keeps doing it like that what if I turn into an M someday.' Kou thought playfully, while her hands were still rubbing her rear end.

"O-Oi I am not jealous of your butt!" Kobayashi argued with a tick mark. Before suddenly gaining a mild blush. "A-And watch what you say when we have company!" Kobayashi admonished with while hinting at Aoba.

"Oya?" And while Kou was surprised to find someone join the company while they were in the middle of a making a game, she was much more surprised at Kobayashi's mild reaction.

You see Kobayashi and Kou have worked together for a long time and it was inevitable for Kobayashi to have not seen Kou in her underwear. And every time that happened Kou would always tease Kobayashi in a similar way that she had just done. The only difference was that Kobayashi usually would have a much more flustered reaction and would stare at her butt much more!

'What could have built up her immunity to getting embarrassed in just one night! Is my butt not as great anymore? Hmmm the only othe thing I can think of is...if she had brought someone home and had 'fun'.' Suddenly Kou was having a very bad premonition.

"H-hey Kobayashi what did you do last night after you left the bar drunk?" Kou asked worriedly.

Some context would be that after Kou's final boss drawing was accepted. She, Kobayashi, and Rin went out to celebrate at a bar. At just about midnight though, Kobayashi got up with a bottle of alcohol and went off to the mountains for adventure. Sadly both Rin and Kou were to hammered to stop her. So Kou went to sleep at the office and Rin went home.

"Hmmm I think that I went to the mountains?" Kobayashi gave a confused look to Kou's worried expression, She answered honestly until she got to the part where she met Tohru. Howerver that is when she remembered what had happened this morning and what may have happened last night. 'I-I didn't think that far into it this morning! Did me and Tohru do anything besides kissing? O-Or did she g-go further!' The more she thought about it the more flustered Kobayashi got till the point where steam was starting to come out of her ears and her face was covered in a red sheen.

Strangely though while it made her a little scared(the part that still sees herself as a former male)it made her much more excited, thinking about how Tohru might have had her way with her! So much so that she was starting to get a little weak in the knees and have butterflies in her stomach.

"K-Kobayashi? W-What happend next?" Kou said while she was starting to get a painful feeling in her chest. "W-Well I m-met a g-g-girl and w-we might-." Kobayashi answered absent mindedly, as if she wasn't so flustered she never would have given away the fact that she might have possibly brought someone home! Until suddenly Kobayashi's much needed savior arrived.

"Kobayashi!" Umiko arrived with impeccable timing "What are you doing? The meeting starts in 2 minutes! Don't make me drag you there!"

"Umiko! Y-es im coming." Not one to let such a great escape opportunity Kobayashi ran over and hurried away as fast as she could.

"Hmm, why is your face so red Kobayashi?" Umiko asked as they were leaving.

"Eh? D-dont mind it!" You could her Kobayashi say as they turned the corner. Leaving both a Kou with a painful heart and a passed out Aoba who couldn't handle such a lewd situation.

'S-so Kobayashi finally got someone! I-i know I should be happy for her but wh-why does it hurt so much?' Clutching her chest Kou couldn't help but think it was a either a misunderstanding or just a one night stand? And as dense as Kou was she was finally getting an inkling as to what the feeling's she held torwards Kobayashi were!

Yo, so uh this kinda got complicated lol. Originally(or maybe it still is) was supposed to be just Kobayashi x Tohru. But while writing this I had somehow turned it into a situation where Kou crushes hard on Kobayashi! So what should i do? Kou or no Kou? I can't decide! And if Kobayashi does get Kou I can't leave Rin out can I? So I am confused! Please send backup lol! Anyway have a great day!

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