
Chapter Sixty-Six

"Molls, can I have a word?" Jennifer asked as she opened her bedroom door. Her sister looked up confused as she put her book down. 

"Yeah sure, summit wrong?" she asked, a little concerned. 

"Eh... not decided yet," the older girl said as she sat down on the bed. "I had a visit yesterday from Duncan Rodgers, Jake's pa," she started, seeing her sister freeze momentarily. 

"Ye did? What did he want?" Molly asked, wondering what on earth he'd been thinking. 

"He... wanted to let me know that his son is nothin' like Blake and, in not so many words, to give him a chance," Jennifer said, leaving it hanging there. 

Her sister wasn't sure what or when to say something. "Raght..." she eventually just put out there. 

"He reminded me that you're both adults. And something he said, that he hadn't seen his son happy or like this in a long time, struck a chord. I've not seen you like this... well, ever. And if that's got anything to do with Jake...." Jennifer said, ending with a sigh. Her sister couldn't dare to believe that it sounded like she might be changing her mind. "I think maybe you need to invite him over some time, so I can get to know him." 

"Jen, thank you," Molly gushed, as she jumped up from her seat and pulled her sister in for a big hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she squealed, feeling a weight lifting off her shoulders. 

"Yeah, yeah," she said. She wasn't an idiot; this reaction and Duncan's words implied that her sister and Jake had continued to see each other, despite her telling them not to. 

"Is this weekend too soon?" Molly asked, making her sister laugh. 



"I don't know what ye said to her but thank ye Duncan," Molly went straight into it as she walked into their kitchen through the back door and surprised everyone by giving her boyfriend's father a hug. 

"Yer welcome poppet," the old rancher said once he'd gotten over the surprise, and patted her shoulder. 

"Eh, what are ye two on about?" Jake asked confused, trying to make sense of what had just happened. He knew they got on, but he didn't think well enough to be hugging. 

"Jennifer asked me to invite ye over so she can get to know ye," his girlfriend told him with a big smile. 

"That's great," he said, as he pulled her in closer. "But what does pa have to do with that?" he still didn't understand. 

"I went to call on her yesterday, reminded her that yer both adults 'n we shouldn't stand in yer way," his father said simply, even though he knew it was more than that simple. "I heard ye talkin' when ye were in the stables, that Jennifer was still refusin' to reconsider. I knew my time had come to make good on my promise," he explained. 

"Thanks pa," Jake said gratefully as he gave him a clap on the shoulders, before pulling his girlfriend in for a big hug. He knew he shouldn't in front of his sister and father, but he was too happy to care as he leaned in to kiss her. He could feel her smile as she kissed him back. 

"Iew gross," they heard Beth squeal, making them both laugh. 


"Oh my god, how am I more nervous now than I was before?" Jake said to himself in the mirror as he shook out his hands. He was wearing his favorite shirt and jeans, and he'd just finished doing his hair. It went a small way to still the butterflies in his stomach. 

"Ye look fine, always do," Duncan's voice made him jump. 

"Yeah but what if fine ain't good enuff?" his son asked concerned. 

"End of the day, it won't come down to yer looks son. Ye just need to show yer gonna treat yer girl like a queen... who's always right," he said with a cheeky wink at the end, making him laugh out loud. 

"Well she already got that down," Jake chuckled. 

"Ain't that the truth," his father nodded. "But seriously bud, all Jennifer wants to know is that yer gonna treat her sister right." 

"That I intend to do." 

"Now in my day, ye'd also need to intend to make an honest woman out of her, but..." Duncan said with a shrug. 

"Pa..." Jake started. 

"I know, I know, it's not like that these days," his father waved him off. 

"No I mean, yes it's not like that these days. But what I meant... We've only been together a couple of months. How do I ... I mean... how do ye know...?" 

"Oh hell Jake, that's one hell of a conversation to have right now," Duncan started, a little uncomfortably. "But... when it's right, ye'll know," he added. 

"Yeah but how?" 

"It's like a feelin'… more than a feelin'… it's like a way of bein'," he continued. 

"Yeah, great help pa," Jake said, shaking his head. "I gotta go. Wish me luck!" 

"Good luck son, I mean it. Just remember, Jennifer thinks ye don't know each other very well yet, so keep yer hands 'n looks to yerself," his father reminded him before he ran off. 

Jake held his hand up to indicate he'd heard him as he headed out to next door. Like last time, he'd bought a bunch of flowers to butter his girlfriend's sister up. He tried to get himself to relax as he walked over, heart pounding wildly. 

This time Jennifer opened the door to him. "Howdy Jake," she said as nicely as she could, clearly putting in a lot of effort. 

"Howdy ma'am," Jake nodded with a smile, holding the flowers out to her. 

"Thanks. Come in," she said as she took the flowers from him. He stepped in past her, smiling when he saw Molly waiting for them in the living room, wearing a pretty day dress. "Take a seat," Jennifer reminded them both of her presence. He carefully sat down on the sofa, not surprised when his girlfriend sat down next to him as her sister put the flowers in a vase. 

"Ye know that's the second time ye got my sister flowers?" Molly said softly and he could tell straight away that she felt a little jealous. He risked taking hold of her hand to give it a comforting squeeze. 

"Got plenty o'time to give ye a whole lot more than flowers," he assured her in a whispered tone so her sister wouldn't hear. His girlfriend looked up at him surprised; that sounded so serious... and very promising. 

"These are very pretty," Jennifer's voice from the kitchen stopped her sister from leaning in to kiss him. 

"Yer welcome," Jake nodded to her, slowly letting go of his girlfriend's hand. His father was right that they couldn't look too comfortable around each other. 


Jennifer ended up asking him questions and in general talking with them for almost three hours. Jake answered them all with good grace and as honestly as possible. Molly chipped in occasionally as well. 

Her sister wasn't blind and could see them slipping into their more comfortable positions and looks. She knew now more than ever that they had continued to see each other behind her back, and yet she couldn't find it in herself to be mad at them. They very clearly liked each other, possibly even were in love. And she wouldn't stand in the way of that... any more. 

"Thanks Jake, ye answered way more than I could've expected ye to," Jennifer started rounding off the conversation, figuring she should let them enjoy some time together. "No more sneaking out though okay, if you want to go out, just tell me," she now aimed at her sister. At least then she wouldn't have to be worried about whether she was in or out. 

"Promise," Molly laughed. 

"Good," Jennifer nodded. "And Jake, you'd better be careful with my little sister, ye hear? Don't go breaking her heart or getting her into trouble," she added now, feeling the conversation wouldn't be complete without a big sisterly warning. 

"Jen," her sister said through clenched teeth, a little embarrassed by it. 

"It's okay, Molls," Jake assured her. "I don't intend to do any of those things," he promised her sister, getting a satisfied nod in response now. 

"Great. Well, I'd better be off to Walmart. I'll see you two later," Jennifer said as she got up to get her purse and keys, and headed off out. 

"Oh my god, can ye believe it?" Molly reacted with a laugh as she flung her arms around him to hug him tightly. "No more sneaking around or lying," she added, feeling so relieved. He hugged her back and pressed a kiss to her hair. 

"Ye'd better believe it, coz I intend to keep my promise," Jake said in her ear, feeling her hug him even tighter in response. In that moment, that was as good as an "I love you" and she'd gladly take it.