

Moving to Westbane for a fresh start, ex-army officer, Elfrida Stevenson is thrust into a more crazier world of supernatural creatures. ***** Reporting to duty as the deputy sheriff of Westbane, Elfrida thinks she's finally getting a break from danger and drama, but when an abnormal case pops up in the little town, Elfrida realizes that the little town isn't as little as it seems. She is soon caught between two worlds, where she is hit with the intriguing but scary fact that she's the soul mate to the only Tribrid to have ever existed, and the ruler of the second half of Westbane. Elfrida Stevenson is in for a real treat, entering into a world she had only thought was a silly myth created by people who didn't like the simplicity of the normal world. SEASON ONE

RebeccaJ · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Warm Welcome 3


I was running, my boots hitting the wet ground littered with twigs and dead leaves in the woods, gunshots echoing through the air like it was meant for the night, the sound of explosions setting off in the distance, reaching my ears, and increasing the pace at which I ran.

My heart was pounding, goosebumps littering my skin as I ran, tears spilling from my eyes...

They were all dead... All of them... My team, my family... Everyone I care about, gone.

I ran blindly, further into the woods, the sounds of grunts and yells around me.

My head ached, my body tired from all the running, I needed to stop, to take a break, but I can't stop, I can't stop...

Something hit me, sending my feet off the ground, colliding back with the ground with a force that sent my heart aching. It came with a sharp pain from my lower back. I groaned, my heart beating in my chest, causing a shock to run through my whole body.

The pain intense, I reached to touch where the pain was coming from. I winced when my hand touched something wet, bringing my hand to my view, it was stained with blood.

The sight of the blood made my head light. The sound of a sharp bullet hitting a tree just a few meters from where I laid, had my heart flying right out of my chest.

That was when I heard it... A cry, one of agony and despair. One of hate and pure terror. It yelled out my name.


I jumped right up, my breathing coming up short as I felt the stain of sweat on my face and neck.

I frantically looked around, trying to take in my surroundings.

My body still shook from my nightmare, I thought I'd be used to it already, seeing as it was always there, that scene kept playing repeatedly in my dreams. The pills I took for them, did nothing. The therapy sessions did nothing. Every night, I'd relive that terrible night, I'd feel the pain again, the fear, the terror. Over and over again.

My bedside alarm went off suddenly, startling a small yelp from me, as I reached to silence it, my gaze moving to the large window. It was morning, yet there was no sun to indicate it, the weather was calm. The Bane woods looked so still and foggy. My eyes moved to the time displayed on the face of the small alarm clock. 6:37AM.

I sighed, taking in a deep breath to calm myself, as I let it out shortly after, getting up from the bed.

Getting to the bathroom lazily, I wiped the fog off the mirror, my dull reflection staring back at me. I lifted my shirt, my gaze moving to the spot on my lower back. The claw scar ever present. I sighed, shaking off the thought.

Start the day smart Elfrida, you've got a new life ahead of you. I said to myself inwardly, before dropping my shirt and picking up my toothbrush.

* * *

The sheriff station was exactly how I pictured it. Not too small, not too big. Cops here and there, working away with their brown pants and carton coloured shirts, the smell of freshly made donuts and hot, eye opening coffee in the air.

All this mixed with the lovely vibe the whole town carried, was enough to brighten up my mood for the day.

Everyone had been so nice, and I had gotten to know a few of the officers and the name of their kids.

I loved talking to them, the conversations promised a normal setting, a new beginning.

The smile on my face didn't waver as I imagined myself in that kind of life. I'd have a loving husband, a kid and a swollen stomach. I'd walk around the house barefoot and watch my children and their dad play in the garden just outside the house.

Life would be so promising, so bright and amazing, and I'd finally be happy.

"Elfrida?" I looked up, my eyes zoning in on Hec, one of the officers I had the pleasure of being introduced to. He had a beautiful daughter and his wife, as he said, was the best baker in town. I had made a mental note of visiting her store after work, to grab some light dinner for Sasha and I.

"Yeah, is the Sheriff ready for me?"

He nodded. "Yup, you can head right in."

"Thank you." I said with a smile as I stood up, dusting my uniform before making my way down the corridor and knocking on the door that had the sheriff sign on the top.

"Come on in." A friendly, yet young voice said from the other side of the door.

I opened the door softly, making my way in.

Okay, for a sheriff of the town, he looked pretty young. Looking at this guy, he was probably just two to three years older than I was.

He looked up from the computer, his eyes friendly. I could see the look of curiosity and amazement in them. "You were definitely not what I was expecting." It was out of his mouth before he could have stopped it.

Almost like he realized what had just dropped from his mouth, he chuckled. "I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that." He was saying, as he stood up, extending his hand towards me. "I'm Rhett Labrosky, humble sheriff of Westbane."

I smiled, accepting the hand shake "Nice to meet you, Sheriff Labrosky, and it's totally fine, you were also not what I was expecting." I told him, dropping my hand back to my side, and willing myself to ignore how warm his hand was against mine, and how beautiful his smile was.

He chuckled. "You can call me Rhett." He assured me. "Please, have a seat." He said, gesturing to the seat right beside me.

I took it as he also returned to his. "My father was the Sheriff before me, he passed away a year ago, so I took over on popular demand." He informed me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."

He waved it off. "Don't worry about it Elfrida... It was an heroic death."

I furrowed my brows at that. "He died on a job? I thought nothing really serious ever happens in this town?"

He laughed. "You're right about that... But keep this a secret between us since we're going to be working closely together from now on. He died of Cancer, but wanted everyone to know it was a heroic death, so we Labroskys fabricated a cool story."

I grinned. "That's interesting."

"It is... How are you enjoying our little town so far?" He asked.

At this, my whole face brightened. "It is such a wonderful town, so calm and inviting. I love it here."

He nodded appreciatively. "That's what I like to hear." He said, reaching to pull open his drawer. "So, here is your badge, official car keys and gun. Not like you'll be really needing the last one, but- just for mandatory reasons." He chuckled.

"Of course." I said, collecting everything he laid out for me.

"Happy first day, and uh... There is some paperwork already on your desk, nothing better than a warm welcome desk duty for today." He wiggled his brows.

At this, I felt my cheeks heat up.

Rhett was a handsome guy, I had to admit. His hair, well cut and his green eyes almost synonymous to looking at a forest, was something that could make any girl melt. I'm sure as hell not the only one to have admired how good looking this man was.

"Thank you, Rhett."

"Welcome welcome, and uh... Before I forget, the blue files are the ones you should send away to Courtney. I'm sure you're acquainted?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good. Courtney is going to store them away, since they're mostly dead cases."

I nodded. "Sure, I'll get to work." I said, crossing over to the door at the side, stating deputy sheriff.

I closed it behind me, taking a deep breath and looking around the portable office. The table wasn't filled with much, just a computer at the middle of the desk, some white files and the blue files Rhett had talked about stacked in neat piles.

I rubbed my hands together, going around my desk and took the blue files for cross checking before sending them off.

Looking through the files, they were mostly of petty mall thefts and as Rhett said, some pretty small and dead cases.

This town really isn't a troubling one.

Hold that thought--

My eyes zeroed on a particular blue file. This case was the only different one amongst them.

A missing person case.

I sat up, my eyes going through the file.

Dottie Palmwater, age 16. Missing October 31st. Last seen, Bane Woods.

I furrowed my brows.

"A missing person case, can't be a dead case while unsolved..." I mused.

Thinking about it for a second, I placed it aside. There was something off about the Dottie Palmwater case, and I intended on looking more into it.

* * *

The day had rounded off quite normally, I had finished all the paperwork, submitted the blue files over to Courtney, except the case file of Dottie Palmwater, I planned on doing some more research tomorrow.

I had called Sasha and asked if she would like to have dinner out, but she told me she had a date with Owens, and that I had the house to myself tonight.

I didn't complain, it wouldn't be the first night I slept alone in a house, and I had carried Dottie's case file with me, I planned to look more into it, in order to tire myself into a dreamless sleep.

Rhett had left earlier, something about a not so important emergency, but my colleagues at the station had cleared it out... It was almost his normal routine, leaving early to take care of things... Things no one really knew about.

But according to Carly White, one of the officers who I had come to know as the best coffee maker in the sheriff station, Rhett Labrosky was the owner of the Banian Corner, a popular bar in Westbane. They said he ran it with his brother.

Apparently, with the way everyone talked about his brother, the man had to be most loved. They said Rhett's brother was the most down to earth person in the town, and even better at conversing with people than Rhett was. Carly had gushed about how good looking the Labrosky brothers were, and I could swear my ears almost bled from her endless chatter about Rhett's brother... But it all had me more curious to know who this guy was.

I settled in the new car, throwing my purse into the passenger's seat and starting the engine, before driving home into the peaceful, yet busy night.

I realized I was still smiling, my eyes taking in glances of the lively town here and there.

The feeling of hope gripped me as I got onto the Bane bridge, my heart giving thumps of content and belonging... The feeling was something I had never really known, never really felt. It was beautiful.

There was just something about Westbane that calmed me, breathing in the fresh air that charged into the car, I felt like I made the right choice.

My bliss ended the moment something heavy connected with the side of my car, sending me off course into the Bane woods. I felt the car lift itself from the ground, the seat belt digging into my shoulder, then I felt myself spinning like a thousand times, but I was sure it was only once, cause the car settled back to the ground with a force so great that it had the airbag slapping me right into unconsciousness.