
Werewolf Monarch

[WSA 2024 Entry] In the depths of a war torn city, Luna has no choice but to do everything she can to survive. However, she would always be a prisoner if she couldn't find a way to escape. One day, after waiting for death to take her, she wakes up to find that she's been saved by a werewolf. Also, Luna's new teacher shows her the world of magic. Luna never suspected such a thing could exist in a world where technology dominated everything. **** Chapters will be realased every two days so I can catch up and have chapters ready to publish in advanced.

LupusDeus · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Luna didn't know what had gotten into her. Why had she dragged this thing back to her camp? She said "thing," but she had a good idea of what it was from the legends of the old world.

What she didn't understand was how it got here. Or why it actually existed. '

Creatures from mythology don't exist in this world. Well, except for this one. Who knew werewolves existed? There might be other mythical creatures out there.'

It hadn't woken up since she had found it, even after dragging it all the way back here. Speaking of back, hers was killing her.

She had examined it for wounds by removing its clothes to explain why it hadn't woken up, that's how she found out it was a she.

From what Luna could tell, her body had the same skeletal structure of a human, except for the head which was an exact copy of a wolf. Her black fur was soft to the touch, she had to restrain herself from running her hands through her fur coat. As she sat there, she couldn't help but admire her long braided hair. Everything about her was beautiful. She might be the most beautiful being in the city. No, she was sure she was.

Luna started a campfire to cook some food for the two of them. She couldn't promise her it would be any good, there wasn't much meat around here except for rats. She needed to wash herself...

Luna shook her head. Why was she thinking about that right now? Why did she feel the need to make a good first impression?

She cleared her head and focused on the task at hand. For whatever reason, she felt the need to protect her. Luna could imagine that wouldn't be the case when she woke up. She was probably more capable than Luna was.

She couldn't wait any longer. After the food was done, Luna knelt over her and shook her to wake her up. Nothing. She needed answers. It was driving her insane not knowing who or how she got here. If the legends were true, perhaps she could turn her into a werewolf. She just hoped she wasn't feral like the dogs around here. She'd hate to put her down.

Luna pushed her. "Wake up!"

Luna opened her eyelid to check if she was in there. Still nothing.

She fell onto her back, defeated. No, more like frustrated. She wouldn't give up on satisfying her curiosity so easily.

'Water.' A bucket of water should do the trick. As Luna dumped the bucket onto her, she instantly woke and sat up. Her surprised expression quickly turned into hatred when she saw her.

"What the fuck?" Her eyes narrowed, her snout and brow furrow.

"I...you wouldn't wake up otherwise." Luna calmed down when she saw how scared she was.

"Who are you?" The werewolf asked as she stood up and walked towards Luna. Her tall figure hovering over her made her feel like a small child.

She took a look around. The wolf snorted when she saw the dilapidated building she found herself in. "Don't tell me this is where you live."

"It's only temporary." Luna raised her hands in front of her chest. "So, um...you're a werewolf?"

The wolf must have seen the glint of excitement in her eyes, because she smirked for a second when she asked.

"I need to get going."

"Wait." Luna tried to grab her arm, but she pulled away right before she could grab her. "I have so many questions to ask you. My name is Luna, by the way."

Her eyes widened when she said her name, but she returned back to her blank expression soon after. "I would repay you for helping me, but I'm in a rush."

"You're not from around here, are you?"

She seemed annoyed that Luna was still talking to her, but she responded anyway. "No, I'm not."

"Then you'll need help navigating the city. There are plenty of areas you'll want to avoid."

"I'll be fine." She said with confidence. Her long braided hair blowing in the wind. "I really need to get going."

As Luna was about to speak again, the wolf took off, jumping out of the building and sprinted off deeper into the city.

'Shit. And here she thought she could have been my friend. Maybe more than friends, actually. Her blue eyes were mesmerizing. No. What was she thinking? That would be weird. She's was a different species.'

Luna took a seat on the floor, wondering if she'd ever see her again. She could have been the first friend she'd ever made. Perhaps that was her fault though. She never trusted anyone here enough to get close to them. In her mind, that was the best way she could have survived this long. She had seen people backstabbing their friends many times. There's no loyalty in a city like this. No one who you can trust.

'My one and only chance is gone. Someone like her who didn't grow up here, who wasn't corrupted by the city would have been the only one I could have trusted. Who knows, with me by my side, it might have been possible for us to be the first ones to escape this he'll hole. She got in here, she might know how to get out.'

Luna opened her eyes to daylight. She hadn't noticed that she had fallen asleep.

She quickly turns her head to the sound of footsteps. The two men who she had escaped from followed her here.

"Thought you could hide from us?" Two more menacing men step out from behind a wall, each of them wielding weapons. "The Twin Blades gang doesn't give up." He points to one of the men. "Ben here is an excellent tracker."

There's nowhere for Luna to run this time. They're guarding the one and only exit. Jumping out the third floor window would be suicide. The only option she has is to fight.

She pulls out her metal bat while picking rocks off the floor to chuck at them. A rock hits one of the men in the forehead causing him to fall onto the floor while he screams in pain.

Two of the men charge at her. She dodges out of the way from their blades and hits one of them in the kneecap. As Luna watches him fall, she quickly turn to face the other one when she realizes her bat had broken into two pieces.

He lunges at Luna, and she does the same. She thrusts the jagged edge of the broken bat into his neck. Blood flows down his chest, and down the handle of the bat covering her hands. Luna kicks him away from her while holding a tight grip on her weapon.

A sharp pain in her side causes her to wince. '

I know I don't have time to see the damage, there's one more left.'

Before Luna can react, the last man had snuck up on her. As she turns around, he drives his blade into her chest. She doesn't feel anything, with her adrenaline flowing, Luna pushes him away and takes a swing at his head. The man screams in agony as he covers his now bleeding face.

He backs away from her, unable to see where he's going. A smile creeps onto Luna's face as he stumbles too close to a open window and ends up falling through it.

After killing the last two wounded men, she collapse onto the ground unable to move. Her body growing cold, her vision blurrs, her existence fading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LupusDeuscreators' thoughts