

Kiran a boy who was so happy with how him and his family was living a normal life without any trouble and hardship over many years, couldn't help but feel grateful about everything, but when he finally got to the age of sixteen, his prospective about his family changed as his long lost power finally awaken at the day of a full moon. At first he was scare of what he has become, he couldn't accept the fact that he was a werewolf, because he never really believe they were real, but he later accepted what he was as he found out that his current parents wasn't really his biological parents, the fact that his biological parents were dead and they might be the ones who pass down this powers to him, made him want to know how they died. He spent month searching for a clues consigning the death of his parents, and that was what led him to encounter some of his kind and also the people who killed his parents... But even with his new found power will he be able to avenge the death of his parent. Join me in a journey of defeat, anger and revenge, as Kiran face those who took his parent away from him.

Man_Marvel · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

Birth of a leader

Samuel, a man consider as one of the greatest, influential and powerful person in the whole of Ventrace town, couldn't stop panicking just by looking at his wife who was in great pain, about to go into labor, even the pleading of all the mid wives inside the house couldn't get him to leave her side.

"Alpha please, you need to go outside so we can attend to her properly" said the mid wives, but the look she received from Samuel was able to make her freeze in place.

"Samuel stop that and let her go, don't worry I'm going to be fine on my own" said Clara in a weak voice, making Samuel turn to face her.

"Sweetie, I can't just go out when I'm seeing you in pain like this".

"That's why I said you show go out, so you won't see me in pain" replied Clara trying to make her voice sound strong, but she fail miserable.

"You guys show help please, she is in great pain" said Samuel while holding her hands and trying to take away her pain, but before he could try doing it, Clara drag her hand from him.

"Don't do that, I want to experience the pain of giving birth, so I can reminisce about it later in the futeure and be proud of it" said Clara.

"Please don't say that".

"Sweetie please leave, you are making it even harder for me, go out and count to a thousand before coming back inside" said Clara while pushing him lightly.

Samuel wanted to decline but the pleading looks in the eyes of his wife, made him stop. He bent down and gave her a quick kiss before walking out of the room, finally giving the mid wives the chance to attend to his wife. Reaching outside, the first thing Samuel did was to called his beta through mind link.

'Leo, where are you right now, make sure to double the guards around the border, I don't want to see any being around the border not even crossing it, make sure you eliminate any sign of threat" said Samuel through the mind link with authority.

'I already have it under control, not even an ant is going to cross this border today, so don't worry about it' said leo with respectfully.

'That's assuring'

'How is Luna doing?' asked leo through the mind link.

'I'm actually not with her at the moment, but I have every reason to believe she is doing fine' said Samuel.

'I'm really surprised that you were able to leave her side, I thought you were going to stay in the labor room' said leo while laughing.

'Don't let me get my hands on you Leo' said Samuel before closing the mind link.

With every shout he heard from his wife, he was becoming more reckless by the minutes, he couldn't keep his emotions in place, the two guards who were standing by the side of the door couldn't help but laugh inwardly as they saw their alpha behaviour.

It's really rare seeing Samuel in a panic mood, because he was someone who was always calm under pressure or any situation, but the fact that his wife and unborn child was on the line was making him reckless.

After about twenty minutes of him waiting, which felt like a year to him, he finally heard the cry of a baby, which made him spring inside the building with a massive speed not caring about the people he was bumping into.

The first thing Samuel did when he got inside was to look at his wife and check her condition. After seeing the bright smile on her face and the site of her carrying their child in her arm, made his beating heart calm.

On seeing the alpha, everyone in the room gave him space, so he can meet his wife and their baby. Everybody inside the room, immediately started leaving so as to give the alpha privacy with his family.

"How are you feeling?" asked Samuel in a consign tone while sitting at the edge of the bed close to his wife.

"I'm perfectly fine, didn't know you can be such a cry baby" said Clara while laughing and cleaning a drop of tears in his eyes.

"I'm not crying, this is a tears of joy" said Samuel defending himself.

"Do you want to carry him?" asked Clara

"I'm not sure that's a good idea...

But before he could complete his sentence, his wife has already started positioning the baby in his hand, which causes Samuel to freeze in place.

"Relax sweetie, you just have to free your muscles, you look like a statue right now".

"What do you think I'm doing honey, I'm perfectly relax".

"If your definition of relax means you won't be able to move your muscles, then you are perfectly relax" said Clara while laughing.

"I'm really scared of hurting him".

"Don't worry you are not going to hurt him, even if you don't have faith in yourself, have faith in me, okay?".

"Thank you Clara, for everything you have done for me, I couldn't ask for more" said Samuel while looking at the baby who was currently sleeping soundly in his hands.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world, Samuel" said Clara while leaning towards him to rest her head on his shoulder "Have you finally decided on which name to give him?" asked Clara.

"After many thinking, I finally decided to go with 'Kiran' meaning ray of light, because he is a blessing which Selena has given unto us. He will always be our light when we are in darkness" said Samuel with eyes filled with pride while looking at baby Kiran.

"let me go take my bath and have a change of cloth, so we can go announce the arrival of our new member in our big happy family" said Clara while getting out of the bed.

"I don't think that's a good idea, you should stay inside and rest, I'm not sure you are fully healed" said Samuel.

"I'm perfectly fine Samuel, everybody are probably waiting outside to welcome Kiran, let me quickly take my bath, so we can go meet them" said Clara.