
WEREWOLF BLOODLINE: Vengeful Rise Of The Immortal Hunter

I hunted beasts that were deemed immortal, ripping off their immortal status. I loathed them for they destroyed my home. My anger for them, in one word, immeasurable. Yet look at me, what have I become… I did not need a mirror to realize that I had turned into a werewolf, with the curse of immortality. I tried, again and again, to kill myself, yet it was futile. But hey, wait, I am a beast now. Can’t I crawl in and kill other beasts in this disguise? Haha, foolish Vampire God, this curse is a curse to your entire race, for now, I will obliterate everyone! ..... This is a Book about Gray Waterfell. After living as a human and climbing through pain to Hunt down the Vampire God, he was forced into reincarnation by their earth shattering battle. Naturally, he swore to get his revenge by killing every supernatural creature in the world. But Fate was wicked to him, his new family he was born into was a supernatural family, a Werewolf family. A family that loved him more than the human race he fought for ever did. After Human invasion and massacre took treasure he never had in his previous life, his blade now stare in the confusion of his Vengeance. Supernaturals must be killed, but the pain of losing one's love, must be AVENGED... Author's Note: I noticed that no one really captures the true state of confusion and a sense of loss that comes with getting reborn. For most, the protagonist is just flushed into battle. But this Mc is different, the first 80 chapters allows you to understand why he was forced unto his predicament and the reason for the goals and ambitions he develops. I'll be fair, it's a painful read, but bear through it. Rise to the top is incredible, and once its starts, only blood flows till the end....

Dere_Isaac · Kỳ huyễn
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147 Chs

Berserker's Rage

Ever since that day, she had been by his side, through the throws and turns of life. 

Even now, She could still hear her vow to him, "Always and forever!" he had whispered in her ear so tenderly that it sent shivers down her spine but made her blood boil with passion for his touch.

As Ironclaw kissed her, she whispered back those enduring words to him. 

Back then, they had been younger and Ironclaw had been wilder and very ferocious, yet, his wildness was the melo that sanctified her heart. 

Whether it was against Hunters, wild beasts, or even other Supernatural creatures, they had faced it all back to back.

Every time she would fall, she would feel the warmth of his broad back waiting there to support her. 

Back then, those words 'Always and forever' seemed like they would stand the test of time and break the very foundations of the universe, but unfortunately, fate had a collabo with death to cheat her of the comfort of that warmth.

His embrace, gone like a fleeting cloud, and that strong back she would always fall back to was now nothing but the cold hard ground behind her. 

This was ground that was now colored with her red blood. 

In this moment of her grief, her instinct as a mother was buried and her love as a faithful partner was excited.

It flourished in her heart like the watering of a plant that had not been touched in a very long time. 

Yes, she was a mother, but before that, she was a wife, and a lover, and loyalty was the price she owed her husband and mate even if it was in death. 

All of a sudden, she came to a swift decision. One that she knew was a very difficult one, this was most true for her cubs watching. 

But then again, was it not the tradition of a parent to guide the children with morals and standards that they can so proudly wear like a coat in the cold?

This was not just a sacrifice, this was defending their father's honor. 

That same father was willing to lose his throne as Alpha for the love of his son. 

This was to show the world that the same honor was reflected in his mate, partner, and lover.

Immediately, Denver turned to Cherry. She could see her baby girl's tears, and her screams for her mother were deafening. She struggled for freedom from the hold of the men holding her in place. 

Unfortunately, her puny strength was unable to move these men holding her in place.

Such love she had for her children as they had for her... "I love you," Denver whispered lightly.

And then she turned to Gray and Dan. 

Her voice was very low and nearly inaudible, but this was their mother. Their bond with her was the thickness of blood. Her lips barely moved, but their ears heard her words as their hearts seemed to slow down for the opportunity to absorb her words.

They did not know why, but they had never in their lives paid more attention to her than they did now.

"You are men now... make sure you take care of your sisters... remember... In moonlit unity, our Bloodline binds, a Werewolf family, forever entw...!" 

Denver did not even finish saying the last word before, aggressively, she bit down on her tongue, cleanly cutting it off in two.

White was just about to penetrate her when the bash of blood from her mouth splashed over his face. 

He was taken by surprise by this. The blood rushed but Denver immediately shot her mouth, forcing herself to swallow the rush of blood. 

It took a while for anyone to realize what was happening but it was late. 

Denver was actually drowning herself with her own blood.

"You bitch!" White smacked her face with hard blows but even against his strong force and her body kicking into survival mode for her to open her mouth, she did not relent. 

Her will fueled by love and desire to preserve her honor was strong. 

Her gaze remained on her children, Gray and Dan, as blood slowly dripped from her nose and the side of her mouth. 

Dan, filled with a bash assortment of emotions: sadness, anger, disgust, and extreme hate, kept on pulling against chains about his neck. Even though it continually sent shocks to his body, it was nothing compared to the pain he felt.

In his gross anger, his suppressed werewolf form was ignited again. The chain to the collar around his neck actually cracked, showing signs of breaking as his Bloodline ability was activated.

Dan's veins popped and the chains and shackles gave squeaking sounds to show that they were being stretched beyond their limits.

And before anyone knew it, it actually happened.


The chain and collar broke as he rushed forward. 

Everyone was taken by surprise at this. 

However, what could they do? After all, this was the ancient bloodline ability: Berserker. 

Some Hunters immediately stopped their assault on the Werewomen. With their swords in hand, they rushed to assault him. 

Slashing their blades on his skin as hard as they could, Dan's blood went up in the air, but the wounds did not slow him down. 

With a wave of his hand, he slapped a Hunter, directly smacking his head off his neck into the distance. 

The sudden turn of events frightened the Hunters and more of them assaulted him. 

However, this was not a unique bloodline ability for nothing. 

A Berserker was known to be king of the battlefield. 

Pain was none existent, leaving only the pleasure of dining in one's rage and slaughter.

The Werewolves still in captivity saw how Dan launched forward and many cheered him on.

However, his frantic rage on the battlefield was brought to an abrupt end as arrows from nowhere anyone was looking, found themselves suddenly nailing into his body. 

The shots had been precise, hitting points that...