
Werewolf Blood Lust

Diana Houston is raised a mountain girl. Her mother gets pregnant after being dumped by her Italian boyfriend. she refuses to go out of her home and stays indoors all through her pregnancy. She doesn't even see a doctor and goes into labour without warning. A mysterious woman arrives at their house and helps deliver in delivering the baby. Before Diana can carry her infant sibling, a scary looking man named Gerald seen spying on them from the tree. He is a vampire as well as the woman who had given assistance, her name was Penelope. Gerald kills her mother but to her surprise Penelope defends her and her baby sister against Gerald but is beheaded before she can kill him. Luckily James, Penelope's brother manages to join her head and body together after killing Gerald. The two vampires take in Diana and her sister. She has been living with them ever since. Three weeks and Diana is forced to become a vampire to save her adoptive vampire. Eight years later. Diana meets a wolf, she seems normal at first but will she shocked at the revelation.

Bad_Girl_1234 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter one

My name is Diana Houston.

I live in a bungalow in a mountain with my mother. I have no father, he left us when I was just a baby. My mother and I lived a simple life up there in the mountains. It was always warm and sunny, with all it's active and beautiful animals. I was just eight years old, everything was perfect... Until.

Mother was heavily pregnant, she had fallen in love with a man that was fluent in Italian. He wooed her off her feet, but dropped her immediately he found out about the conception.

She didn't go out from home and remained in her room all through her pregnancy period. She only came out to make meals, she didn't even go to a doctor which worried me.

"Argh! Diana!"

My mother screamed ever so loudly. I ran swiftly to her room, she was panting and blood was flowing down her legs. She limbed her way into her and started screaming. She was trying to get the baby out.



Out of nowhere, I heard a knock on the door downstairs. I couldn't leave my mother in pain, so I just ignored the knocks and focused her. I heard doors open, seconds later I heard a voice.

"Excuse me? Oh my god!"

It was a woman, she seemed worried and rushed over to my mother. I said nothing all through everything, I went on for hours until I finally heard the baby's cries

"Waah! Waah! Waah!"

Mother closed her eyes and rested, while the woman that had helped washed and wrapped the baby in a clean cloth.

"Can I hold..." I studdered. I didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl.

"She looks just like you." The woman said while handing over my little sister.

Before she was fully in my arms, the woman clutched the baby and looked out the window. There stood a man in the trees, he stared back all of us with a mischievous grin.