
Weretiger in Teen Wolf

You know how it goes, guy dies meets a R.O.B and gets wishes and goes to teen wolf verse. He won't be a psychopath who doesn't care about lives of people and kills at the slightest inconvenience, but he also wont be a white knight. it will depend on the situation. I struggled to decide if the M.C. should be a werelion or weretiger, but eventually decided on tiger because i have never seen a tiger fanfic and tigers are supposed to be more agile and stronger than lions in a one on one fight(at least according to google). Since tigers are solitary creatures there will be no harem. i obviously dont own teen wolf and i also dont own the art of the cover finally, english is not my first language so i hope you understand if i make some minor mistakes, even though I'll try not to.

Subject876 · Ti vi
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15 Chs

The Party

Zephyr stopped his car in front of Allison's house, went to the door and knocked on it. allison came out 

wearing a white blouse and a blue blazer. 

"you look beautiful" zephyr said 

"thanks, you too." Allison replied nervously which caused Zephyr to raise his eyebrows.

"Handsome, i meant handsome" said allison hastily after she realised what she said.

"well i was actually going for beautiful tonight" zephyr joked which caused Allison to lightly punch his shoulder.

"alright, lets get going." he said and they both got in the car and drove towards the party. 

when they got to the party they saw many familiar people like the whole lacrosse team who all greeted him except for jackson. sometimes Zephyr feels like Jackson doesn't like anyone except for his reflection in the mirror. 

He saw scott came to the party with a girl. he has been talking to the girl for a week. she even comes to the lacrosse practice and cheers specially for scott. her name was amelia or something but he doesnt remember her being in the show. does this mean the plot is trying to fix itself or something? 

But right now he doesn't care about anything, his hands are on the waist of a beautiful girl and they're dancing and as the crowd get rowdier they are getting pushed closer and closer and he doesn't mind that one bit. after dancing for sometime he sees from the corner of the eye scott, leaving and amelia following him. then derek appears in front of her and tells her her follow her because he's scott's "friend" and he knows that he has one and a half hour before he has to leave.

He dances with Allison for a while before he leans in, allison doesn't back away either and finally their lips meet in a kiss. it seems as if everything is gone and its just him with her in a void. he feels her soft lips on his and they taste like strawberry. it's an intoxicating feeling. but he has to to pull away when a notification dings on his phone. he parts from allison and looks at her. she opens her eyes and looks at him in confusion. 

"just a second." he said and pulled out his phone and looked at the text that he programmed to be sent to himself at this exact time. he made a face that showed frustration and a bit of worry.

"Scott's in trouble" he said with a long sigh. 

"Oh" she said with surprise and then understood what he meant so she added "you should go, I'll get home somehow"

"absolutely not." he said sharply. " i won't leave you alone. come on, I'll drop you off before i go"

" are you sure? it's fine really..." she said but she was inwardly happy that he was still thinking of her first.

"yeah, I'm sure. come on, let's go" he replied and held her hand started walking towards the door. that's when he realized that the party was almost over anyway. most people were leaving with there their boyfriends and girlfriends to get some "alone time" and remaining ones were making out right there.

They got in the car and he drove her to to her home. they got out and he looked in her eyes and said "today was amazing. I'm sorry for ending the night early, I promise I'll make it up for you."

"no, it's alright, the party was almost over anyway"

"thank you for understanding" and then he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. 

"Good night." she said and walked to her house. he watched until she got inside the house and then he got in the car and drove away. he was in no rush he calculated everything, even the time it will take for him to drive Allison to her home and the conversation between them. now all he had to do was reach derek and scott at the right time. he got to the beacon hills preserve and got out of his car and got in the the preserve and expanded his senses to the limits. 

he could sense Chris Argent and two other hunters chasing derek and scott. he quickly ran and got to the place where derek and scott stopped after escaping from the hunters. he climbs on a trees ad sits down on a branch and starts swinging his legs while waiting for them.

it takes them some time before derek and scott get to where they are they stop and take rest next to one of the nearby to where he is seated. scott demands to know who those people are and derek explains that they are hunters who have been hunting werewolves for centuries.

"you did this to me!!" scott shouts in anger

"is it really so bad scott? that you can run faster, see clearer, do things that others can't even imagine. The bite is a gift scott, but you will need my help to control it."

"I never asked for it!! I neve-"

"ugh! aren't you drama queens done yet?"

They both immediately get shocked by the sudden voice that seemingly came from nowhere. Derek especially was extremely shocked because he can't find a scent nearby or any sound other than what the voice said, No heartbeat, or blood pumping in the veins.

then suddenly a dark figure falls from in front of them with hardly any sound. they are both startled. the figure comes out into the light and then scott gets even more shocked


"Hi scott." he said with a gentle smile.

"what are you doing here? and how did we not hear or smell you?"

"well, i am here to give you some answers and introduce myself to derek too of course."

"what? what are you talking about?"

"well first of all, i am here to tell you that derek didn't bite you"

"how do you know that? wait a minute does that mean..." scott's eyes got wide and he stared at Zephyr, it was obvious what he was thinking. 

"No, it's not what you think, i didn't bite you, hell, i'm not even an werewolf"

"then who bit me?" scott asked in frustration 

"well I'm trying to tell you . so shut the fuck up and listen to me."

Scott was startled. Zephyr was always gentle but the tone in which he spoke just now sent shivers down his spine. but this also stopped him from panicking and he started thinking rationally 

"Alright, I'm calm now. lets continue"

"good" and then Zephyr told scott about the heirarchy in wolf packs. about how only alphas can turn normal humans into werewolves. he also told him about the rogue alpha going around killing people for revenge and how he killed derek's sister and how derek was keeping an eye on him to draw out the alpha.

"so you're saying that this alpha bit me? But how do you know that derek is not an alpha but a beta?"

"his eyes. They're blue colored. Alphas have red eyes. Betas and omegas only have yellow or blue eyes."

"You said that you aren't a werewolf. Then what are you?" Scott asked. At this question Derek's heartbeat quickened for a second before quickly calming down. During the whole conversation Derek did not say a word during the whole conversation because of two reasons. First, he was trying to determine whether this new guy was a threat. And secondly because he still could not sense the guy, he produced no smell, and except for his voice he made no noise. Hell, if the guy wasn't in front of him he wouldn't have believed he existed. 

Seeing Derek's quickened heartbeat, Zephyr turned towards him and smirked. "wow. I guess you're pretty eager to know." 

His eyes starting shining in a beautiful bright purple color. And he heard Derek mutter "rex" while instinctively taking a step back.

"you know about my kind?" Zephyr asked in some surprise. But seeing that Derek wasn't speaking he turned back to scott and said "I'm a weretiger. A rex weretiger to be specific. A rex is the weretiger Equivalent to an alpha. But there are some differences. Unlike werewolves, weretigers can't bite normal people to turn them into weretigers. New weretigers are only born through birth. And normal weretigers can't kill rex weretigers to steal their status. It is only passed on to the son/daughter when the parent rex dies or they willingly passes it on to them."

"so why are you revealing yourself now?" derek asked

"I didn't reveal myself before because didn't still accept himself as a werewolf."

"you misunderstood my question. I'm asking why did you reveal yourself now, it can't be to only help scott, how long have you known him for, a week?"

"I did it so that you can stop your petty squabbles and focus on the real threat, the alpha."

"but that's wolf business, you could just sit back an watch it happen."

"tigers are territorial creatures, you know. And the moment i stepped in beacon hills, it became my territory, so if a maniac is out there killing people and wreaking havoc on MY territory then its my business. But you're right that's not the main reason. The main reason is that he could target people i care about, like allison" at this revelation scott looked flabbergasted

"the argent girl? You know she's a hunter right? You know what hunters do to us."

"I know but Allison doesn't know anything about it. Also, hunters are important to the supernatural community, as long as they follow the code."

"yeah, but not all do." Derek retorted

"chris argent does. But that's not who you should be worried about, because if he's here that means your ex-girlfriend is on the way"

"how do you know about kat-" derek began but Zephyr interrupted 

"I know a lot of things. If the hunters go against the code then I'll take action. But if they don't then i have no reason to go after any of them. Even kate." That was a lie of course, the bitch had to die. 

The only reason he didn't kill peter yet was because he had to kill kate first and because derek had to become an alpha for his future plans. He could do it himself but he would lose allison and all the hunters would start to target him. Hunters targeting him was a minor inconvenience that he could deal with but he definitely couldn't lose allison.

He checked the time and said "alright, this was a good talk but it's my bedtime, come on scott, I'll drop you off."

Both of them just looked at him weirdly "what? My mom is way scarier than some random alpha."

"is she also a weretiger?" asked scott

"no, just a regular human. Now come on."

And so they left the preserve and reached scott's house. Scott was about to get out when Zephyr stopped him.

"Scott remember to keep what happened today a secret. You can tell stiles, but at this moment it would be better if you don't tell anyone else and get ready at 5 am tomorrow I'll pick you up and train you to control yourself."

"thank you, I'd much rather train with you than with derek." Scott said gratefully

"don't be too hard on derek, his whole family died in a fire and he only had one family left, his sister and she was killed too and he only had one half of her body that he could bury. He's not a bad guy he's just in grief."

"he buried the other half of the body?"

"yes, but don't you dare disturb her grave. Let him peacefully mourn the death of a loved one"

"I won't. I promise"

"alright now go home, and remember tomorrow, 5 am sharp."

"ok, good night."

With this scott left the car and entered his home and Zephyr drove home