
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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29 Chs

Liminal Power

Alexa slowly blinked awake, momentarily disoriented by her unfamiliar surroundings. The musty scent of old timber and stale rushes filled her nostrils as memories from the previous day trickled back. Right, the inn room at Ravenhurst village.

She stretched her arms out. Plump nipples pebbled in the cool morning air as the thin blanket slipped down to her waist, leaving her nude upper body exposed. Alexa didn't make any move to cover up.

Leaning back against the hard pillows, she let her mind drift to the hours she'd spent practicing magic the day before. Endless repetitions of Oakflesh and Magelight, casting those spells again and again as she regenerated her magicka reserves. The ache of exertion, the trickle of sweat between her breasts, the soft green glow of Oakflesh illuminating her body...

It had been mind-numbingly tedious work, but it seemed to have paid off—if only a little. A glance at her panel showed her Alteration skill had inched up from 4 to 8 after that marathon session. Hardly an earth-shattering increase after she considered that just casting one Oakflesh during combat would probably level up her low Alteration skill, but it was safe progress at least.

With a slight frown, Alexa pushed herself upright, the rough sheets pooling around her thick thighs and generous ass. She stared down at her exaggerated feminine features, giving her massive tits an experimental jiggle. Even after everything, it was still so bizarre seeing her new body, knowing she'd once been a man back on Earth.

Would her past self have fantasized about waking up as a beautiful woman in the land of Skyrim? Probably, if he was being honest with himself. But Alexa knew better now. This wasn't some wet dream fantasy—it was a harsh reality filled with constant objectification, danger, and the looming threat of outright slavery.

Only recently had she managed to claw back some semblance of control over her fate, in part thanks to the dubious "protections" of her Wench Token. But that flimsy shield could be torn away in an instant by Priestesses of Dibella with their mindbreaking cocks, bandits, or any of Skyrim's many monsters. One wrong move, one unlucky encounter, and she could find herself chained up in a brothel or claimed as someone or something's personal plaything.

A shudder rippled through her at the thought. No, she couldn't allow that to happen—not again. Alexa needed to get stronger, more powerful, so she could defend herself properly. If her past male self could see her now, he'd probably be urging her to go all out, to pursue arcane mastery and unstoppable martial skill by any means necessary.

Nodding to herself, Alexa slipped from the bed, letting the covers fall away entirely as she padded nude across the creaky wooden floor. A narrow window looked out over Ravenhurst, the thatched rooftops and muddy streets bathed in pale morning light. She caught a glimpse of a ragged young woman begging for coins, no doubt one of the non-wench peasant class condemned to poverty.

Alexa felt a little bit of pity. At least her own situation afforded a few more options than outright destitution, lowly as those options might be if she didn't wish to steal. Drawing the curtain, she turned her back on the window and the judgemental eyes of anyone who might have caught an eyeful.

It was time to get even more serious about improving herself, about gaining power in whatever ways she could. She called up her Skills panel with a flicker of concentration.

"Alright, let's take stock and spend those perk and stat points," she muttered under her breath.

Her magicka reserves were decent at 160, strengthened by the 10 points she'd now invested from her level ups. She pumped 10 points into Health as well, and she was now at 120. If she included her Warborn blessing she had 170 health. Only stamina lagged behind at 110, but that would be addressed by her next level up.

For now, maximizing her damage output seemed the wisest choice, considering she had invested enough in her defense for now. She had considered focusing on Prostitution perks, but she first needed to secure the low-hanging fruit that would ensure her survival.

Alexa didn't have the luxury of fighting fair, not if she wanted to survive long enough to grow stronger. Clenching her fist, she spent her two available perk points on the One-Handed Mastery perk, unlocking both ranks.

"One-handed weapons do 50% more damage," she read aloud, "and critical strikes do 2% more per level of One-Handed skill." A feral grin split her full lips. "Oh yeah, this'll come in handy."

One-Handed Mastery (2/2):

One-handed weapons do 25/50% more damage, and critical strikes with one-handed weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of One-Handed.

With that perk combined with her Sneak Attack perk that doubled all damage dealt using one-handed weapons, Alexa could now be even more certain that a sneak attack using her sword or dagger would cripple or outright kill a lot of her foes. Arrows and spells were all well and good, but she didn't think she could 100% rely on them right now.

Magicka could be emptied, and she could run out of arrows. And considering she'd probably often fight in tight tunnels or dungeons, she needed a close-range option. If an enemy used wards to block her magic inside of a tight tunnel, and she couldn't win in a match of steel, she would be… fucked in both ways.

That very thing had happened yesterday in Embershard Mine, when that futanari bandit blocked her magic with a lesser ward, and she was quickly overpowered. If it weren't for their lust for her body, and their inattention, she'd probably be enslaved right now. But… that is also why her next spell will help even the odds a little bit.

Alexa called up her inventory panel and navigated to the books section, her eyes scanning until they landed on the familiar tome. She willed the Spell Tome: Conjure Familiar to be used twice.

The book appeared in her outstretched hands, its leather cover cool against her skin. As if moved by an invisible force, the pages began to turn, starting from about a third of the way through. Alexa watched as ethereal blue motes of light drifted from the pages and sank into her flesh. The sensation was odd - not unpleasant, but distinctly magical.

When the final page flipped shut, the tome vanished, returning to her inventory. Alexa blinked, and felt her mind buzzing with new knowledge. She could feel the spell taking root in her consciousness, unfurling like a flower in bloom.

She extended her hand, palm up. A small orb of swirling purple energy condensed above her skin, tendrils of violet mist curling around it. Alexa took a deep breath, closing her eyes to focus.

In her mind's eye, she reached out through the orb, pushing past the liminal barrier. Suddenly, her awareness expanded into a vast, alien realm. Oblivion. Countless presences swarmed at the edges of her perception - lesser daedra of all kinds. Alexa sifted through them, searching for one that resonated with the familiar she sought to summon.

There! She latched onto a presence that felt... wolfish. With an effort of will, she grasped at its essence, pulling a fragment back through the liminal barrier. The orb in her hand pulsed, then burst in a flash of purple light.

Where she pointed, a glowing oval portal materialized. Alexa's brow furrowed in concentration as she shaped the daedric essence, molding it into the form of a spectral wolf. The creature stepped through the portal, its body a translucent, shimmering blue.

Conjuration increased to 1

The familiar's jaws parted, ready to unleash a howl. Alexa quickly clamped down with her mind, silently commanding it to stay quiet. Obediently, the wolf padded towards her on silent paws.

Alexa hesitantly reached out to touch its flank. Her fingers met resistance, but it was... odd. There was no warmth, no softness of fur. It felt almost like touching particularly dense fog.

She could sense the construct's instability. By her estimation, it would last about 60 seconds - exactly what she expected from the spell tome's description. Curious, Alexa focused her will, mentally tugging at the threads of magicka binding the familiar. The spectral wolf dissolved, its essence rushing back to Oblivion.

A grin spread across Alexa's face. "Not bad," she murmured to herself.

She called up her inventory once more, and in the blink of an eye, her leather armor appeared on her body, hugging her curves snugly. Alexa rolled her shoulders, adjusting to the familiar weight.

She walked to the door, pulling it open and stepping into the hallway. The scent of cooking food wafted up from below, and Alexa's stomach gave an insistent rumble. Following her nose, she made her way down to the common room of the Rustic Raven.

The inn was already busy with early morning activity. Alexa counted about seven patrons scattered around the room, hunched over steaming bowls of porridge or tearing into crusty loaves of bread. Behind the bar, she spotted the innkeeper - the same one she'd given a blowjob the day before. He was deep in conversation with someone.

Alexa walked over to an empty table and plopped down on a wooden chair. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching too closely, she reached into her pack, her hand disappearing up to the wrist as she pretended to rummage around. In reality, she was accessing her inventory, willing a loaf of bread into existence.

She pulled out the crusty loaf, its warm, yeasty aroma making her mouth water. Tearing off a chunk, she popped it into her mouth, enjoying the simple pleasure of bread kept fresh by her time-frozen inventory. As she chewed, her eyes roamed the room, taking in the other patrons.

That's when she spotted him - an older man, probably in his early fifties, with weathered skin and calloused hands. What caught her attention was the fishing gear scattered around his feet - nets, poles, and a tackle box. Perfect.

Alexa stood up, bread in hand, and sauntered over to his table. Without waiting for an invitation, she sat down across from him, flashing a dazzling smile. The fisherman's eyes widened, clearly caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a gorgeous young woman at his table.

Before he could stammer out a greeting, Alexa leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Hey there, I couldn't help but notice your fishing gear. I was hoping you might be able to help me out with something."

The man blinked, still looking a bit dazed. "Uh, sure, girlie. What can I do for you?"

Alexa took another bite of bread, chewing thoughtfully before continuing. "I'm looking for information about Lake Ilinalta. Specifically, I need to find the largest island out there. Thing is, I'm not exactly from around here. Any chance you could point me in the right direction?"

The fisherman's brow furrowed, and he stroked his salt-and-pepper beard. "Well now, that's quite the request." He hesitated, eyeing her curiously. "I do know where the biggest island is, but it's a fair ways from here. By rowboat, you'd be looking at a good nine hours of hard rowing."

Alexa's face fell, but the old man held up a hand. "Now hold on, there's an easier way. If you follow the road to Oakwood Village, you can rent a boat there. From that point, it's only about two hours to the island."

"That's great!" Alexa beamed, but noticed the man's troubled expression. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

The fisherman leaned in, lowering his voice. "Well, it's just... there've been rumors, you see. Ever since that old Imperial fort sank into the western part of the lake, folks have been saying it's cursed. Fish are getting harder to catch out that way." He shrugged. "Mind you, we haven't had any trouble around here, but... well, I'd be remiss if I didn't warn you."

"A sunken Imperial fort, huh?" Alexa considered, brushing a few crumbs from her chest. "That does sound pretty ominous. Any idea what caused it to sink?"

The fisherman shook his head, his gray hair catching the bright light coming from the windows. "Can't rightly say, miss. Happened a while ago. Some folks claim it was magic gone wrong, others say it was the gods' punishment. Me? I reckon the ground just gave way." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "But I'll tell you this - there's been strange lights seen out there at night. Eerie glows under the water, they say."

Alexa's eyes widened slightly as the fisherman's words sank in. A sunken Imperial fort, strange lights under the water... She knew exactly what that meant. The Broken Azura's Star was hidden away in those submerged ruins. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of venturing into that cursed place.

"Necromancers," she muttered under her breath, shaking her head. The last thing she needed was to end up as some undead wench, her body puppeteered by dark magic for all eternity. No thank you.

Lost in thought, she almost missed the fisherman's soft cough. Alexa blinked, refocusing on the weathered face across from her. The old man was shifting awkwardly in his seat, a faint blush creeping up his neck.

"Uh, miss?" he said quietly, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. "I was wondering... well, that is to say..." He cleared his throat. "How much for a quick... you know?" He made a vague gesture towards his lap.

Alexa held up a finger, signaling the fisherman to wait. She leaned back, her hand cupping her chin as she stared at the wall, lost in thought. The old man fidgeted nervously, his eyes darting around the room.

Did she really want to do this? Sell her body just for coin? Sure, she had to provide "favors" when buying things, but this felt different. More... deliberate.

Her mind drifted to her hefty coin purse - nearly 87,000 septims, courtesy of her little heist at the Temple of Dibella in Falkreath. But that wouldn't last forever, especially if she planned on fast-traveling across Skyrim. And who knew? Maybe she'd need to venture into other provinces someday.

Then there was her Prostitution skill. At 76, it was impressively high. She remembered those older wenches from yesterday, how they seemed able to dominate minds with some innate power. Could she gain abilities like that if she invested in Prostitution perks? It felt possible.

Plus, she had to admit, the skill had probably helped her resist their influence. To keep that edge, she'd need to keep leveling up. And well... this was the fastest way to do it.

Alexa sighed softly. Who was she kidding? She'd already been stuffed full of cock more times than she could count. What was one more notch on the bedpost?

She turned back to the fisherman, who was practically squirming in his seat by now. Considering they were in a pretty small village, she decided to adjust her prices accordingly.

"Alright," she said, leaning in close. "Here's the deal. It's 40 septims for my pussy, 35 for my ass, and 15 for my mouth. What'll it be?"

The old man's eyes widened, and he licked his lips, glancing around cautiously before fishing in his coin purse.

"I... I've only got 30 septims on me," he whispered, his voice cracking slightly.

Alexa raised an eyebrow, considering. After a moment, she nodded. "Alright, I'll cut you a deal. 30 septims for my ass. But we do this quick and quiet, got it?"

The fisherman nodded eagerly, already fumbling with his belt. Alexa stood up, gesturing for him to follow her. They made their way towards the back of the inn, and she caught the innkeeper's eye. The man gave her a knowing smirk, jerking his head towards a small storage closet.

Alexa led the old fisherman inside, closing the door behind them. The small space was cramped and musty, filled with shelves of linens and cleaning supplies. She turned to face her client, watching as he shakily counted out the coins.

The old fisherman's eyes went wide as Alexa fished the golden Wench Token out from between her massive breasts, giving it a little shake to catch the faint light. He nodded dumbly, seemingly in a trance from her beauty and the promise of what was to come.

Alexa slipped the coins he'd handed over into a pocket on her leather pants. Though they were instantly transferred to her inventory. She shot the man a sultry look over her shoulder as she slowly peeled the pants down, baring her thick thighs and generous asscheeks inch by inch.

Finally nude from the waist down, she braced her hands on one of the wooden shelves, arching her back to present her puckered rear entrance. The fisherman wasted no time, his gnarled hands fumbling with the laces of his breeches to free his already stiffening cock.

Alexa heard him spit into his palm, no doubt trying to slick himself up. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at his eagerness. With a grunt, he stepped up behind her, the thick head of his shaft prodding insistently at her asshole.

"Easy old man," she said, reaching back to grasp his length and guide it home.

He groaned as the first few inches sank into her tight heat. Alexa was very skilled - she knew a few tricks to milk this for all it was worth. While the fisherman slowly bottomed out inside her, she clenched down rhythmically, rippling the soft walls of her ass around his girth.

"G-Gods..." he stammered out, one calloused hand coming up to grope at the heavy swell of her tit.

Alexa just increased the undulations as she worked her internal muscles. With each stroke, she tightened up just as he pulled back, only to flutter and release as he pushed in again. The wet squelching sounds filled the small closet.

The old man was soon reduced to a quivering mess, hips snapping back and forth uncontrollably as he chased his peak. Alexa kept up her devilish massage, throwing in the occasional tight spin or clench at random to really work him into a frenzy.

With a strangled cry, he hilted himself fully, throbbing and pulsing as he flooded her bowels with his semen. Alexa shook her ass against his groin, milking him for every drop until he slumped forward, spent.

"By the Nine Divines…" he groaned into the nape of her neck, his coarse beard scratching her skin. "Best thirty septims I ever spent."

Alexa didn't spare the old fisherman a second glance as she pushed his spent body off of her. He slumped back against the closet wall, eyes glazed over in a stupor of post-orgasmic bliss. She felt his seed already starting to trickle out of her asshole.

With a roll of her eyes, Alexa snatched up a ragged cleaning cloth from the shelf and bent over, spreading her thick cheeks to swipe away the leaking cum.

Once she was satisfied, Alexa tossed the soiled rag onto the floor and pulled her leather pants back up over her shapely thighs and ass. She shot the fisherman a look over her shoulder, lips curled into a contemptuous sneer at the sight of him still staring dumbly at her backside.

She turned on her heel and exited the closet as she made her way across the Rustic Raven's common room. A few of the patrons watched her pass with hungry eyes, no doubt imagining bending the gorgeous young woman over a table. She paid them no mind.

The cool morning air hit her face as she pushed through the inn's door and stepped out into the street. Alexa took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the fresh, earthy scent of the village. Her eyes scanned the thatched rooftops until she spotted the stables across the way.

With a slight sway to her hips, she made her way across the dirt road towards the stables. The scent of hay and horse dung filled her nostrils as she approached. Her chestnut stallion whinnied softly at her arrival, tossing his head.

"Hey there, handsome," Alexa whispered, running a hand along the beast's powerful neck. The horse seemed to calm at her touch.

She grabbed the lead rope and undid the knot, freeing the stallion from his stall. With a gentle tug, she led him out into the center of the stable. Alexa wasted no time gathering up the saddle and bridle, her fingers working the leather straps as she tacked up the horse.

Once ready, she grabbed a fistful of mane and easily vaulted up into the saddle as she settled into the seat. She took up the reins, giving them a sharp shake. The stallion tossed his head, prancing in place impatiently.

"Alright, big boy," Alexa said with a grin. "Let's get moving. We've got a long ride ahead to Oakwood."

With a squeeze of her thighs, she spurred the horse into motion. They trotted out of the stables and down the main road leading out of Ravenhurst.