
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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29 Chs

Faith and Fury

Alexa guided Meera down the winding forest path, and the wooden gates of Riverwood gradually came into view through the trees. When they neared the village, Alexa's hand slipped from the small of Meera's back. The girl turned, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Please," Meera whispered, her voice cracking. "Don't leave me."

Alexa steeled herself. "I'm sorry, sweetie. This is for the best."

She pulled Meera into a tight embrace, the girl's small frame trembling against her. As they parted, Meera surged forward, trying to capture Alexa's lips in a desperate kiss. Alexa gently deflected, planting a chaste peck on Meera's forehead instead.

"Be safe," Alexa murmured, giving Meera a gentle push towards the gates.

She watched the girl's retreating form, blue silk dress fluttering in the breeze, until Meera disappeared into Riverwood. With a heavy sigh, Alexa whistled sharply. The thundering of hooves announced her horse's arrival as it burst through the underbrush.

Swinging into the saddle, Alexa urged her mount towards the Guardian Stones. She knew there was a shrine to Talos nearby, though in this expanded world, it was likely a bit further than the game had portrayed.

She reflected on her devotion to Talos while she steered her horse. Despite her prayers, she hadn't felt his favor increase. Perhaps she needed to prove herself through action—specifically against elves and the Thalmor. Still, she hoped visiting his shrine might help.

After about fifteen minutes of riding, Alexa spotted a narrow path leading into the dense forest, snaking towards a small mountain. She dismounted, tethering her horse to a sturdy oak before following the trail on foot.

The path opened onto a clearing, revealing the shrine to Talos. But Alexa wasn't alone. About fifteen people were gathered, most kneeling in prayer. At the front stood a man, his face flushed with passion as he addressed the crowd.

"The Empire has betrayed us!" he shouted, spittle flying from his lips. "They've abandoned Talos, abandoned their people! The Thalmor plague our lands like a festering wound. It's time we cut out the infection!"

The crowd made their approval clear, and Alexa hesitated at the edge of the clearing, unsure whether to approach or retreat. The man's eyes locked onto her, a zealous fire burning in their depths.

"Brothers and sisters in Talos! Look here—the gods have blessed us with a vision of beauty to inspire our righteous cause!"

Alexa tensed as the crowd's attention shifted to her. The man strode forward, his blue Stormcloak cuirass glinting in the sunlight.

"Tell me, lass—have you come to join our fight against the Empire and their Thalmor masters?" He circled Alexa appraisingly. "We could use a fine woman like you to keep our brave soldiers' spirits up."

His gaze raked over her curves as he addressed the crowd again. "Picture it, friends! By day, we'll strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. And by night..." He grabbed Alexa's arm, pulling her close. "...we'll lose ourselves in the sweet embrace of wenches just like this one!"

Alexa yanked her arm free from the Stormcloak recruiter's grip, her lip curling in disgust. "I'm here to pray to Talos, not be your plaything."

The man didn't seem fazed, turning back to the gathered crowd with a fiery glint in his eyes. "Brothers and sisters! The Empire has abandoned us true Nords to the elven Thalmor dogs!" He swept an arm out, gesturing to Alexa's voluptuous figure. "But even as they try to stamp out Talos worship, He blesses us with beauties like this to keep our brave soldiers warm on the long, cold nights of battle."

A few of the kneeling worshippers shifted uncomfortably at his vulgar words. An elderly woman clutched her pendant of Talos, muttering a prayer under her breath.

"The cowards in Solitude bow to their elven masters!" the recruiter shouted. "But we will never surrender. We'll fight until the last drop of Imperial and Thalmor blood has been spilled from our lands!"

The crowd erupted into wild cheers and applause, emboldened by the zealous words. Only a handful remained silent and stone-faced.

Alexa tried to tune out the hateful rhetoric, focusing on Talos's weathered statue as she knelt before the shrine. She could feel the faintest stirrings of the Nordic deity's favor, like a warm breath against her soul. She could somehow innately feel that she had just 2% of his full favor so far. 98% more to go before she obtained the Dragon of the North devotee blessing.

The recruiter ranted on about the injustice of the White-Gold Concordat banning Talos worship. "Those elven bastards can never understand our way of life, our heritage! We must resist!"

"But at what cost?"

The quiet objection came from a young man near the back. He stood, fists clenched at his sides. "You speak of driving out the Thalmor, but they have the Empire's full might behind them. We'd be slaughtered!"

"Better to die a true Nord than live under the heel of elven oppressors!" the recruiter roared back.

Alexa kept praying, trying to block out the heated arguing. But then an explosion rocked the clearing. She whipped her head around to see a Thalmor mage striding forward, a crackling fireball hovering above his palm. The blast had greatly wounded one of the worshippers, leaving a screaming burnt man flailing on the ground.

"Talos worship is prohibited, heretics!" the mage shouted. "You will all be purged!"

The clearing erupted into chaos. Panicked screams pierced the air as worshippers scrambled for safety. Alexa's prayer was cut short, her heart pounding as she sprang to her feet. Without thinking, she thrust out her hand, summoning an orichalcum blade from thin air. She charged at the Thalmor agent, her other hand raised defensively.

The elf's lips curled into a sneer. "Ah, a Nord whore playing hero," he spat, hurling a fireball at her.

Alexa's free hand flared with magic, a translucent ward appearing just in time. The fireball slammed into it, shattering the barrier but leaving her unscathed. She pressed on, bringing her sword down in a forceful arc.

Restoration increased to 6

Restoration increased to 7

But the Thalmor was ready. His hand pulsed with verdant energy, and suddenly a three-meter wide glowing stone wall sprang up between them. Alexa's blade clanged uselessly against it, the impact jarring her arm.

"Shit," she hissed, darting around the barrier. But the elf was already moving, wreathed in a green glow as he put impossible distance between them. His free hand erupted in flames, a torrent of fire streaming towards her.

Alexa threw up another ward, gritting her teeth as the heat battered against her magical shield. She tried to close the gap, but the Thalmor's unnatural speed kept him just out of reach.

"Skyrim belongs to the Nords!" The Stormcloak recruiter's battle cry rang out as he charged the elf, axe held high.

Restoration increased to 8

The flames ceased. In their place, crackling energy leapt from the Thalmor's fingers, striking the Nord. The man's body flickered, becoming translucent for a heartbeat before vanishing and reappearing several paces back.

Alexa seized the moment, casting Oakflesh to harden her skin. Once more, she rushed the mage, blade poised to strike. This time, the Thalmor stood his ground. Just as she came within range, he cast a spell that crackled with lightning.

Alteration increased to 5

Light Armor increased to 14

The thunderclap was deafening. Pain lanced through Alexa's body as electricity arced across her skin. But her Nordic Heritage that reduced incoming damage by 25% while power attacking and the Warborn blessing of the Warrior Stone that gave her 50 extra health helped greatly. Gritting her teeth, she brought her sword down in a hard chop.

The Thalmor screamed in agony, but quickly calmed himself down as he raised his palm, another lightning spell already forming. Alexa couldn't block in time. The spell struck her, and suddenly the world lurched. She found herself ten paces back, head spinning from the abrupt teleportation.

"I'll flay the skin from your bones!" the Stormcloak roared, charging once more.

The mage's response was swift and brutal. A gesture at the ground, and wooden spikes erupted from the earth, impaling the Nord's legs. The man's battle cry turned to pained screams.

Alexa was already moving before he even finished turning back to her. Her orichalcum blade vanished, replaced by her Nordic bow as she nocked an arrow, drew, and released.

His eyes widened in shock at the last moment before the steel arrow found its mark, burying itself in his face. He crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Archery increased to 19

Silence immediately fell over the clearing.

Alexa lowered her bow, heart still pounding from the frantic clash. She'd seen death before—caused it herself, even—but the sudden quiet still felt quite eerie after the chaos just now.

Groans of pain broke the silence. Right, the wounded. Alexa's hand glowed with warm golden light as she channeled healing magic into her own injured body. The electricity's lingering ache faded, replaced by soothing warmth.

Restoration increased to 9

Once whole, she rushed to the man still writhing on the ground, angry red burns covering half his body. "Hold on," she whispered, pretending to fumble at her belt for a potion. She unstoppered the vial of red liquid, gently lifting the man's head. "Drink."

He sputtered and coughed, but managed to swallow most of the healing elixir. Before Alexa's eyes, the worst of the burns began to fade. The man's pained whimpers quieted to ragged breaths.

"Th-thank you," he rasped, eyes filled with gratitude.

Alexa felt a twinge of embarrassment at his gaze. "Don't mention it," she muttered, averting her eyes.

Her gaze fell on the Stormcloak recruiter, still clutching his mangled legs where magical spikes had impaled him. Blood seeped between his fingers, staining the grass red. Alexa hesitated.

The man she'd just healed noticed her conflicted look. "Please," he begged, "help him too. He'll die without aid."

Alexa bit her lip, torn. This man had objectified her, seen her as a sex toy to warm soldiers' beds. Every instinct screamed to let him suffer for his misogyny. And yet...

He'd charged the Thalmor mage, buying her crucial seconds. Yes, it was likely driven by hate rather than altruism. But he'd still put himself in harm's way, however flawed his motivations.

And those motivations... were they truly so black and white? He spoke of "comfort wenches," but Alexa had encountered women who seemed to embrace such roles. Perhaps out of desperation or a lack of options, but some appeared genuinely content, like those two older wenches she had killed today.

Was it her place to judge? To decide which choices were valid for other wenches? If they weren't being coerced, did she have the right to intervene?

The recruiter's words had been crude, but he hadn't tried to force himself on her. He'd backed off when she refused his advances. That had to count for something, right?

Alexa sighed heavily. The world wasn't simple. Good and evil blurred, and even despicable people could have moments of decency.

Decision made, she walked towards the injured Stormcloak, another healing potion in hand. She'd give him a chance—one chance— to prove himself better than his words.

"Here," she muttered, pressing the vial to his lips. "Drink."

He gulped it down greedily, adam's apple bobbing. His wounds began to knit closed with a sickening squelch as the magic took hold. The recruiter let out a ragged gasp of relief, sagging back against the blood-soaked ground.

"By Talos, lass," he panted, "I thought I was bound for Sovngarde."

Alexa felt a flicker of... something. Not quite warmth, but maybe a grudging respect. The bastard had charged a Thalmor battlemage with nothing but an axe and blind courage. Stupid, yeah, but brave in its own pig-headed way.

As if sensing her thoughts, the recruiter's eyes met hers. "I... I misjudged you," he admitted gruffly. "You're no mere wench. You're a true daughter of Skyrim."

Before Alexa could respond, the recruiter was already staggering to his feet, face twisting with hatred as he stumbled towards the dead elf.

"Filthy Thalmor scum!" he snarled, delivering a vicious kick to the corpse's ribs. "This is what happens to those who defy Talos!"

Each kick was accompanied by a wet thud. Some of the gathered Nords cheered him on, while others looked distinctly queasy. Alexa felt her own gorge rise as she watched the Thalmor's once-pristine robes become further stained with blood and worse.

She wanted to look away, to stop this desecration. But she also felt that the elf deserved it. How many innocents had he slaughtered in the name of elven supremacy? Hadn't he tried to kill them all just moments ago?

While the recruiter continued his tirade, a young man hesitantly approached Alexa. His eyes were wide, darting nervously between her and the ranting Stormcloak.

Thank you," he whispered, barely audible over the dull thuds and jeers. "Without you, the rest of us would be..." He swallowed hard. "Well, dead or worse."

Alexa gave a tight nod, unsure how to respond. Talos's favor thrummed through her veins, a warm pulse of approval that doubled her connection to the Nordic deity from 2% to 4%. Small progress, but it was something.

The Stormcloak recruiter's rage gradually subsided, his kicks growing weaker until he finally stumbled back from the Thalmor's mangled corpse. Panting heavily, he wiped blood-flecked spittle from his beard and turned to address the shaken crowd.

"Brothers and sisters," he wheezed, "let us not let this filth's interruption keep us from our true purpose. Come, let us worship mighty Talos!"

The gathered Nords murmured in agreement, though several cast wary glances at the treeline, clearly fearing more Thalmor might appear. Alexa hesitated, unsure if she should join them or slip away. The young man who'd thanked her earlier caught her eye, offering a shy smile.

"You're welcome to join us," he said softly. "After what you did for us... well, you've more than earned your place here."

Alexa nodded, curiosity winning out over her reservations. She followed the group as they gathered around the weathered statue of Talos, its stone features worn smooth by time and the elements. The recruiter, seemingly transformed by his brush with death, led them in prayer with surprising eloquence.

"Hail, mighty Talos, who rose from man to god! We stand before you, Dragonborn Emperor, to offer our prayers. We struck down those who deny your divinity and oppress your followers."

"Hail Talos! Hail the Ninth Divine! Hail Ysmir, Dragon of the North!" the congregation chanted.

The recruiter continued, voice rising, "Great Talos, grant us strength to obliterate those who would desecrate your name and enslave your people. Your spirit burns within us as we fight for your honor!"

"Talos, guide us. Talos, protect us. Talos, empower us," the crowd responded.

Alexa shifted uneasily as the prayer intensified. Coming from a modern world where she was an atheist, participating in a fantasy world's religion felt bizarre. She knew Talos was a Divine, but this was more than simple prayer—it was fanaticism.

"Talos showed us even the humblest can rise to greatness. Today, we annihilated a vile symbol of oppression against our god. In this victory, we honor you, Talos!"

"Talos, whose spirit unites us, guide us in your wisdom," the Nords intoned.

They began to chant:

"Mighty Talos, Hero of the land,

With sword and shout, you took your stand.

From Tiber Septim to Divinity's height,

Guide us, protect us, give us your might."

The recruiter petitioned, "Bestow upon us your blessings, Talos. Grant us strength to vanquish our foes, wisdom to rule, and courage to defend our homeland against all who would harm us."

"Talos, bless us with your might. Grant us your wisdom. Imbue us with your courage," the congregation responded.

"Let us remember the trials of Tiber Septim, born mortal but chosen by the gods. With dragon blood and a lion's heart, he defied fate and ascended. His spirit lives on in all true Nords!"

"Hail Talos, the One who ascended. Hail Tiber Septim, Emperor and God."

The recruiter reflected, "Today we struck down an enemy of our people, a denier of your divinity. In this victory, we reaffirm our fierce devotion to you, Talos. We fight for all who hold your name sacred!"

"Talos, we are your sword and shield. In your name, we fight and prevail."

They took a moment of silence.

The recruiter vowed, "Talos, Dragon of the North, we will uphold your teachings and defend your name. In your strength we find our strength. The Thalmor will know fear!"

"Talos, we commit our lives to you. By your name, we are empowered. By your example, we are guided," the crowd pledged.

"Talos, we thank you for your guidance. As we go forth, let your spirit be with us. May your legacy inspire our deeds, your strength uphold us. We stand vigilant in your name."

"Hail Talos, now and forever!"

The recruiter finished, "By the power of Talos, go forth as champions of his cause! Let his will be done."

"So it shall be. Hail Talos!" the congregation shouted.

The intense prayers soon died down and people began to disperse back to their villages, Alexa remained kneeling before the weathered statue of Talos. The adrenaline from the battle was fading, replaced by a bone-deep weariness. She closed her eyes, trying to center herself.

Heavy footsteps crunched in the grass behind her. Alexa tensed, hand twitching towards her sword, but forced herself to relax as she recognized the Stormcloak recruiter's gruff voice.

"Lass, I owe you my thanks," he said, coming to stand beside her. "You fought like a true Nord against that filthy knife-ear. Sent the bastard straight to Oblivion where he belongs."

Alexa stood, brushing dirt from her knees. She met the man's gaze. "I did what was necessary," she replied neutrally.

The recruiter spat on the ground. "Aye, and you did it well. Those Thalmor scum think they can come here and stamp out our faith, our way of life. But they'll learn soon enough—you can't keep a Nord down for long."

He sized her up, gaze lingering on her curves before snapping back to her face. "You've got the spirit of a true daughter of Skyrim. The Stormcloaks could use someone like you in our fight against the Empire and their Thalmor masters."

Alexa crossed her arms under her big breasts, feeling a flicker of annoyance at his blatant ogling. "I'm not interested in being one of your 'comfort wenches,' if that's what you're getting at," she said coolly.

The recruiter barked out a laugh. "Fiery one, aren't you? I like that." His expression sobered. "But no, lass, I'm not trying to tumble you. We need real warriors, not just camp followers. The Empire's nothing but the Thalmor's lapdogs now. It's up to true Nords to save our homeland."

He held out a calloused hand. "What do you say? Will you join Ulfric Stormcloak's righteous cause and help us drive the elves out of Skyrim once and for all?"

She met the recruiter's expectant gaze. "I'll need to think on it," she said carefully. "I have other matters to attend to first—honing my magic for one, so I can better protect myself and others against Thalmor scum like this one." She gave a pointed look at the nearby corpse.

The recruiter's lip curled slightly at the mention of magic, a hint of revulsion flickering across his face before he could hide it. "Aye, well, you do what you think is best," he said gruffly. "But remember, lass—a true Nord's strength flows from Talos, not from some milk-drinking mage tricks. When you're ready to fight for the glory of mighty Talos, for the freedom of Skyrim... you'll know where to find us."

Alexa watched as the Stormcloak recruiter turned and stomped away, his boots kicking up little puffs of dirt. She let out a long sigh, running a hand through her blonde hair. That had been...intense. Between the Thalmor attack and the passionate prayers, she felt emotionally drained.

Giving the weathered statue of Talos one last glance, she made her way back through the trees to where she'd left her stallion. The horse whinnied softly at her approach, tossing his head. Alexa stroked his nose affectionately.

"Easy boy," she murmured. "We've got more riding to do."

She swung herself up into the saddle, her ample breasts jiggling from the motion. Clicking her tongue, she urged the horse onwards, heading west along the dirt path.

The mid-day sun filtered through the leafy canopy in warm slants of golden light. To her right, the glittering Lake Ilinalta sparkled invitingly. Alexa knew from her past life's gaming experience that there was an island in those waters—an island that held the Lady Stone.

She didn't know what effects or blessings the standing stone would grant her in this expanded world, but she was curious. Perhaps it would be something very useful, so she felt compelled to go and check it out. In the game it granted 25% increased Health and Stamina regeneration rates, but she hoped it was something more useful now.

After about forty minutes of riding alongside the lake's shoreline, Alexa neared a modest village. Wooden palisades encircled a cluster of thatch-roofed homes and businesses, with a few docks jutting out into the lake. A swinging sign proclaimed the name "Ravenhurst" as she guided her horse through the open gates.

The village seemed to cater to fishermen, loggers and travelers, with its central inn, blacksmith's forge, and well-stocked general goods store. Alexa led her mount towards the stables, tying the stallion's reins to a post before giving his flanks an affectionate pat.

She still had two perk points available from her latest level ups. It would be wise to allocate those before venturing out in search of the Lady Stone and whatever monsters might be on the island. She was also curious to see if she could practice her magic alone and if she could increase her skills that way, so renting a private room would be nice.

The building with the hanging sign "Rustic Raven" looked promising. Alexa sauntered up to the heavy oak door, pushing it open to reveal a lively common room within. The mingled aromas of roasted meat, pipe smoke, and stale mead wafted over her, causing her dainty nose to wrinkle slightly before she pushed the scents aside.

The innkeeper looked up as she approached. "What'll it be?" he asked.

"I'd like a room for the night," Alexa replied, leaning against the bar. She knew the drill by now.

The innkeeper licked his lips. "Aye, that'll be nineteen septims." He paused, eyes settling on her plump red lips. "And a blowjob."

She held the man's gaze deeply for a moment before giving a slight nod of agreement. She walked around the bar counter without shame and sank to her knees before him.

The innkeeper's cock was already straining against his threadbare breeches, a modest bulge tenting the fabric. Alexa unlaced him, freeing his half-hard length. It was pretty small compared to what she was used to, but it would do.

Alexa didn't hesitate, taking the innkeeper's modest cock into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the shaft as she bobbed her head, cheeks hollowing with each downward slide.

The innkeeper gasped, utterly unprepared for the intensity of Alexa's technique. "By the Nine..."

Saliva dribbled down her chin as she slurped and sucked with immense skill. The innkeeper's hands clenched on the bartop, knuckles whitening. His face contorted with pleasure. "Sweet Mara..."

Alexa increased her pace, cheeks flushing as she took him deeper. The innkeeper threw his head back with a loud moan. His hips jerked erratically as he lost control.

"I'm...I'm gonna..."

Without warning, his cock pulsed, shooting cum directly down Alexa's throat. She swallowed reflexively, eyes widening at the abrupt climax.

The few patrons in the common room gawked in stunned silence for a heartbeat. Then wild laughter erupted, mocking jeers filling the air.

"Lasted all of ten seconds, didn't ya?"

"Reckon that's a new record!"

"Better luck next time, Bervi!"

The innkeeper, Bervi, flushed beet red, hastily tucking himself away as he avoided eye contact. Alexa rose gracefully to her feet, wiping a stray droplet of cum from the corner of her plump lips with her thumb. She looked at the flustered innkeeper with an amused glint in her sky-blue eyes.

"Well, that was certainly...fast," she purred, not even trying to hide the teasing lilt in her sultry voice. "I don't think I've ever had a customer quite so...eager before."

Even more laughter erupted from the nearby tables, the few drunken patrons clearly getting their money's worth of entertainment along with their mead. Bervi's ruddy face flushed an even deeper shade of crimson as he avoided Alexa's twinkling gaze.

"Give it a rest, you arses!" he snarled at the jeering men, spit flecking his beard.

With an exaggerated pout, she leaned in closer until her ample breasts were practically spilling out of her leather bodice. "What's the matter?" she asked in a low, husky tone. "Don't tell me the big, strong innkeeper can't go for more than one round?"

The titters from the tables intensified into full-blown guffaws. One particularly drunk fisherman slapped his thigh, wheezing with laughter. "Sh-she's got you pegged, Bervi! Couldn't lay a wench proper if she paid ya!"

Bervi shot the man a murderous glare before turning back to Alexa. She could see the frustrated anger simmering behind his flushed features as he slapped the room key into her upturned palm with more force than necessary.

"Third door on the left," he ground out through gritted teeth. "And not a damn word outta you lot, or I'll have the guards tan your hides!"

Alexa walked away from the bar, the room key clasped loosely in one hand as laughter followed her departure. She could practically feel the weight of every drunken leer burning into the swell of her ass with each sway of her hips.

"Don't wear yourself out now, darlin'!" one particularly soused patron called out with a whistle. "Save some energy for me later!"

A few of his buddies chortled appreciatively at the crass remark. Alexa didn't even dignify them with a glance over her shoulder, continuing on her way with a slight roll of her eyes.

The door to her rented room gave a protesting creak as she unlocked it and gave it a shove. A modest bed took up most of the cramped space, with a battered nightstand and wooden chair completing the sparse furnishings. She closed the door behind her and whispered to herself, "Let's see if I can work on improving my magical skills by myself…"