
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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29 Chs


The rest of the day dragged by at a snail's pace for Alexa as she huddled in that secluded forest clearing. With her arms twisted up and locked tight behind her back in that vicious armbinder, she was completely defenseless and exposed to whatever the wilderness threw at her.

Alexa clenched her jaw, straining with all her might to make the damn armbinder vanish into her inventory. But no matter how hard she focused, the cruel steel restraint stayed stubbornly locked around her arms. Seemed like some things in this fucked-up new world just couldn't be wished away so easily.

Alexa let out a resigned sigh, giving up on freeing herself from the armbinder for now. Instead, she leaned down and clamped her teeth around the stem of a small wildflower poking up between the tree roots. It wasn't exactly graceful, but she managed to yank the delicate bloom free.

Focusing hard, she tried willing the flower into her inventory. To her relief, it disappeared instantly. So she could still add basic stuff like this, even with her arms bound behind her back. That was a start, at least.

The daylight was fading fast, long shadows creeping across the forest floor. Alexa shifted uncomfortably in her hiding spot, realizing she couldn't stay put much longer. Night was falling, and with her hands bound so tightly behind her back, she had no way to make a fire or even grab a damn blanket to keep warm.

She glanced around the little clearing with a frown. It was already getting darker by the minute, the cold settling in. If she didn't figure something out soon, she'd be stuck shivering her ass off all night long in this miserable state.

Alexa sighed, resting her head back against the tree trunk. She had to make a call - hunker down and tough it out here, or risk moving and maybe finding better shelter before full dark. Neither option seemed great, but sitting tight wouldn't do her any favors besides freezing her tits off.

She cringed as she replayed the events in Riverwood in her mind, a shudder running through her at the realization of how close she'd come to getting her pussy violated by that drunken asshole.

But Gerdur hadn't been any better, really. The old bitch had looked at Alexa with pure disgust, her voice practically dripping with contempt as she wrote her off as just another 'wench' and 'slut' flaunting herself to tempt the men.

Alexa shuddered, a chill running down her spine as she remembered that fucked up sign nailed to the village gates. 'GREAT SALE OF SLAVES!' it had screamed in big, garish letters, with a picture of a buxom wench kneeling naked like a fucktoy.

Was that going to be her if she couldn't figure out how to survive in this world? Just get sold off to some sick pervert as his personal cock-sleeve, getting used and degraded day after day until she was nothing but a mindless cum-dumpster with zero self-respect left?

Alexa scowled as she thought about the Wench Body effect. From what she could tell, it basically meant the only way for her to get items like food or supplies was by whoring herself out in addition to paying with septims.

The idea made her clench her jaw in disgust. Like hell was she going to sink that low and become some brainless cumdump for horny assholes to use and toss aside whenever they felt like it. There had to be another option besides flat-out prostitution.

Maybe...maybe she could try stealing what she needed instead? If she was sneaky about it, really utilized her inventory system and sneak skills to the max, she should be able to swipe food, water, basic supplies - just enough to get by without having to degrade herself.

Alexa just needed to take what was absolutely necessary to survive, nothing more. That way she could avoid becoming some plaything to be passed around and nutted in by every guy in Riverwood.

The last rays of sunset were fading when Alexa finally steeled her resolve. She pushed herself up off the ground, wincing as pins and needles shot through her legs from staying crouched too long. Rolling her shoulders to loosen the ache from those brutal armbinders, she set off towards Riverwood.

By the time the village came into view through the trees, night had almost fallen completely. A few cottage windows glowed warmly with candlelight and hearth fires, but the streets themselves were abandoned and silent - the residents having retreated indoors for the evening.

Relief washed over Alexa at the lack of people out and about. She moved quickly yet cautiously, sticking to the shadows as she neared the low, squat building that served as Riverwood's jail and barracks.

The door was shut, seemingly deserted for the night. Alexa frowned, chewing her lower lip in consternation. She would need to get this damned armbinder off before she could even attempt going unnoticed and pilfering supplies. But if there were no guards present...

Gritting her teeth, she shuffled closer until she could kick lightly at the heavy wooden door with her bare foot. The dull thump echoed through the still night air, causing her to wince.

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air, but then the door creaked open on its hinges, revealing the same guard who had apprehended Alexa earlier that day.

"Well, well, if it isn't you again," he said with a growl, his eyes roaming over her disheveled, half-naked form. His lip curled into a sneer as he took in the dirt and scratches marring her bare skin. "Looks like you've been having yourself a grand old time out in the woods, eh wench?"

Alexa met his gaze defiantly, biting her tongue. She refused to take the bait, fearful that rising to his taunts might give him an excuse to leave her bound and helpless for the rest of the night.

The guard seemed to pick up on her silence, letting out a derisive snort as he shook his head. He stepped back, gesturing for her to enter. "You plannin' on standing out here all night with your arms bound up, or you want me to let you loose?" he asked gruffly.

Alexa didn't hesitate, shuffling forward and ducking her head to pass under the low stone lintel. The interior of the barracks was just as she remembered - a cramped, dimly lit space reeking of sweat and stale piss. Various weapon racks and stands lined the walls, positioned haphazardly around the room's central feature - a heavy oak table flanked by two chairs.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the array of wicked-looking implements laid out across the table's scarred surface. Cruel iron shackles and manacles were jumbled together with floggers, riding crops, and even a few bulbous, phallic-shaped objects that made her cheeks flush hotly despite herself.

The guard ambled over to the table, already rifling through the unsettling array of torture devices. Alexa's heart pounded in her chest as panic gripped her. Was he luring her back here under the pretense of unbinding her, only to subject her to further torment?

"Turn around, wench," he grunted, not looking up from sorting through the implements. "Let's get those arms free so you can scram."

Alexa hesitated, her eyes darting between the guard's broad back and the open door. Maybe she should bolt while she still could? If she moved fast enough, she could disappear into the night before he reacted.

A harsh sigh made her decision. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be, girl," the guard growled, finally facing her with keys in hand. "You want to spend the night cozy in that armbinder?"

His tone promised harsh reprisal if she refused. Alexa swallowed hard, realizing she had no choice but to obey if she wanted freedom. Slowly, reluctantly, she turned to present her back.

The guard grunted in approval as he jingled the keys and the well-oiled metal creaked. A moment later, Alexa felt the ruthless bite of the armbinder loosen fractionally around her aching limbs as he worked the mechanism.

She held perfectly still, trying not to tense up as the guard's calloused hands brushed against her bare skin. The heat of his body radiated from behind her, and she could practically taste the musky scent of his sweat and body odor in the air.

With one last metallic groan, the armbinder's jaws sprang apart completely. Alexa sucked in a sharp breath as the cruel restraint fell away, finally freeing her arms from their agonizing position.

However, she didn't even get a chance to enjoy it Alexa's eyes widened in shock as the guard suddenly yanked her tattered skirt down, exposing her completely from the waist down. She whirled to face him, fists clenched and ready to unleash a furious tirade.

But the words caught in her throat when she found herself staring at the razor-sharp edge of a wicked dagger. The guard towered over her, his expression hardened into a harsh glare as he pressed the flat of the blade against her belly.

"Don't even think about it, wench," he growled, giving the dagger a slight twist that made Alexa's breath hitch. "Keep your mouth shut and do as I say if you want to walk out of here unharmed. Understand?"

Alexa could only nod mutely, her throat constricted with fear. She tried to back away from the naked blade, but the guard simply followed, step for step.

"Good girl," he sneered, finally lowering the dagger once Alexa's back was against the wall. "Now turn around slowly. I need to make sure you're not hiding anything before I let you go."

Her heart pounded in her chest as she obeyed the guard's command. On shaky legs, Alexa turned to face the stone wall, her ample breasts squashing against the cold surface. The guard's callous hands were on her immediately, roaming over every inch of her exposed flesh as he inspected her most intimate areas. Alexa squeezed her eyes shut, humiliated by his invasive groping. She felt his thick, calloused fingers explore between the folds of her sex, probing and spreading her pussy lips.

"Not bad," the guard grunwith a grunt, giving her asscheeks a harsh grope that made her jolt. "Prime breeding stock - tight and ready for the taking. You'd fetch a pretty price at the auction block."

She remained silent as the degrading examination continued. The guard's pawing hands mauled her breasts roughly, kneading the soft mounds with unrestrained enthusiasm until he seemed satisfied. When he finally released her with a final demeaning grope, his tone dripped with smug satisfaction.

"You're free to go for now, wench. But any disobedience, and this will be the least of your troubles."

The guard's threat hung heavy in the air - Alexa would only remain 'free' as long as she obeyed. Any hint of defiance would bring severe consequences, worse than his crude treatment. She swallowed hard, skin crawling from his invasive touches, and refused to meet his gaze. Scooping up her tattered skirt, she clutched it against her chest for a shred of modesty.

The guard snorted in amusement at her pitiful attempt at coverage. Shaking his head, he stepped aside towards the door. "Get going, wench. And stay out of trouble this time, eh?" His eyes glinted with dark promise as the threat lingered. "Next time you end up back here..."

Alexa didn't wait to hear what vile punishments he implied. Clutching the ruined skirt tight, she hurried past him through the open door, breaking into an awkward half-run once the cool night air hit her bare skin.

The night cloaked Riverwood in an inky darkness, the village shrouded in shadows. The only illumination came from the flickering torches carried by the patrolling guards. Alexa could scarcely make out her own hand in front of her face.

She huddled in the concealing foliage of a dense bush, warily tracking the bobbing torchlight as the watchmen made their rounds. This was her chance – if she was going to survive this cruel realm through stealth and thievery, she needed to raise her Sneak skill as high as possible.

Currently at a measly 0, the skill was useless for staying undetected. But if she could find a way to train it up without drawing unwanted attention...

Alexa shrank deeper into the bush as a guard's torch flickered nearby, its warm glow briefly illuminating the leafy branches concealing her. She crouched low, biting her lip to stifle any sound as the prickly twigs scraped her bare skin. With bated breath, she waited, utterly motionless.

The guard's footfalls receded into the night, only to grow louder again a minute later as he retraced his patrol route. Alexa tensed, her heart pounding, as his heavy bootsteps crunched past her hiding spot mere feet away. The creak of his leather armor and the smoky scent of the guttering torch filled the air around her.

Just as she thought her hammering heart might give her away, a sound like a triumphant fanfare blasted through her mind. Alexa flinched, barely suppressing a yelp of surprise as a semi-transparent pane flickered into view before her eyes.

Sneak increased to 1

Alexa blinked at the glowing text that appeared before her eyes, scarcely believing what she was seeing. A wide, relieved grin spread across her face as the message faded away as quickly as it had materialized.

It worked! By remaining perfectly concealed and undetected from the patrolling guard, she had managed to gain her first point in the Sneak skill. If she kept this up, staying low and avoiding detection with each pass...

She settled in to wait, ignoring the prickly branches scratching at her bare skin. With bated breath, she watched as the guard's torchlight bobbed back into view, his boots crunching along the gravel path.

The glowing pane didn't appear after he passed her hiding spot the first time. Or the second. But on the third pass, as the guard strode by without any inkling of her presence, the text flickered into existence once more.

Sneak increased to 2

A soft chuckle escaped her at the cheery fanfare sound. Alexa grinned fiercely, happy because of her success. She was really doing it – with each circuit of the guard's patrol, her Sneak skill steadily climbed higher.

Before long, she had leveled Sneak all the way up to 5 simply by remaining utterly motionless and undetected in her bush. But after that, no matter how many more times the guard walked past, the pane refused to pop up again with a skill increase.

Her smile faded into a frown. Of course it wouldn't be so simple as just grinding her Sneak up to 100 by repeating the same trick over and over. That would be far too easy.

No, she would need to find more varied – and likely more dangerous – ways of remaining undetected in order to progress her stealth skills further. Simply crouching in a bush wouldn't cut it for long.

A loud rumble from her stomach jolted Alexa from her thoughts. She grimaced, suddenly aware of the dull, gnawing ache of hunger that had crept up on her. But even worse was the parched, burning sensation in her throat. She smacked her dry lips, grimacing at the lingering salty taste – probably remnants of Vanher's seed.

Water was the priority now. Alexa knew she couldn't go on much longer without quenching her thirst. But where could she possibly find a clean source in this sleepy village? The mere idea of drinking straight from the river made her stomach churn, those waters undoubtedly tainted with all sorts of filth.

She had no coin to purchase even a simple waterskin, nor was she about to debase herself by bartering with her body. That left only one option – to steal it, just as she would need to pilfer any other supplies to survive here.

Alexa frowned, pondering how she could swipe some water without being noticed. It wasn't exactly something she could easily pocket into her inventory. The thought of sneaking into one of the village homes, even just to take a few mouthfuls from a bucket or trough, filled her with anxiety. No, she needed to find an unattended water source out in the open, one she could drink from and escape back into the night unseen.

Carefully, she extricated herself from the prickly bush, wincing as the branches tugged at her bare skin. The inky darkness engulfed her as she shuffled forward in a low crouch, the chill mountain air biting her naked flesh. She shivered, clutching her tattered skirt tighter in a vain attempt to preserve warmth.

One hand trailed along the rough cottage wall to guide her way. Her bare feet squelched in the damp soil, leaving prints in her wake. A root or rock caught her toe, nearly sending her tumbling before she steadied herself against the wall.

Crouching lower, her fingers brushed over an odd wooden structure only a few feet tall – a doghouse. Realization struck her like a thunderbolt. If there was a doghouse, then there had to be a water bowl nearby!

Alexa dropped to her hands and knees, frantically patting around the perimeter until her fingers dipped into a shallow wooden bowl filled with tepid liquid. She didn't hesitate, seizing it and raising it to her lips with desperate gulps. The slightly stale water was like the sweetest ambrosia to her parched throat.

She drained the last few drops with dainty sips, even licking the inside to savor every last bit of moisture. As the burning ache finally abated, Alexa set the bowl aside with a relieved sigh, wiping her mouth on her hand. Her status confirmed the Thirsty debuff was gone, though Exhausted had taken its place.

Of course she was exhausted – she could scarcely remember the last time she'd gotten more than a few hours of fitful sleep. Alexa grimaced, leaning back against the doghouse as weariness set in like a physical weight. She knew she needed to find somewhere sheltered to rest and regain her strength. But where?

The notion of brazenly seeking refuge indoors was laughable. No, her only option was to tough it out in the wilderness, maybe gather enough foliage to form a crude nest and use her Nordic Heritage trait to stave off the worst chill. It wasn't ideal, but she was quickly reaching her limits. If she didn't catch a few precious hours of sleep soon, she'd be in no condition to keep fighting come morning.

Exhaling softly, Alexa cast one last look over the darkened village before turning to pick her way deeper into the forest's shadows.