
Welcome to Urdak

New author and first story Disclaimer: This is NOT a DOOM fanfic, the name of the world is merely coincidental A young man gets hit by a truck and dies, an all too common occurrence, and as usual, his soul gets picked up by a God like entity, there, he is offered a chance, a chance to see his loved ones again if he helped the God with a problem in another world, accepting the offer, he is sent to the world of Urdak where he will soon find out, that problem may be worse than expected

Rider_Blazer · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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45 Chs


Zelda entered the room that Eric's new servant told her about, apparently she will face some sort of vampire, she wasn't all that worried, her fight against the bull demon went extremely well, allowing her to see just how much she truly had grown, and this would be the final test

As she stepped in, she saw a lot of bodies, belonging to the soldiers with the weird armor and even other monsters, she looked above and saw a woman with an unnatural smiled looking back at her, the sight made her shiver

The woman was beautiful, but her entire aura was unnerving for the young magician, she still stood strong as the woman descended

-Ah, such a treat, a beautiful young girl to feed on

She was not bothered by the threat, instead, she prepared her spells

-Try and make it interesting for me then

With that, the woman jumped and two wings emerged from her back, then with unnatural speed, she charged straight at her, Zelda moved to the side barely being able to avoid the grab, but not fast enough to dodge the way back, Hino was able to land a devastating kick on the young magician sending her crashing against the wall, she nearly scream, but swallowed it and attacked back with a lighting bolt, hitting the monster as she floated, dealing a hit that was just as devastating


Zelda healed herself, knowing that only one hit was enough to nearly knock her out, she swore to be more careful, neither Eric nor Leona were with her to protect her if she messes up, she can only rely on herself

Hino charged at her this time running, and her speed was still unnaturally fast, Zelda launched more lighting after confirming the efficiency, Kasha had not lied, Hino despite getting hit, didn't slow down and managed to land a roundhouse kick, her strength as terrible as last time, sent Zelda flying once more

Forced to heal again, she quickly raised a barrier when she saw the needles being tossed, thanking Kasha once again for the heads up, she began casting multiple lighting to cover the arena, much to Hino's annoyance

-So area denial, I see you are not a total newbie

She took to the skies and began launching more needles attempting to paralyze the young sorceress, but she casted barrier after barrier preventing such a thing from occurring, Hino noticed that ranged attacks were simply useless against the witch, so she flew full speed at her

Zelda doves out of the way, and Hino foolishly, or perhaps arrogantly thought that the same trick would work twice, so when she launched again towards Zelda, she failed to notice the smirk on the blond hylian, an astounding pain consumed her as she began screaming

Zelda had prepared a direct lighting bolt as a counter to this attack, landing a direct hit and knocking the vampire off the air, then she followed up with a bunch of lighting strikes, actually making Hino feel fear

-! Wait! I surrender!

Zelda being a kind hearted girl, stopped attacking

-Really? You give up?

-Yes! I will be your servant! I will kill anyone you want me to! I will seduce any man you ask! Just please let me live!

Zelda stopped for one second, she wanted to give her a chance, but she was wise, all those years of study allowed her to easily become able to read people, and she knew by the eyes, that Hino had not given up, her eyes were not like Kasha's

So predicting what follows, she coated her body in holy magic, her mastery over it allowing her to make the barrier invisible

-Then make a contract with me and become my servant

-Of course!

Zelda offered her hand, Hino smiled, thinking she got the girl, quickly grabbing her hand and slithering up to her neck and taking a bite, she sucked greedily, attempting to steal the life and beauty of this young girl, not realizing until too late that she felt like she was swallowing magma instead of blood

Hino-Enma pushed Zelda away in horror and began screaming, trying to recover from the atrocious pain that was expanding quickly

-I had a feeling you'd do that, so I coated my body in holy magic, what you drank, is what you demons hate the most!


-I am not Eric, I cannot make others surrender to me…but I don't need to be, cease to be evil spirit!!

And with one final shout, she unleashed a thunderstorm on the monster, exterminating it completely

After killing that monster, Zelda fell on her knees and healed herself

-…I did it…Eric…

Leona entered the room that Eric's spirit told her about, in it, she saw an atrocious beast that had the face of a malformed monkey, they body of a tiger and a snake tail, it's appearance was grotesque

The beast noticed her and roared, Leona quickly side stepped the lighting that fell where she used to be standing, the strength behind each of those bolts might be able to harm her greatly, but she was not worried, she doesn't think that she will need Blood Riot for this

The Nue rushed at her and attempted to swipe it's claws at her, but Leona jumped over and sent a Ballistic Launcher, greatly harming the Nue, it roared in pain and even more lighting fell on her, but she easily dodged it, the beast was predictable, the spots where the lighting would fall were marked before they did, so it was obvious that the monster didn't have perfect control over it's own powers

The beast was not stupid however, and quickly coated it's body in lighting, Leona frowned since that would make attacking the beast more annoying, she began playing defensive, dodging the attacks of the Nue waiting patiently for it to lose it's lighting coat, but she didn't expect the snake tail would launch out mid dodge and bite her

She didn't make a sound despite the pain, knowing that she is now poisoned, she had to end the fight quickly, and to her delight, the coat ran out, she closed the distance at once and used her Moon Slasher, giving Nue a nasty cut, it roared in pain but it had no chance to recover as Leona quickly activated her Blood Riot and used her new technique "Leona Blade" condensing the energy of the curse into a blade and cut the Nue in half

The poison was burnt upon activation of her blood riot, she then sighed in relief as the burning sensation in her veins faded

-Mission complete…

Her nightmare still haunted her, a world where she never met Eric and was a mercenary, despite that, she had some lingering attachment to saying that after successfully defeating an enemy

She then left the room, ready to go support Eric

As for Eric…

I went in at the same time as Zelda and Leona, I trust they will succeed

Once in, I saw a woman who was literally white, her kimono white with no design, she was like a blank canvas except for her face, beautiful yet lacking any emotion, she had a naginata made of ice and there were ice butterflies around her

"Yuki-Onna (Boss)"

"Rank: S"

[Is it Nō?]

-Negative…this Yuki-Onna has no relation to the princess…after all, they never existed in this world

[…Then, this place is only a replica of the original, no story related to it]

-In essence


I got close as the Yuki-Onna noticed me, she stood up and prepared her naginata, I got before her and bowed

She was surprised

-…Uncommon for humans to show this much respect

-Uncommon for monsters to speak like you do

-True enough, are you here to defeat me?

-I need to seal the gate

-And I want out of this gate

-Is there no other way? The monsters that haunt this gate will cause too much damage if they escape

-So? Your race are like cockroaches, even if one dies, million more shall take their place

-Ruthless aren't ya? What did humans do to piss you off?

-For starters, it's their fault I am like this…

-Did they kill you?

-I don't remember, I must have suppressed those memories, but this hatred I feel towards you is real

-Why hate me? I don't know you

-You are a human

-And thus their sins are MY fault? That is stupid!

-Humanity should pay for their sins, you will be first

-How unfair to blame someone who wasn't even around to save you for the sins of cunts that deserved death

-…Odd human

-Racist snow woman

We got into position and after a bow from her, we began fighting, she started by causing a small ice ripple at the feet of her naginata forcing me to step back to prevent having my feet be stabbed, only for her to follow up with a quick slice of the naginata, I parried it to the side and sliced, but she made an ice barrier to protect herself and stepped back

Next, she sent multiple icicles that emerged from the ground in a straight line at me and even when I moved, the attack tracked me, and Yuki was not in the mood to let me deal with just that, chasing after me

I stomped on the ground and copied her attack but using fire instead of ice, melting it and reaching her by storm, delivering a brutal combo on her landing multiple hits and then kicking her to the wall, where she got back out and created a bunch of ice arrows, sending them all my way at once

I answered by cutting each of them down, but she closed the gap and managed to get me a couple of times, even outright stabbing me, I broke the naginata with an elbow hit and then before she could reconstruct it


Time stopped and I rushed


I sliced her weapon to ribbons


I swept her feet and crashed her against the floor

-Time flows again

My scythe was on her neck as time restarted and her eyes went wide in shock


-I can stop time for 3 seconds, and I gotcha with it

-…I see…you are astounding…even though I lost…I feel no anger towards you…

-It was a fun fight…gotta admit it hurt a bit

-…It was, I am ready, finish me off

-I can't

-What? Why?

-I kinda promised someone that I wouldn't kill you, right Kasha?



Kasha emerged and happily looked at Yuki

-My lord, you certainly did a number on her! Can you heal it?


-Kasha…what is this?

-Nya, I swore myself to my lord! His strength drove me crazy after all!

-You…betrayed us?

-Hard to call it a betrayal when you were the only one I cared about Nya!

-So now what? I will become this man's servant?

-You wanted out didn't you? Being with him seems fun since he is so strong nya! All we have to do is answer his call!

-…Just that?

-The gate should be left useless once the boss is gone, so if you leave with me, then the gate becomes obsolete and we all win


-Come on Yuki! You know there is no better master! He is handsome too!


-And his soul is so warm! I promise you, you will love it! Why not give him a chance nya?

-…It's better than dying at least…but he is a human…

-Cut him a break Yuki! You keep blaming humans for what happened to you instead of blaming the actual culprits nya! It's like saying that because one cat ate your fish, all cats deserve to die! It's stupid nya!

-…Was I wrong then? Do I not deserve vengeance?

-As usual you don't listen! Get revenge! Our lord will help you I am sure, but don't blame him for what was done to you! Have those responsible take responsibility, not their entire race!!

-…Would you really help me?

-Sure, assholes who turned you against your will into a youkai are the kind of people I don't mind beating within an inch of their life

-…So be it then…I submit to you my liege

"Yuki-Onna has submitted to you, do you wish to take her as your servant?"


"Confirming with Yuki-Onna…"

Yuki's eyes widened and she also visibly blushed before another message showed up

"Yuki-Onna has agreed to become yours… confirming contract…"

"Contract completed"

Another burst of light and Yuki disappeared, Kasha meowed in delight before disappearing too, that's when Leona came in


-Hey, victory!


She got close and hugged me, she really has grown addicted to these, that's when a message appeared

"Congratulations on clearing (Blazing Honnoji castle) gate!"

"Boss was subdued and recruited, gate shall remain open but monsters won't be able to leave!"

"Remaining reward shall be granted to Non-Champions!"


-Normally rewards would give stat boosts ya see? But due to your "Blank Slate", you can't get it, you can become as strong as you can imagine, but you can't get shortcuts

[Shame, but that was my choice from the start]

Leona looked delighted by some energy that entered her body, before she asked


-Let's go get her

We went to the room that she fought in and found her sitting down catching her breath


-Eric! Leona!

She quickly got up and rushed to us, hugging us both at the same time

-We did it!

-Of course we did, did you have any doubts?

-I didn't! My body feels stronger too!

-I feel more strength…

-Well I felt nothing, come on, the gate is no longer a threat, let's leave

The way out was easy since the monsters now ran away from us

-Correction master, they are running away from you


-Since Yuki and Kasha are now within your soul, they can feel the presence of both bosses within you, terrifying them


Once we were out, we realized that about 1 hour had passed out here, but we were in there for about 3 hours

I messaged Link and informed him of what happened and how the gate is now neutralized but he can use it if he ever has money problems, he sent me a "WTF" in return

We headed back home and once in the apartment, I explained what happened, earning a congratulations from everyone since now Zelda and I were a couple, so the day was spent celebrating, much to Zelda's embarrassment, though I must admit she looked adorable blushing like that

Still, Impa's expression was not any better, but I am positive she isn't in love with me, so dunno what her issue is, I should ask her tomorrow after practice but…[Monica?]

-You are correct that she doesn't love you…yet


-She is struggling to understand her emotions, just give her some time to figure it out, don't worry, she will understand soon enough


Regardless, once night time hit, me and Leona headed back home, once home, I went to the training room followed by Leona and I tried to summon Yuki

[Yuki, can you hear me? Come on out!]

She emerged from me as another purple element, this time as stalactites that took form, her new look was a purple kimono with a dragon pattern, her naginata now was made of purple ice and her expression was no longer empty, while she was still pale as snow, her eyes now had a shine to them, a blue shine, and she also was blushing, which made Leona wary


-My liege~


-Oh dear…umm…ok, got it

[Do tell!!]

-Once a creature experiences your soul, they will know exactly what kind of person you are, as a Yuki-Onna, she was always cold and grew used to it, then she also has an absolute hatred for humans, you follow?


-Well, combine the warmth of your soul and the fact that you are a genuinely good person, and we have her experience a warmth like no other, your soul

[Aren't all souls like that?!]



-Depending on the kind of person you are, the reaction to the soul shall be different, if you are an evil person, then the soul will provoke chills and discomfort, like being glared at by a predator, if you are apathetic, the soul will be cold and have no impact, you get it right?


-But your soul was selected by Erizabeth! You are the type of person who will die for others, who has no issue suffering for others, who will protect even random people with no hesitation! What do you think that soul will make you experience?!

[Warmth, I see]

-No! That is too basic! It's a warmth so absurd that it feels like 2 wings that envelop around you! A warmth so soothing and calming that you feel all troubles melt away! She felt like she was being embraced by an angel! Your soul is that wonderful!

[How are you so sure?!]

-Because that is the heaven I experience each day! Did you forget I am also tied to your soul?!


-So someone who has been cold and angry for so long suddenly experiences such warmth! What do you think will happen?!



"💙 (My liege~)"

Yeah, I get it now…

Almost immediately after, Yuki grabbed me and pulled me in for an embrace

-I am so sorry I doubted you! You are so wonderful my liege!

I couldn't exactly talk

-It feels so wonderful to be by your side! Kasha has grown addicted and I fear I have too! No matter what it is my liege, whoever tries to take this warmth away from us will perish! I promise you!

[If Yuki is like this…how is Kasha?]

-Let me show you…


"❤️ (Meowster!)"

[Fucking pun…]

-Get used to it master…

As Leona was trying to get her off me and Yuki refusing to budge, I took the chance to check my bonds with everyone, and ooh boy, I mean everyone

"Hero of Hyrule: Link"

"220 (Brother in law now?)"

"Reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia: Zelda"

"💛 (My beloved )"

"Deadly ninja of the Sheikah clan: Impa"

"210 (What am I feeling?)"

"King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule"

"150 (This boy is my son)"

"Queen Hilda Rhodenheimes Hyrule"

"160 (My incredible son in law)"

"Intergalactic Bounty Hunter: Samus Aran"

"350 (Idiot I love)"

"Valiant Officer of the Federation's military Rodney Aran"

"120 (Will he be our son in law?)"

"Kindhearted mother of the heroine, Virginia Aran"

"120 (He better become our son in law)"

"Silent Soldier Leona Heidern"

"💙 (Love)"

"Future Priestess of the Yata clan Chizuru Kagura"

"180 (Idiot)"

"Current Priestess of the Yata Clan, Maki Kagura"

"200 (I must keep him safe)"

"The Destroyer: Asura"

"110 (He better be alive)"

"Guardian General of Melancholy: Yasha"

"120 (For Mithra's sake, return to her)"

"The one who tamed the Destroyer: Durga"

"120 (Come for Mithra soon boy)"

"Priestess of Shinkoku Trastrium: Mithra"

"250 (Eric…I will help you from now on…)"

"Legendary demon Hunter: Dante"

"200 (My youngest brother)"

"The Alpha and the Omega: Vergil"

"200 (My second brother)"

"Wife of the black knight: Eva"

"150 (The boy who saved our family)"

"Orochi's Lightning: Shermie"

"140 (What do I do?)"

"Psycho Soldier and Pop Idol: Athena"

"320 (I love him…)"

"The spirit of the Master Sword: Fi"

"100 (Master's most trusted confidant)"

"The Alluring Kunoichi: Mai Shiranui"

"360 (My future boyfriend)"

"Patriarch of the Shiranui clan: Hanzo Shiranui"

"180 (Future head of the clan)"

"Dragon Ninja: Ryu Hayabusa"

"210 (My brother in arms)"

"Leader of the Hayabusa clan: Jô Hayabusa"

"130 (Honorary member of the clan)"

"Future Dragon Shrine Maiden: Momiji"

"170 (I already miss him…)"

"The Killer Kunoichi: Ayane"

"340 (My fated one)"

"Interpol legend: Chun-Li"

"100 (Reliable ally)"

"Killer Bee: Cammy White"

"100 (I like this guy!)"

"The Speedy Cruel Beauty: Mature"

"50 (Cute boy)"

"Lady of Nightmare: Freyja"

"❤️‍🩹 (I don't deserve his love…)"

"The nightmare: Triandra"

"💜 (Why did I ever doubt him…?)"

"Sweet Dreams: Peony"

"🧡 (Husband!)"

"Lewd Dream: Plumeria"

"♥️ (Do I deserve his love after what I did?)"

"The wild Flying Swallow: Yuri Sakazaki"

"110 (I will save him next time!)"

"The beautiful kick's illusion: King (Claire)"

"180 (What a man…)"

"Chariot of Hell: Kasha"

"❤️ (Meowster!)"

"Frozen Heart: Yuki-Onna"

"💙 (My liege~)"

"Vicious space pirate leader: Ridley"

"-100 (Sworn enemy)"

"Heavenly king of the Orochi Hakkesshu Goenitz"

"-150 (MAIN threat to our plan)"

"King of Hell: Mundus"

"-150 (Should have killed him when I could…)"

"1st boss of South district: Mr. Big"

"-160 (Asshole who landed me in jail!)"

I…I feel a bit overwhelmed

…Hold on, what about Riju?

-You didn't really make an impact on her so her bond reset, can't really show it, if you do meet again then you will get a new chance, but for now, it is what it is

Yeah, I did kinda fail there, I was so busy I forgot and then I nearly died…for 5 years, oh well, another chance should arrive in the future thanks to Urbosa's relationship with Hilda

Regardless…man, I have a lot of friends! 4 sworn enemies that are bound to come cause me trouble later, the one that worries me the most is Mundus, as for Ridley, I can take him now! I won't give that asshole any chance to revive! I will rend him from existence alongside Samus!

After a bit, Yuki finally released me and Leona drew me close with a hug

-What was that about?

-You see mistress, I absolutely adore the warmth my liege provides me with, I have never felt so protected before…his soul…it feels like angel wings that cover me, protecting me from any and all evil this world could ever offer…I adore it…

-…I see, makes sense

-It does?


She kissed me happily



-May I?


-I…want to know

-…If he doesn't mind

Wait what?

Yuki got close as Leona released me

-My liege, please kiss me!


-I wish to experience how your love would feel…can you grant me a taste?

-I don't love you Yuki…I mean for mercy's sake I just met you!

-That is ok, time is on our side, I will make you fall for me, I promise…but…May I have one taste?

I looked at Leona and she shrugged

[What do I do Monica?]

-It doesn't really matter honestly, if you say no, she will respect your decision and work hard to earn it one day, if you agree, she will get a taste and will become addicted at once, you can see she loves you madly now so, do whatever you please


Addicted? Can that really happen?

-I guess one can't hurt…

-Thank you!

Yuki drew her face close to mine and closed her eyes, she then kissed me, and almost immediately I felt a chill


"💙💙 (What is this?!)"

[What the?!]

-I…heavily underestimated how strong your soul is master…


-Her pleasure is reaching levels that shouldn't be possible! Somehow your soul is increasing her joy at this kiss! How the hell does this even work?!

[English please!]

-Being connected to your soul intensifies joy!!

That's when I noticed she had opened her eyes slightly, her pupils were no longer dots…they were hearts

-That…can't be good, master, sever the kiss at once!

I did since we had been kissing for a bit but she didn't exactly accept it, instead she pushed me down and kept on attacking, my lips were getting sucked here, hell, I felt her tongue demanding to be let in, I was only saved since Leona was there to grab Yuki and toss her back

-I only allowed 1

She was glaring at Yuki while I was catching my breath

Yuki got up, her eyes feverishly glancing at me

-My liege…more…

-Do…well…and I shall…reward you with more…

She nodded and disappeared back into my soul, Leona sighed

-I knew it was addicting…but I didn't expect her to lose control…

-Me neither…

Hey! Sorry I took a while there to update, the Christmas season is brutal at my job, barely have time to do anything before I have to sleep and then wake up to repeat it all again, but I have a bit of time today, sorry about the sudden dissapearance, hopefully it won’t happen again

Once again, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed

Rider_Blazercreators' thoughts