
Welcome to Urdak

New author and first story Disclaimer: This is NOT a DOOM fanfic, the name of the world is merely coincidental A young man gets hit by a truck and dies, an all too common occurrence, and as usual, his soul gets picked up by a God like entity, there, he is offered a chance, a chance to see his loved ones again if he helped the God with a problem in another world, accepting the offer, he is sent to the world of Urdak where he will soon find out, that problem may be worse than expected

Rider_Blazer · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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45 Chs

The KOF starts

As we left the facilities, once above, I asked Idunn to not hold back and blow this place to hell, she nodded and turned again, unleashing all her power onto the facility, getting rid of it completely

-Most personnel evacuated already, a few fools might have been caught in the blast though master

[Screw them, if they worked in this facility, I refuse to believe they had a soul]

-Fair enough

[What about any other psychic commanders?]

-Only Alma could be saved master

[…Yeah, I thought so]


Idunn came to my side and hugged my arm

-Something up Idunn?

-…You are sad

-…Am I? Hmm…how odd

I sighed as I made my wings emerge

-Let's leave, nothing left in this place but bad memories

As we all took flight, I talked to Monica

[Do tell me, where is our new place?]

-Around the block from the apartment

[Is it the mansion that was built a couple years back?]

-Why did you think no one ever occupied it?

[Ah, I see, all right, thank Erizabeth for me again]

-No need, it is merely your reward for going above and beyond your task, your power is growing at an astounding pace too

[Yet I was weaker than the previous one I fought]

-Again huh? He had a better gift in the short term, but you gained it, so now you can upgrade it beyond what he could

[What do you mean?]

-Blank Slate allows you to use any ability at will, that last jackass wasted his strongest slot on manipulation, but thanks to your study with the ninjas of both Hayabusa and Shiranui clans, you are resistant to both


-Let me put it like this, you were able to learn both styles


-You were able to learn magic


-You can learn psychic powers and you have amazing physical prowess


-That last reincarnator can't do that, their bodies are limited and they may not have the aptitude, that doesn't apply to you

[Run that by me, what are those limitations?]

-The Hayabusa style requires discipline and seriousness, you have neither of those

[I mean-]

-Master, you are not like them, yet, you could learn it, the Shiranui style while not requiring seriousness, requires discipline, but you could play around while still learning it


-If techniques have a requirement, to you, that doesn't matter, since Blank Slate can and Will allow you to learn it

[Even the Kagura style?]

-Indeed, it is only for females, but thanks to Blank Slate you could have learnt it

[Why not warn me back then? Reflections would have been extremely useful!]

-You don't need them


-Trust me master, you can learn any technique, but needless bloat is unnecessary


-Besides, it would have crept them out if a man learnt it

[Much better!]

Once home, Leona greeted me with a hug and a kiss but then looked at my arms and sighed

-Another one?

-There is a lot of people who need help, you know how I am when someone needs me

-I know, it's why I fell for you, but…just to clarify, me, Zelda, Freyja, that's all right?


-For now


-Yes, for now…ok, who is our new guest?

I told her all I knew including some Bs from documents that never existed just to get the full story, amplifying her sympathy

-…Poor girl


-Still, we are gonna need more room Eric, we have too many people here

-I got us a new place


-When I was out, called a couple people who owed me a favor, payed in advance and now that mansion that has been uninhabited for years is ours



-Put everything in your inventory, we are moving now

-Gotcha, I'll go tell the Hyrules first

I laid Alma down on a bed and went to my neighbors, Zelda greeted me first with a tackle, I of course resisted the fall and hugged her, then I kissed her, as she happily rested on my chest, I told her

-I'm moving out

-Really? Where?

-Around the block, that empty mansion that was built a couple years back

-How did you even get that?!

-Connections and money

-I swear Eric…so you will be close huh?

-Indeed, I wanted to let you guys know, since I have Inventory, I should be done within half an hour to 1 hour

-Such a convenient magic

-That's why you learned it right?

-Hm! So tell me, who did you save this time?

-How did you-

-You stink of blood

-?! Ugh, sorry…

I told her about Alma and Armacham

-…Hm, I see…Need any help digging up some info?

-Can you? I would appreciate the whereabouts of their president, Genevieve Aristide

-Ok, I will look info on her, if those atrocities are what Armacham does…

-I will stop them

-WE will stop them sir, I am tagging along when you do

-I would advice against it

-Why? I am certain you are not saying that because I will be a hindrance

-Of course not, you proved yourself when we fought in the gate, but…Armacham Replica Soldiers are human like, are you ready to kill them? Killing monsters is entirely different from killing people


-Take your time thinking about it, I'm packing my things

I kissed her forehead and left her thinking, Zelda is a good girl, I am not sure if she is ready to see bloodshed like the one we will witness once we attack the headquarters

I stored everything in my inventory, called the girls, took Alma and we left the building, heading towards the mansion

The place was spotless thankfully, so after everyone chose their rooms, I unpacked everything, though…

The master bedroom was…questionable

-Are beds supposed to be that big?


-You don't sound too sure Leona…


That bed could fit 8 people easy…hell, the whole room is massive, and from what I can tell, it also is reinforced, I actually decided to test it but even a full powered punch from me couldn't break it

[Erizabeth went above and beyond to make this place resilient huh? What can break it?]

-Anything below Ex rank will fail

[Holy moly! The whole mansion?!]


[Nice! But…why is-]

-You know the answer to that master




Leaving THAT matter aside, the place was open to us but I did find the keys to it in the master bedroom, so I asked Leona to go get copies of this for nearly all of us, on the meantime, I talked to Monica

[So how does this place work?]

-In the basement there is a mechanism that activates upon being fed mana, it will create a barrier that will only allow those you see as allies or have your permission to enter the grounds of the mansion

[How convenient! Say, I have some questions]

-Go ahead master

[Erizabeth told me that the Gods can't interfere with the mortal realm, yet that Nekro asshole has and even will emerge with an avatar, can't Erizabeth do the same?]

-Ah, so that is your question, ok, let me explain, Erizabeth didn't lie, God can't interfere in the mortal world…or well, more like they SHOULDN'T


-You see, Gods and their avatars are in a whole new realm of power, their existence in a world like this one would cause damage since they are so powerful, something as simple as a mood shift can cause tsunamis and earthquakes, an avatar can lessen the issue but an avatar can die, and if they die, the God will lose a lot of power, killing an avatar is nearly impossible but, it IS possible

[So it's less they can't and more like it's a bad idea]

-Indeed, but Nekro in his arrogance has completely discarded the idea that he could be killed by mortals, and with multiple Reincarnators on his side, I can see why he is so cocky, but he still lacks a lot of power before he can properly form his avatar, so all he can do is twist the world around you, but he can't come kill you himself yet

[I see, thanks for clearing that up]

-My pleasure

As I regained my senses, a sudden Manakete flew at me


-?! GAH!!

I actually got knocked down due to the sudden tackle, as we landed, Tiki happily told me

-This place is so big! Is this our new home?

-Yeah…it is…

-I love it! Thank you so much Er-Er!

-I'm glad

I began patting her head and she happily received it

-…It's so warm…


-It's not cold, like when I slept, when I was under the bad people, this is warm…

How can you trigger my protective instincts so much?

I wanted to keep her safe in the games, here is something else completely! Regardless, I picked her up and headed to the main hall where I placed the big tv we had, plugged it in with magic and I searched for something we could enjoy, Myrrh joined us soon after and once I found a good show, I left it on for them

However, despite their enjoyment, Myrrh ask

-Umm…big bro?

-Hm? What is it Myrrh?

-I…I've been meaning to ask for a bit now but…

-Don't be afraid to ask

-…Why did you adopt us?


-You have no obligation to us…you don't need to do this…saving us would have been enough…so why…?

-Because you look like you needed help


-I don't need another reason Myrrh, you looked like you needed me, so I acted

-Big bro…

-So don't worry about that, ok?


Oddly enough, Nagi and Idunn didn't join us, maybe they wanted to talk among themselves? When Leona arrived she also didn't join, so we just spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying whatever was on tv, not the most exciting, but I welcome the change, the last few days have been too much for me

However, once night time hit, the whole mansion began shaking

-What the?!


-Big bro! Could it be Alma?!

-Ah sh-Shiza!

Nearly swore! Ok, telepathy activate…


[Alma! Chill! I'll be right there!]


I left both my little sisters and rushed to Alma's room, once there, she saw me and jumped me, hugging as tight as she could

-Calm down Alma…it wasn't a dream, this isn't a dream, I am here, you are here, away from Armacham, away from all those bastards…you are safe


I hugged her back trying to get her to relax

[Good thing this house is resilient huh?]

-Yeah, otherwise Alma would have blown it into oblivion

After a few seconds, everything relaxed

-Ok…you are ok…


-It's ok, this place was made to withstand power like yours, you are safe here

-…But…if I hurt anyone else…

-Calm down, your powers may be hard to control, but I don't think you would attack at random, after all, you haven't hurt me yet have you?

-No! But I-

-Relax, believe it or not, I also know someone who used to have the same problem you have right now


-Your power, she couldn't control it and hurt me, but now she can, if she could, you can too


-My girlfriend, Leona

The placed began shaking again


-Well, one of


-Hey I never said I was a saint!

She looked at me funny, I smiled


-! Yes…

I separated from her and began patting her head, she visibly relaxed and enjoyed my caress

"Headpat Master upgraded! A—>A+"

Oh shit! That ability! Been a while since I have seen it!

-It has work and upgraded passively, can't believe how far you took it…

[What does it even do?]



-It's blissful

I imagined petting her head

-So blissful~

What the fuck is this ability?

Oh well, this certainly quelled Alma's fury, still, was she angry at me having a girlfriend?

-In a way

[Isn't it too early?]

-She is not in love with you yet master, at least, she doesn't know yet, her heart complained but that's it, until she understands what she feels, she will feel annoyed without knowing why

[So complicated…]

-We are talking about a powerful psychic that doesn't understand emotions, it's only natural it'll be troublesome, but you chose this

[I know, ok…]

These are going to be troublesome days huh?

It's time!! KoF! At last! I was looking forward to this!

The last few days I spent introducing Alma to my family, friends, the wonders of technology, and happiness given physical form, (Also known as chocolate) she was a massive fan of the latter

I also took time to practice with Athena for our upcoming introduction, hell, I am a bit excited here, my comeback will cause some waves

Last we played the song, it was a hell of a performance, so I am looking forward to the actual thing, but the thing that I am looking to the most is the fights! I will fight the legends of KoF! Shame that not everyone will be here, I wonder how strong K would be, or Maxima! Ain't that dude part robot? Right, a cyborg!

I also spent each night with Freyja, Peony joined us often too but Plumeria and Triandra are apparently too ashamed to see me again, but, it's only a matter of time before they come back… still, it was enjoyable

Well, regardless, I am happy with what I will get, let's make the most out of this!

First things first! Showtime!

Finally! The KoF is inaugurating! Athena already brought a lot of fans and the fights brought even more! This cooperation is a massive success! Once Eric comes into the spotlight the contracts will come at full speed! Hell, I have Sally, my secretary ready to answer because ooh boy, calls are gonna roll!!

Shermie has already confirmed her participation, and I could tell that she has the song on lock down, I can't wait for it!

-I have heard great things from your agency Mr. Lee, I expect a grand opening today

-Of course Mr. Bernstein! I promise you, this will be our greatest show yet!

Rugal Bernstein, the man in charge of the KoF, a business man but, one that is not a good man, I have heard some dark rumors of him and the man himself is terrifying, but in business, such things are irrelevant!

We are currently watching the stage from a VIP booth

-I would hope, my partner and I desire to make this event an anual one, this first one MUST be memorable

-I promise you, it will be one for the history books!

-I do wonder what gives you such confidence

-It's a special surprise Mr. Bernstein, Athena won't perform alone

-Oh? You have stars that can keep up with her?


-Well, now I am looking forward to it, if I am satisfied, you can expect further contracts

-I am honored Mr. Bernstein!


The man took a wine cup and calmly drank, as Athena made her introduction…tch, that boy again…Sie Kendou…he has the same powers as Athena and has become rather close to her, but an idol cannot have a lover! Should I have security kick him out?

…No, Athena should be in love with Eric, but this Kensou boy might find out…

I might deal with him if he sticks his nose in too deep…

The song began and Shermie emerged from the smoke machines, immediately causing a ruckus, this is a perfect first step!

-Shermie? While a nice surprise, the 2 of them performing is nothing new Mr. Lee

-Mr. Bernstein, the show has just begun

I gave him a confident smile and he looked curiously at me


-Hm? Who is that?

-Tell me Mr. Bernstein, ever heard of SAE?

-SAE? Certainly, my kids were big fans back in the day, but didn't the lead singer die? What was his name again…? Eric?

-Indeed, that is what we all thought Mr. Bernstein

-What are you-


Welcome to the greatest storm!

His attention immediately went back to stage as from above, Eric descended as practiced and he took off his hood

-I know! You have waited much too long!

The second his face was displayed on the monitor, a deafening cheer emerged from the crowd, I looked around and saw a lot of people rushing to the KoF, seemingly excited, confused, in shock, heh, the exact desired result

-Is that…

-Yes Mr. Bernstein, our legendary genius was alive, and this is his comeback

Rugal smiled widely

-Call me Rugal Mr. Lee, I believe this is the start of a profitable relationship

-I couldn't agree more Rugal


Rugal was enjoying the music as SAE finally was together again…hm? Is Shermie crying? Hah! How adorable, the same reaction Athena had…Eric is quite the ladies man it seems…hopefully he causes no scandals due to it


Suddenly 2 young teens entered the booth, a girl and a boy, the girl was seemingly excited

-You never said you got SAE!!

-It was all a surprise, what do you think?

-It's amazing!!

-You outdid yourself father!

Both seem happy, strange…I was under the impression that they didn't like Rugal…perhaps it was all malicious rumors?

Oh well, who cares? The audience has exploded and people are climbing in to get a better view of our resurrected genius

I heard my phone ring

-Excuse me Rugal, I gotta take this call

-Go ahead Lee! We shall enjoy the music while you are gone!

I left the booth and picked up

-Yes Sally?

-Sir! We need more people!! There's not enough phones!

-Hahahah!! Why are you worried Sally? These fools are gonna beg us soon! Don't be concerned and just answer whatever you can! Those who are unlucky will not complain! We are the ones in charge now!

-Yes sir!

I hung up and restrained myself to not laugh madly, this is exactly what I wanted! Eric! You absolute madman! You are my lucky star!!

I didn't expect such an explosive reception! Everyone is cheering for us!

-Master, what did you expect exactly?

[Not this!]

-How come? This music is fantastic!

-Be proud Meowster! You certainly have made an impact!

I didn't expect people to start climbing over the stadium! Security is trying to keep people in check but…there's not enough!

As the song came to an end, the crowd exploded again as I said loudly


A deafening cheer emerged as I laughed

-Honestly, gotta admit! I missed this! Hope you all still have energy though! This was MY comeback song, but it has also been a while for SAE no? We got one to celebrate being back together!

As the people cheered, I smiled at Athena and then at Shermie, I didn't expect her to pop up as a surprise, but thankfully she was given the same practice time, the rest of the musicians are here simply to support us, still, the help is appreciated

I could also see Shermie crying, hell, it's good to see her again, so I left the mic on stage and got close to her, she seemed confused before I hugged her, causing another explosion

-Sorry I took so long

-…It's fine isn't it? You are back after all

-It's good to see you again

-…Same…but come on, we have a show to play, we can catch up later

-Fair enough

I let go and then got close to Athena



I smiled and screamed


As the band began playing, Athena took the first verse

-Well my friends it's been a long long time!

-Whoa~oh oh! Whoa~oh oh!

I came next

-But we're still kicking and we're in our prime!

-Whoa~oh oh! Whoa~oh oh!

It was like that, me and Athena on the first verse, me and Shermie on the second, and the girls on the third, Get the gang back together, the song took everyone by storm

Hello everyone! Apologies for the lack of upload last week, I’m trying to set up a schedule for upload but plenty of work related issues have kept me busy, apologies once again for the delay, I’ll upload a couple extra chapters to apologize, sorry for the rant and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Songs referenced

-Knight of the wind (Sonic and the Black Knight)

-Get the gang back together (Miracle of Sound)

Rider_Blazercreators' thoughts