
Welcome to Urdak

New author and first story Disclaimer: This is NOT a DOOM fanfic, the name of the world is merely coincidental A young man gets hit by a truck and dies, an all too common occurrence, and as usual, his soul gets picked up by a God like entity, there, he is offered a chance, a chance to see his loved ones again if he helped the God with a problem in another world, accepting the offer, he is sent to the world of Urdak where he will soon find out, that problem may be worse than expected

Rider_Blazer · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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45 Chs

A startling revelation

Once at the center of town, we saw that there was a bunch of fighters, but none worth thinking about

There was a small ceremony but this isn't the main event, so after some words, we were assigned to multiple arenas and my team had to go against other teams, we were divided into multiple groups, needless to say, we won easily, so much so, that we decided each person would handle an entire team, our enemies didn't like it but it wasn't our problem, we were strong enough to do it after all

It still took all day and we were declared the winners of our group, tomorrow we will deal with the winners of each group and that way, we will earn our way into the main event of KoF, and I am looking forward to it

We spent the rest of the day getting to know each other a bit better, while Cammy didn't have much to say, I was able to tell them about my past and experiences, once I mentioned my ability to cook, they were curious, and with some help from Monica, I was able to make something that gained me an immediate 20 points

"Chun Li"

"80 (How talented…)"


"90 (He can do everything!)"

Thanks to that, future conversation about hobbies and sports became easier, Cammy was curious about a lot of those as we explained her, thankfully the sports I know of exist here, plus a few magic oriented ones…wonder if I can introduce Dead man volley?

Eh, for later, overall, I am solidifying the bond I have with these 2

At night, I found myself back in Dökk…ugh, too hard to say, point is, I was back in the nightmare realm and the 3 fairies once they sensed me, suddenly showed up and tackled me to the ground, Freyja had joined them too

-Heck of a welcome everyone!

-Why did you leave?!

-Dummy! Big bro is a dummy!!

-I thought you abandoned us!!

-Sorry, sorry, but I woke up, didn't Freyja tell you?

-Doesn't make it any better!!

Plumeria scolded while the other 2 agreed, Freyja merely laughed

-So you did hear my name

-Barely though, really that wake up was unexpected…still, now that I have your name, what about you 3?



-Don't remember!

-You…don't? Yet you remember me?

-I prefer remembering you than the name that bastard called me by…

-Since she didn't want me, I won't use that name!

-I just forgot, tee hee!

Peony is the only one with a non heavy reason…I analyzed each of them


"Rank: D+"

"Age: 15"

"Strength: D-"

"Agility: C-"

"Magic: B+"

"Endurance: D"

"Charisma: SS"

"Luck: E+"

"Perception: B-"


"Rank: D-"

"Age: 13"

"Strength: E+"

"Agility: D-"

"Magic: A+"

"Endurance: D-"

"Charisma: S+"

"Luck: B-"

"Perception: B-"


"Rank: D+"

"Age: 15"

"Strength: D-"

"Agility: D"

"Magic: S"

"Endurance: D-"

"Charisma: SS"

"Luck: A-"

"Perception: B-"

They are my age?! How the hell?!

-Lack of nutrition I would wager master


-Yup, this time I expected this so I made the appropriate arrangements, I can be with you here now

[I am delighted! As usual, I will be counting on you]

-Leave it to me master!

I smiled

-Then how about I give you each a name?

The 3 looked at me with stars in their eyes, Freyja giggled

-Think you got good ones?


I looked at each one by one




The 3 looked delighted with their names, and while they called each other by name, Freyja came close

-I like them, they will merge well with the other inhabitants…they are cute too

-Still caring about the opinion of mob characters?


-Fuckers who are non important

-How ruthless

She said that smiling

-They clearly don't deserve pity if they treat you like that because of your appearance

-Easy for you to say…you are devastatingly handsome…

-Fair enough, but I seriously believe you will be fine


-Because your eyes are too beautiful, so I think it's only a matter of time

-…You really are a sinful man

-Sinful? I take offense to that! I am a chaotic man! Though I won't deny wrath, might have to work on that

-Not what I meant

-Then pray, what did you mean?

-You run around saving everyone without thinking of the consequences of your actions

-I do think of those thank you very much! I have always kept an eye on how things pan out after my actions, ensure the safety and motivation of those I save!

-Not what I meant either

-Ok, does it have ANYTHING to do with their safety?


-Then why should I care? As long as they are safe, I don't care

-That might end up biting you

-Could you stop being cryptic?


-Sassy ain't ya?

We still laughed at that, after all, I would hardly call that conversation serious

So I spent time playing around with the 3 fairies, that's when I asked

-Say Freyja?

-Yes Eric?

-How long has it been here since I last came?

-Around 1 month


-Time flows differently in different worlds, as such, don't be too surprised

-But then…you all…

-Don't be concerned, we have a long life, a very long one, perhaps one day we can stabilize time between our worlds, but for now, let them treasure the time they have with you


I tried to make sure they had the most fun possible with me around, and thanks to my magic, I was able to even play songs for them, anything really, we played a lot while we were there, only after a long time, did my body become transparent

-Ah, guess I am waking up

-Huh?! No! Big brother don't leave!

-Just a bit more! Please!


-Girls, he has his life, we can't keep him here

-But lady Freyja! You miss him too!!

-Of course I do, but we cannot hold him here, it would be unfair to him

All 3 sulked so I just gently pat them

-I will be back, next time I fall asleep, I will come back, ok?




-Good, see you girls

I awoke, and got ready for the fights that would come today

Again, they were fodder, so we got to the finals with ease, and even then we won effortlessly, but at least now we have secured our entrance to the main event, they granted us tickets to a plane that'll get me to Renotia at long last, since we didn't have anything important at the hotel, I called and told the Goron that we are leaving, he wished us good luck and we went straight for the airport

We were welcomed by a private jet and a lot of food and accommodations, hell pretty sure there was a jacuzzi in the damn thing, didn't bother using it, I just slept the way through…only to wake up once we arrived

-Hey, Eric! Wake up!

-Hmm…? Cammy?

-Yeah, come on! We arrived!

Huh? Why didn't I…

-That's odd…maybe it only happens at night?

-That would make sense…still, don't like to break my promises…

-You have no control over it master


I got up and stretched, I went out and we were offered a ride towards our hotel, but Cammy and Chun Li refused, they wanted to go shopping for new clothes since we have a while before we fight in the KoF, I also refused since Lee had given me a call to meet him in the studio, same place I used to record music

So the poor driver was left in an awkward spot, I asked him to drive me and bade farewell to Cammy and Chun Li

-We have arrived sir

-Thanks mate

-Thank you for letting me do my job, dare I ask what is your business here?

-Didn't die, Eric from 5 years ago


-Have a good one!

I got out as the driver stared at me in disbelief, I entered and saw Lee there waiting alongside many of the employees I had gotten to know throughout the time I was here

-It's really him!

-He lives!

-Welcome back!!

A whole celebration, a party was waiting for me, a big banner at the top reading "Welcome back", I couldn't help but laugh

-Ha…thanks everyone, Lee, how the heck did you get here before me?

-Teleportation kid! I will hook you up with them later


-A business of mages who know space magic and can teleport you around the kingdom, expensive but well worth the price


I enjoyed the party but it was mainly a formality, while I had gotten to know the people there, I wouldn't call them friends, more like, acquaintances, still, it was a nice gesture, even if it is solely because they know I will bring in the cash

After a bit, Lee told me to head to the studio and prepare the song, so I did, it didn't take any time at all thanks to Monica

Once I was done, I began practicing with the violin for the song, until I heard the door opening

-Lee, what is it now? I kinda am bu-

A beautiful girl with black hair and red with pink clothes greeted me, her purple eyes watered as I smiled softly



She dove straight at me and knocked me down, hugging me incredibly tightly, it actually began hurting a bit much to my shock

-It's been a while Athena…

I swallowed the pain and hugged her, she didn't answer and just kept hugging me absurdly tight, it did hurt

Oh well, guess it's ok

Umm…You know? I have been so very focused on my training that I kinda forgot something…I am a teenager, and Athena is very beautiful, needless to say, I suddenly found myself being embarrassed at such a tight hug, and also began wondering if this will become an issue

-There is nothing wrong with being interested in the opposite gender


-You are embarrassed


-I never thought I would see the day! You are embarrassed! My dear master has hit puberty!

[Oh bite me!]

-If I could…❤️


Gah! Not thinking about it! Just be glad to see an old friend again!

Awawawawawawaw!! I was so delighted to see him again that I just dove in for a hug but…ah, he has grown up too much!!

He no longer is soft to hug, now his chest is so sturdy…I actually feel quite safe here…and his voice! Why did it change so much?! It's no longer adorable but manly and powerful! I never thought puberty would hit him so much!

Now I no longer know what to do! I don't want him to see how red I am right now, but I also wanna get a better look at his face…I was so happy that I cried and my tears obscured my view…but I know I saw someone astoundingly handsome!

What now?! I am too embarrassed to look at him! But don't we have a song to practice?! What do I do?! Ah why did I just jump head first?!

…He hugged me back and I kinda don't want to let go…this feels…wonderful…this feels…completely different than when other people have hugged me…I think I was right…this really is…


"200 (…)"

[Monica! Care to explain?!]

-…Don't wanna


-Don't wanna! Figure it out yourself…dumb master…


-Oh! Guess you aren't dumb…

[How could I be so dumb?! I know for a fucking fact that she is blushing like a damn cherry in my chest! Doesn't seem like she wants to let go anyways!]

-Well, you are correct

[Does that mean that every fucking time I saw those dots meant LOVE?!]

-Yeah, kinda


That's Zelda, Leona, Samus, Mai, Ayane, and now fucking Athena?! That's fucking 6! What the fuck do I do now?! If I accept one, 5 bonds break!! FUCK!!

-…Master, are you perhaps misunderstanding something?

[What could I possibly be misunderstanding?!]

-Why accept only 1?


-Polygamy is legal, even encouraged


-I mean…come on, with how many people die due to the irregular gates and evil organizations that exist, do you really think birth rates can keep up with the deaths? You may have saved a lot of people but normally casualties are hundreds to thousands each time gates open irregularly


-Besides, isn't this better?


-Polygamy is allowed as long as all parties desire it, naturally, magic can be used to measure compatibility, so arranged marriages no longer work due to lack of love, you get me? These things must be based on love or they won't work


-Asides from that, I am sure you have seen it multiple times in your world, video games usually use the power of love, sounds familiar?

[No fucking way…]

-Way! Power of love is a thing, and it's total bullshit

[First time I have heard you swear…]

-It's the only appropriate thing to call it, the power of love breaks all limits and grants massive powerups, you don't need to care about the limit break part, but the powerups are usually beyond belief, the working theory is that due to Mana originating from the soul and true love being such a pure emotion, and emotions fueling the soul…you can see where I am going


-So go ahead! Don't be afraid and fall in love! The more love the better! Just make sure your emotions are honest!

[…Dunno how mom and dad will react to seeing more than one daughter in law…]

-They might burst out laughing

[Jeez…so…it's encouraged to love freely?]

-As long as it's reciprocated, coming from 2 people of rational age and as long as it's true, gender and species don't matter

[Is that another reason for allowing polygamy?]

-Eh, same sex marriage encourages adoption so, dunno


Guess…guess worry is useless? Uh…ok…

…I…I am a tad bit bewildered right now so I will keep this conversation going until I get it together

[So what's rational age?]

-As long as they are considered adults according to their race, you know that some races like elves live for over 10k years and humans barely live up to 200 years so-

[Hold the phone! 200?!]

-Yeah, thanks to mana, human lifespan has been increased heavily, it applies to all races, the usual lifespan of an elf is 5k years without mana, see the pattern?

[Ok…and it makes sense that a man of around 25 married an elf woman that is 250?]

-In a nutshell, but elves actually reach maturity at around the same time as humans, 18 to 21, depends on the individual

[Aight…and what about me? How long do I have?]

-You are a special case due to 3 factors

[3? Ok, one is being a champion right?]

-Indeed, since goddess Erizabeth is covering for you, your lifespan is expanded, after all she is the goddess of Life too, without any training, you could reach 300 years old easy

[Without training?]

-That's your 2nd factor, ranks, the basic rank everyone reaches is C-, but the higher the rank, the longer the lifespan, right now you are rank A+ right?

I quickly checked


"Rank: A+"

"Age: 15"

"Strength: A+"

"Agility: A+"

"Magic: A+"

"Endurance: S+"

"Charisma: SS+"

"Luck: B-"

"Perception: S-"

When did my luck increase?

-Oh, look at that…anyways, at this rank, I estimate you can live up to 2k years with no complications, and here is the third factor

[Let's hear it]

-Your actions


-You may not have realized it master, but you can be called a hero


-Indeed, your just acts have attracted the attention of other Gods and Goddesses who approve of what you do, hence they can improve your life expectancy since they want heroes to live long


-As such, right now you have Hylia also interested in you

[Oh, Hylia is real too! Awesome!]

-She is delighted to know you think like that

[Still, isn't Hylia just Zelda reincarnated?]

-Not here, a Goddess has far too much power for a mortal vessel, unless she transcends mortality, Zelda will not reach the true power of Hylia, Zelda is a vessel of some of the power Hylia has, sent to help against the calamity that was Ganon before he turned into the current being of hatred and malice he is

[Sheesh…so Hylia and Zelda are 2 separate entities huh…?]

-Don't tell me you wish to also seduce the Goddess herself!


-Well, she isn't opposed to the idea seeing how much Zelda likes you


-Do you not like the idea?


-Bah, and here I thought you would be going after Goddess Erizabeth

[I swear to Hylia Monica I am gonna get pissed off!]

-Ok, ok, fine

[Ok…what was that about transcending mortality?]

-That's the rank beyond Ex, mortals can reach Ex rank and stand at the top of mortality, if you can go beyond that, you will ascend into godhood with it's own system

[Aight…so the God I have to kill at the end and the evil reincarnators, are those guys?]

-It would be wise to see the reincarnators as Ex rank, they have yet to make their move since they will only start once the calamity hits, as for the god, he will be an avatar of the actual thing, expect him to be above Ex

[Ugh…what about Mundus? Isn't he a demon god?]

-SSS rank is powerful, but an avatar at the end of the day, a god cannot come to the world without causing a massive disaster, they can only send avatars that may have variants in strength, not all are strong

[Ok…so Mundus…]

-He can hardly be called a God master, but his true strength is frightening, you will be able to kill him once you join forces with the devil twins

[Dante and Vergil…wonder how those 2 are doing? They still see me as their brother according to the bonds menu…]

-Well, have I answered all your questions?

[Yeah…but let us leave the confession of love part for another day, I don't think she will confess here and now]

-When will be a good time?

[Maybe once I am strong enough to protect them from harm, or they are strong enough to kick my ass]

-Fair enough, your current situation hardly calls for romance

[Thank you]

-Now you may want to let go, you have been hugging in quiet contemplation for over 15 minutes


I realized that neither of us has let go for quite a while! I was so focused talking to Monica I ignored the real world!!

-Uh…sorry to interrupt you 2

We both reacted and let go before getting up, Athena was blushing a lot while I coughed to recover my rationale

-Aight, it's wonderful to see you again Athena, but let's focus on the job at hand


-Ok! I will leave you lovebirds to it, bye!


-MR. LEE!!

He laughed and left the room, I sighed

-Ok, lets ignore the wanker


-Relax Athena, it's still me, you being like that makes me feel awkward

-Sorry…lots of things have happened you know?

-Well, before we get to business, how about we catch up?